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How to use resample command line utility

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:41 pm
by ywang
I'm using 3.0.2 windows version and I have a 3D MRI volume of 185x512x512. I want to down sample it to 185x256x256 using resample.bat. I tried the following command:

AimsResample.bat -i inupufile -o outfile --dx 185 --dy 256 --dz 256

It did the work. However, it just cut half the head off instead of resampling. Did I do something wrong?

Thank you very much! :(

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:58 pm
by riviere
Yes, the result you get is normal: as you have not specified a different voxel size, just the number of voxels is changed in your command (and the field of view is cut by one half in y and z directions).
You should specify --sx, --sy, --sz options to AimsResample to actually change the voxels size.
Hint: All commandlines have a little help showing at least the options they accept: try AimsResample -h to get it (or any other command from our package with the -h option).