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I have a trouble shooting when anatomist starts up!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:08 pm
by khs001
I'm a graduate student in MNI at Mcgill Univ. When I first installed brainvisa, anatomist worked very well. but now It doesn't work, when it starts up, it has a bug message fallowed below. please help me.

Starting Anatomist.....
55 palettes loaded
config file : /home/bic/khs001/.anatomist/config/settings.cfg
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/anatomist/syntax/anatomist_attributes.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/anatomist/syntax/graph.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/anatomist/syntax/hierarchy.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/adap.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/anatomist_attributes.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/domain.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/fold.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/graph.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/hierarchy.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/mgraph.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/internal/fold_internal.stx read
Syntax /data/noel/noel3/hosung/SHFJ_pack-stable-linux-2.3.5/share/shfj/nomenclature/syntax/internal/model_internal.stx read
Segmentation fault

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:17 am
by Yann Cointepas
What BrainVISA package are you using ?

What happened between your first install and now ? Has part of the operating system changed ? Did you try to reinstall BrainVISA ?

Does the crash happen immediately when you start Anatomist or when you try to open a window (3D, Axial, Coronal, etc.) ?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:28 pm
by khs001
I'm using linux version 2.3.5 and the crash comes up when I start Anatomist up, which means I can't see anything except this error message. in addition to that, I already uninstrall and reinstall it several times. please help me.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:16 pm
by denghien

Perhpas the problem is not the paketage but your computer configuration. I think especially of graphic card, bad driver for it or bad configuraiton of serverX. Do you know your kind of graphic card ?


crash due to graphic card?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 5:14 am
by Guidon

The same thing happens to me on linux (kernel 2.6.8 ) when I try launching anatomist, although this is my first installation of Brainvisa. I have a Compaq presario with an ATI radeon card and I feel unlucky.

Maybe your card is supported and you will just need to change something in your X config file as described on the installation page:
# If Anatomist complains of not being able to allocate OGL memory: your X server probably has not loaded the GLX module: You must have XFree4.0 at least (or Edit your X11 server configuréation (depending on the server you are using, it should be one of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, /etc/X11/XF86Config or /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and add the following lines in the Modules section:
Load "GLcore"
Load "glx"
If your 3D graphics card has linux support for accelerated rendering, you can also load the dri module (see the DRI project):
Load "dri"
Then restart your X server
# If anatomist crashes when you open a rendering window with a Nvidia card: we have experienced such crashes with some old versions of the nvidia driver: please upgrade your driver.
# ATI 3D cards and drivers: We have not tried every ATI driver version but had problems with many of them. Sometimes display crashes or doesn't work, or (with more recent drivers) display is OK and fast, but clicking on 3D objects doesn't return correct coordinates, so selection and drawing is impossible.
Using software rendering is slower but works better...

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:25 am
by riviere
If it worked at first and doesn't work anymore, I only see 2 possible causes:
- something wrong has been written in your anatomist configuration (but I don't see why). Erase the directory ~/.anatomist and start it again
- you changed something on your system. Then we need more information about your system, your graphics card and driver, and what has happened to it since your first install. However graphics card drivers problems usually only show up when you try to open a 3D window. Have you started anatomist alone "by hand", or triggered by a viewer of BrainVisa ? I ask this because all BrainVisa viewers open 3D views, so it is almost impossible to know if the crash happens on 3D view opening or at startup in this case. Please try anatomist alone first...
