DTI pipeline problem on some computer

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DTI pipeline problem on some computer

Post by synic »


Some people in my laboratory have some problem with the Brainvisa 3.01's DTI process on their computer (recently installed), whereas these processes work very well on mine. Maybe you know what is the base of this bug...

This is the error message :

neuroProcesses.py (1612) in _processExecution:
result = process.execution( self )
DiffusionEPICorrection.py (108) in execution:
apply( context.system, command )
neuroProcessesGUI.py (932) in system:
ret = apply( ExecutionContextGUI.system, (self,) + args, kwargs )
neuroProcesses.py (1690) in system:
ret = self._system( command, self._systemStdout, self._systemStderr )
neuroProcesses.py (1745) in _system:
result = c.wait()
neuroProcesses.py (972) in wait:
raise self.SignalException( _t_( 'Command not found: <em>%s</em>' ) \

dans Pipeline DTI 2 SignalException: Command not found: :\Program" "Files\SHFJ_pack-stable-win32-3.0.1\bin\commands-links\AimsorrectionEpi.exe

neuroProcesses.py (1612) in _processExecution:
result = process.execution( self )
neuroProcesses.py (787) in execution:
return self._executionNode.run( context )
neuroProcesses.py (1268) in run:
return self._run( context )
neuroProcesses.py (1393) in _run:
result.append( node.run( context ) )
neuroProcesses.py (1268) in run:
return self._run( context )
neuroProcesses.py (1340) in _run:
return context.runProcess( self._process )
neuroProcesses.py (1505) in runProcess:
result = self._processExecution( _process )
neuroProcesses.py (1612) in _processExecution:
result = process.execution( self )
DiffusionEPICorrection.py (108) in execution:
apply( context.system, command )
neuroProcessesGUI.py (932) in system:
ret = apply( ExecutionContextGUI.system, (self,) + args, kwargs )
neuroProcesses.py (1690) in system:
ret = self._system( command, self._systemStdout, self._systemStderr )
neuroProcesses.py (1745) in _system:
result = c.wait()
neuroProcesses.py (972) in wait:
raise self.SignalException( _t_( 'Command not found: <em>%s</em>' ) \

Traitement Pipeline DTI 2 terminé sur 2006/02/13 13:16 (1 secondes)

Thank's for your help,


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Yann Cointepas
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Post by Yann Cointepas »

This is due to a bug that have been fixed recently (we are trying to find time to release a 3.0.2 version). The only way I know to avoid this problem with 3.0.1 version is to install the package in a directory that does not contain any space in its name (therefore 'Program Files' cannot be used).
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Post by synic »

Thanks a lot
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