Source code for soma.wip.aimsalgo.samplables.superquadricsamplable

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# Project : Pyaimsalgo
# Module : aimsalgo.samplables
# Create date : 2007-07-13
# Description :
# 	This file contains SuperQuadricSamplable class
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import math
import types

import numpy
from soma import aimsalgo, aims

from soma.aimsalgo import Samplable_FLOAT_3
from soma.wip.aimsalgo.transform import BendingTransform
from soma.wip.aimsalgo.transform import TaperingTransform
from six.moves import range

[docs]class SuperQuadricSamplable(Samplable_FLOAT_3): """ Constructor of the class. @type coefficients: list @param checkActivated: list of the 10 deformable superquadric coefficients. - e1 : first shape parameter - e2 : second shape parameter - a1 : x axis ray - a2 : y axis ray - a3 : z axis ray - k1 : first tapering parameter - k2 : second tapering parameter - k3 : third tapering parameter - alpha : angle of bending plan - kapa : curvature radius for the bending transform """ def __init__(self, coefficients, bending=True, tapering=True, checkActivated=True, maxBoundingBoxVolume=10 ** 7): Samplable_FLOAT_3.__init__(self) self._checking = dict() self._coefficients = coefficients self._bending = bending self._bendingTransform = BendingTransform(coefficients[8:10]) self._tapering = tapering self._taperingTransform = TaperingTransform(coefficients[4:8]) self._maxBoundingBoxVolume = maxBoundingBoxVolume self._offset = self.getBoundingBoxStart() self._checked = self.check(checkActivated) """ Check that the deformable superquadric parameters are consistents. @type checkActivated: bool @param checkActivated: Specify if the check is activated. """ def check(self, checkActivated): e1 = self._coefficients[0] e2 = self._coefficients[1] a1 = self._coefficients[2] a2 = self._coefficients[3] a3 = self._coefficients[4] k1 = self._coefficients[5] k2 = self._coefficients[6] k3 = self._coefficients[7] alpha = self._coefficients[8] kapa = self._coefficients[9] if (checkActivated): # Check that parameters verify constraints # Check for a3 parameter checked = (a3 != 0) self._checking['a3'] = checked result = checked # Check for e1 parameter checked = (e1 != 0) self._checking['e1'] = checked result &= checked # Check for e1 parameter checked = (e2 != 0) self._checking['e2'] = checked result &= checked if (self._tapering): # Check for k1 parameter if (result): checked = (((-1 * k3 * (a3 ** -1)) - 1) <= k1) checked &= (k1 <= ((k3 * (a3 ** -1)) + 1)) self._checking['k1'] = checked result = checked # Check for k2 parameter if (result): checked = (((-1 * k3 * (a3 ** -1)) - 1) <= k2) checked &= (k2 <= ((k3 * (a3 ** -1)) + 1)) self._checking['k2'] = checked result &= checked if (self._bending): # Check for kappa parameter if (kapa != 0): kapaInversed = kapa ** -1 checked = ((a3 / math.pi) < math.fabs(kapaInversed)) checked &= ((math.sqrt(a1**2 * ((math.cos(alpha) ** 2) ** e2) + a2**2 * ((math.sin(alpha) ** 2) ** e2))) < math.fabs(kapaInversed)) else: checked = True self._checking['kapa'] = checked result &= checked sizes = self.getBoundingBoxSizes() if (self._maxBoundingBoxVolume is not None): # Check for bounding box volume volume = sizes[0] * sizes[1] * sizes[2] checked = (volume <= self._maxBoundingBoxVolume) self._checking['boundingboxvolume'] = checked result &= checked # Check that no overflow occurs try: self._checked = checked self.contains(sizes) except: checked = False self._checking['overflow'] = checked result &= checked return result else: return True """ Check that a point is contained in the current deformable superquadric. This method is called by samplers during sampling to check that the point is contained by the object. @type point: bool @param point: The point to check. """ def isChecked(self): return self._checked """ Check that a point is contained in the current deformable superquadric. This method is called by samplers during sampling to check that the point is contained by the object. @type point: aims.Point3df @param point: The point to check. """ def contains(self, point): if (self._checked): # The superquadric has always its bounding box start point in (0, 0, 0) # this allow to always sample BucketMap point += self._offset e1 = self._coefficients[0] e2 = self._coefficients[1] a1 = self._coefficients[2] a2 = self._coefficients[3] a3 = self._coefficients[4] if (self._bending): # Apply inverse of the bending transformation transformed = self._bendingTransform.inverseTransform(point) else: transformed = point if (self._tapering): transformed = self._taperingTransform.inverseTransform( transformed) x = transformed[0] y = transformed[1] z = transformed[2] # Check that point belongs to superquadric object result = ((math.fabs(x/a1)**(2/e2)) + (math.fabs(y/a2) ** (2/e2)))**(e2/e1) + (math.fabs(z/a3)**(2/e1)) return (result <= 1) else: return False """ Get bounding box start for the current superquadric. @rtype: aims.Point3df @return: start of the bounding box for the superquadric. """ def getBoundingBoxStart(self): a1 = self._coefficients[2] a2 = self._coefficients[3] a3 = self._coefficients[4] alpha = self._coefficients[8] kapa = self._coefficients[9] sizes = aims.Point3df(a1, a2, a3) if (self._tapering): # Apply the tapering transformation sizes = self._taperingTransform.transform(sizes) if (self._bending and (kapa != 0)): results = self.getBendingMinMax(sizes) start = results[0] start[2] = - self.getZMax() else: start = sizes * -1 return start """ Get bounding box sizes for the current superquadric. @rtype: aims.Point3df @return: sizes of the bounding box for the superquadric. """ def getBoundingBoxSizes(self): e1 = self._coefficients[0] e2 = self._coefficients[1] a1 = self._coefficients[2] a2 = self._coefficients[3] a3 = self._coefficients[4] alpha = self._coefficients[8] kapa = self._coefficients[9] sizes = aims.Point3df(a1, a2, a3) if (self._tapering): # Apply the tapering transformation sizes = self._taperingTransform.transform(sizes) if (self._bending and (kapa != 0)): results = self.getBendingMinMax(sizes) minimum = results[0] maximum = results[1] sizes[0] = (maximum[0] - minimum[0]) sizes[1] = (maximum[1] - minimum[1]) sizes[2] = 2 * self.getZMax() else: sizes *= 2 return sizes """ Get maximum z value for the deformable superquadric after transformation. @rtype: float @return: maximum z value for the superquadric. """ def getZMax(self): e1 = self._coefficients[0] e2 = self._coefficients[1] a1 = self._coefficients[2] a2 = self._coefficients[3] a3 = self._coefficients[4] alpha = self._coefficients[8] kapa = self._coefficients[9] sizes = aims.Point3df(a1, a2, a3) if (self._tapering): # Apply the tapering transformation to coefficients sizes = self._taperingTransform.transform(sizes) a1 = sizes[0] a2 = sizes[1] a3 = sizes[2] if (kapa != 0): boundingRay = math.sqrt(a1**2 * (math.cos(alpha) ** 2) ** e2 + a2**2 * (math.sin(alpha) ** 2) ** e2) / 2 zmax = (boundingRay + 1 / kapa) else: zmax = a3 return zmax """ Get minimum and maximum values for points. @type sizes: aims.Point3df @param sizes: list that contains 8 points of bounding box to get the bounding box after bending transform. @rtype: list @return: minimum and maximum points after bending transformation applied. """ def getBendingMinMax(self, sizes): # Get the 4 points of the bounding box in the plan z=0 point1 = aims.Point3df(sizes[0], sizes[1], 0) point2 = aims.Point3df(sizes[0], -sizes[1], 0) point3 = aims.Point3df(-sizes[0], -sizes[1], 0) point4 = aims.Point3df(-sizes[0], sizes[1], 0) # Get the 4 top points of the bounding box plan z=sizes[2] point5 = aims.Point3df(sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[2]) point6 = aims.Point3df(sizes[0], -sizes[1], sizes[2]) point7 = aims.Point3df(-sizes[0], -sizes[1], sizes[2]) point8 = aims.Point3df(-sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[2]) # Apply the bending transformation to the 4 top points # of the bounding box point5 = self._bendingTransform.transform(point5) point6 = self._bendingTransform.transform(point6) point7 = self._bendingTransform.transform(point7) point8 = self._bendingTransform.transform(point8) # Get the maximum and minimum values for x, y, z points = [point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6, point7, point8] result = self.getMinMax(points) return result """ Get minimum and maximum values for points. @type points: list @param points: The list of points to get minimum and maximum. @rtype: list @return: minimum and maximum points. """ def getMinMax(self, points): if points is not None: minimum = aims.Point3df(points[0]) maximum = aims.Point3df(points[0]) for point in points: for index in range(len(point)): if point[index] < minimum[index]: minimum[index] = point[index] if point[index] > maximum[index]: maximum[index] = point[index] result = [minimum, maximum] else: result = None return result