Source code for soma.minf.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under
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This module contains all the framework necessary to customize, read and
write minf files. A minf file is composed of structured data saved in
XML or Python format. The minf framework provides tools to read and write
minf files but also to customize the way Python objects are read an written.

There are several submodules in this package but main functions and classes
can be imported from :py:mod:`soma.minf.api`:

- for reading minf files: :func:`iterateMinf`, :func:`readMinf`
- for writing minf files: :func:`createMinfWriter`, :func:`writeMinf`
- for customizing minf files: :func:`createReducerAndExpander`, :func:`registerClass`, :func:`registerClassAs`

* author: Yann Cointepas
* organization: NeuroSpin
* license: `CeCILL B <>`_
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import gzip
import six
import sys

from soma.translation import translate as _
from soma.minf.error import MinfError
from soma.bufferandfile import BufferAndFile
from soma.minf.reader import MinfReader
from soma.minf.writer import MinfWriter
from soma.minf.tree import createReducerAndExpander, registerClass, \
    registerClassAs, createMinfExpander, \
    EndStructure, MinfReducer, MinfExpander, \
    listStructure, dictStructure
from soma.undefined import Undefined
defaultReducer = MinfReducer.defaultReducer

[docs]def minfFormat(source): ''' Return a pair (format, reduction) identifying the minf format. If source is not a minf file, (None, None) is returned. Otherwise, format is a string representing the format of the minf file: 'XML' or 'python'. reduction is the name of the reducer used to write the minf file or None if format is 'python'. Example: :: from soma.minf.api import minfFormat format, reduction = minfFormat('/home/me/test.minf') If source is a :class:`BufferAndFile` instance, this call behave as if nothing has been read from the file. This can be useful if you have an opened file that cannot be seeked backward: Example: :: from soma.bufferandfile import BufferAndFile from soma.minf.api import minfFormat, readMinf bf = BufferAndFile(stream_file_object) format, reduction = minfFormat(bf) if format is not None: minfContent = readMinf(bf) Parameters ---------- source: string Input file name or file object. If it is a file name, it is opened with open(source). ''' opened_source_file = None try: if not hasattr(source, 'readline'): if six.PY2: opened_source_file = open(source) else: opened_source_file = open(source, encoding='UTF-8') source = BufferAndFile(opened_source_file) elif not isinstance(source, BufferAndFile): source = BufferAndFile(source) # Check first non white character to see if the minf file is XML or not start = if start == 'attri': source.unread(start) return ('python', None) elif start != '<?xml': # Try gzip compressed file gzipSource = source.clone() gzipSource.unread(start) gunzipSource = gzip.GzipFile( try: start = except IOError: start = '' if start != '<?xml': raise MinfError(_('Invalid minf file: %s') % (, )) source.change_file(gunzipSource) source.unread(start) else: source.unread(start) r = MinfReader.createReader('XML') reduction, buffer = r.reduction(source) source.unread(buffer) return('XML', reduction) finally: if opened_source_file is not None: opened_source_file.close()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _setTarget(target, source): try: from soma.signature.api import HasSignature except ImportError: class HasSignature(object): pass if isinstance(source, dict): if isinstance(target, dict): target.update(source) return True elif isinstance(target, HasSignature): for k, v in six.iteritems(source): attrTarget = getattr(target, k, Undefined) if attrTarget is Undefined: setattr(target, k, v) else: if not _setTarget(attrTarget, v): setattr(target, k, v) return True return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def iterateMinf(source, targets=None, stop_on_error=True, exceptions=[]): ''' Returns an iterator over all objects stored in a minf file. Example: :: from soma.minf.api import iterateMinf for item in iterateMinf('test.minf'): print(repr(item)) Parameters ---------- source: string Input file name or file object. If it is a file name, it is opened with C{open( source )}. ''' if targets is not None: targets = iter(targets) initial_source = source if not hasattr(initial_source, 'readline') and not six.PY2: # in python3 the encoding of a file should be specified when opening # it: it cannot be changed afterwards. So in python3 we cannot read # the encoding within the file (for instance in a XML file). # This is completely silly, but here it is... # So we just have to try several encodings... try_encodings = ['UTF-8', 'latin1'] else: try_encodings = [None] for encoding in try_encodings: opened_source_file = None if not hasattr(initial_source, 'readline'): if six.PY2: opened_source_file = open(initial_source) else: opened_source_file = open(initial_source, encoding=encoding) source = BufferAndFile(opened_source_file) elif not isinstance(source, BufferAndFile): source = BufferAndFile(source) try: # Check first non white character to see if the minf file is XML or not start = source.unread(start) if start == 'attri': try: import numpy d = {'nan': numpy.nan} except Exception: d = {'nan': None} try: six.exec_("\r\n", "\n"), d) except Exception as e: x = source if hasattr(source, '_BufferAndFile__file'): x = source._BufferAndFile__file x = 'Error in iterateMinf while reading ' + str(x) + ': ' # e.args = ( x + e.args[0], ) + e.args[1:] print(x) raise minf = d['attributes'] if targets is not None: result = next(targets) _setTarget(result, minf) yield result else: yield minf return elif start != '<?xml': # Try gzip compressed file gzSource =, mode='rt', encoding=encoding) if != '<?xml': raise MinfError(_('Invalid minf file: %s') % (, )) source = BufferAndFile(gzSource) source.unread('<?xml') r = MinfReader.createReader('XML') iterator = r.nodeIterator(source) minfNode = next(iterator) expander = createMinfExpander(minfNode.attributes['reduction']) count = 0 for nodeItem in iterator: count += 1 if isinstance(nodeItem, EndStructure): break target = None if targets is not None: try: target = next(targets) except StopIteration: targets = None yield expander.expand(iterator, nodeItem, target=target, stop_on_error=stop_on_error, exceptions=exceptions) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: if encoding == try_encodings[-1]: raise continue finally: if opened_source_file is not None: opened_source_file.close() break # no error, don't process next encoding
[docs]def readMinf(source, targets=None, stop_on_error=True, exceptions=[]): ''' Entirerly reads a minf file and returns its content in a tuple. Equivalent to tuple(iterateMinf(source)). see: :func`iterateMinf` ''' return tuple(iterateMinf(source, targets=targets, stop_on_error=stop_on_error, exceptions=exceptions))
[docs]def createMinfWriter(destFile, format='XML', reducer='minf_2.0'): ''' Create a writer for storing objects in destFile. Example: :: from soma.minf.api import createMinfWriter writer = createMinfWriter( '/tmp/test.minf' ) writer.write( 'A string' ) writer.write( { 'A dict key': [ 'A list', 'with two elements' ] } ) writer.close() Parameters ---------- format: string name of the format to write. reducer: string name of the reducer to use (see L{soma.minf.tree} for more information about reducers). ''' return MinfWriter.createWriter(destFile, format, reducer)
[docs]def writeMinf(destFile, args, format='XML', reducer=None): ''' Creates a minf writer with :func:`createMinfWriter` and write the content of args in it. Parameters ---------- destFile: see :func:`createMinfWriter` args: sequence or iterator series of values to write format: see :func:`createMinfWriter` reducer: see :func:`createMinfWriter` ''' it = iter(args) try: firstItem = next(it) except StopIteration: firstItem = Undefined if reducer is None: if firstItem is not Undefined: reducer = MinfReducer.defaultReducer(firstItem) if reducer is None: reducer = 'minf_2.0' writer = createMinfWriter(destFile, format, reducer) if firstItem is not Undefined: writer.write(firstItem) for item in it: writer.write(item) writer.close()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # xml_reader and xml_writer are not used directly but importing # them register the XML minf format import soma.minf.xml_reader import soma.minf.xml_writer #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from soma.minf.xhtml import XHTML from soma.uuid import Uuid minf_2_0_reducer = MinfReducer('minf_2.0') minf_2_0_reducer.registerAtomType(None.__class__) minf_2_0_reducer.registerAtomType(bool) for t in six.integer_types: minf_2_0_reducer.registerAtomType(t) minf_2_0_reducer.registerAtomType(float) minf_2_0_reducer.registerAtomType(str) minf_2_0_reducer.registerAtomType(six.text_type) # unicode in Python 2 minf_2_0_reducer.registerAtomType(XHTML) minf_2_0_reducer.registerClass(list, minf_2_0_reducer.sequenceReducer) minf_2_0_reducer.registerClass(tuple, minf_2_0_reducer.sequenceReducer) minf_2_0_reducer.registerClass(dict, minf_2_0_reducer.dictReducer) minf_2_0_expander = MinfExpander('minf_2.0') minf_2_0_expander.registerStructure( listStructure, minf_2_0_expander.sequenceExpander) minf_2_0_expander.registerStructure( dictStructure, minf_2_0_expander.dictExpander) registerClass('minf_2.0', Uuid, 'Uuid') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ minf_1_0_reducer = MinfReducer('minf_1.0', ('minf_2.0', )) minf_1_0_expander = MinfExpander('minf_1.0', ('minf_2.0', ))