Source code for soma.thread_calls

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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This module is useful whenever you need to be sure that a function (more
exactly anything that can be called by python) is executed in a particular

For exemple, if you use PyMat (which is an interface between Python and a Matlab,
see U{} for more information)
it is necessary that all calls to pymat.eval are done by the same thread that
called If you want to use PyMat in a multi-threaded application,
you will have to build appropriate calling mechanism as the one proposed in
this module.

The main idea is to use a list containing functions to be called with their
parameters. A single thread is used to get entries from the list and execute
the corresponding functions. Any thread can put a call request on the list
either asynchonously (the requesting thread continues to run without waiting
for the call to be done) or synchronously (the requesting thread is stopped
until the call is done and the result available).

* author: Yann Cointepas
* organization: NeuroSpin
* license: `CeCILL B <>`_
from __future__ import absolute_import
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import threading
import time

[docs]class SingleThreadCalls(object): ''' Allows the registration of functions that are going to be called from a single thread. This single thread must continuously call :meth:`processFunctions`. Registration can be blocking (see :meth:`call`) or non blocking (see :meth:`push`). Blocking registration waits for the function to be processed and returns its result (or raises its exception). Non blocking registration puts the function in the list and returns immediately, ignoring any return value or exception. Example:: stc = SingleThreadCall() processingThread = threading.Thread(target=stc.processingLoop) stc.setProcessingThread(processingThread) processingThread.start() ''' def __init__(self, thread=None): ''' The thread passed in parameter is the processing thread of this SingleThreadCalls. When started (which is not been done by :class:`SingleThreadCall`) it must continuously call :meth:`processFunctions` to execute the functions that have been registered with :meth:`call` and :meth:`push`. Parameters ---------- thread: :class:`threading.Thread` instance or *None* Processing thread. If *None*, :func:`threading.current_thread` is used. ''' self._queue = [] if thread is None: thread = threading.current_thread() self._thread = thread self._condition = threading.Condition()
[docs] def setProcessingThread(self, thread): ''' Defines the thread that processes the functions. The behaviour of :meth:`call` and :meth:`push` is different if called from the processing thread or from another one. Parameters ---------- thread: :class:`threading.Thread` Processing thread ''' self._condition.acquire() try: self._thread = thread finally: self._condition.release()
[docs] def call(self, function, *args, **kwargs): ''' Registers a function call and waits for the processing thread to call it. Returns the result of the function. If an exception is raised during the execution of the function, this exception is also raised by :meth:`call`. Therefore :meth:`call` behaves like a direct call to the function. It is possible to use :meth:`call` from the processing thread. In this case, no registration is done (the function is executed immedialey). Parameters ---------- function: callable function to execute args: parameters of the function kwargs: keyword parameters of the function Returns ------- any type the result of the function call ''' if threading.current_thread() is self._thread: result = function(*args, **kwargs) else: semaphore = threading.Semaphore(0) semaphore._result = None semaphore._exception = None self._condition.acquire() try: self._queue.append( (self._executeAndNotify, (semaphore, function, args, kwargs), {})) self._condition.notify() finally: self._condition.release() semaphore.acquire() if semaphore._exception is not None: e = semaphore._exception semaphore.release() raise e result = semaphore._result return result
def _executeAndNotify(semaphore, function, args, kwargs): try: result = function(*args, **kwargs) semaphore._result = result semaphore._exception = None semaphore.release() except Exception as e: semaphore._exception = e semaphore.release() _executeAndNotify = staticmethod(_executeAndNotify)
[docs] def push(self, function, *args, **kwargs): ''' Same as the :meth:`call` method but always puts the function on the queue and returns immediatly. If :meth:`push` is called from the processing thread, the function is called immediately (*i.e.* synchronously). Parameters ---------- function: callable function to execute args: parameters of the function kwargs: keyword parameters of the function Returns ------- None: push() does not return anything. ''' if threading.current_thread() is self._thread: function(*args, **kwargs) else: self._condition.acquire() try: self._queue.append((function, args, kwargs)) self._condition.notify() finally: self._condition.release()
[docs] def stop(self): ''' Tells the processing thread to finish the processing of functions in the queue and then stop all processing. This call pushes a special value on the function list. All functions that are on the list before this value will be processed but functions registered after the special value will be ignored. ''' self._condition.acquire() try: self._queue.append(None) self._condition.notify() finally: self._condition.release()
[docs] def processFunctions(self, blocking=False): ''' This method extracts all functions (along with their parameters) from the queue and execute them. It returns the number of function executed *None* if :meth:`self.stop() <stop>` has been called (in that case the processing loop must end). The processing thread must continuoulsy call this method until *None* is returned. .. seealso:: :meth:`processingLoop` Parameters ---------- blocking: bool if *blocking* is *False* (the default), *processFunctions* Returns ------- int: * Returns 0 immediately if it cannot access the function list (for example if it is locked by another thread that is registering a function). * If *blocking* is *True*, *processFunctions* waits until the function list is available, and returns the number of function called * If :meth:`stop` has been called, *None* is returned ''' if self._condition.acquire(blocking): try: actions = self._queue self._queue = [] finally: self._condition.release() result = 0 for action in actions: if action is None: return None function, args, kwargs = action function(*args, **kwargs) result += 1 return result return 0
[docs] def processingLoop(self): ''' Continuously executes :meth:`processFunctions` until it returns *None* .. seealso:: :meth:`processFunctions` ''' actionCount = 0 self._condition.acquire() self.processFunctions() while actionCount is not None: self._condition.wait() actionCount = self.processFunctions() self._condition.release()