View / Controler model

Keyboard and mouse events are managed by a Control / View model. Windows can use several control modes. A control manages all keyboad / mouse events and calls actions. Allowed controls fora window are managed by a ControlManager.

In other words, Control objects define keyboard / mouse mapping to Actions, and are visible as icons on the left part of windows.

Actions perform “atomic” operations.

To define new interactions in windows, a program has to:

  • define actions, classes inheriting the Action class. Their methods will be triggered when the corresponding key/mouse events occur.
  • define one or more controls, classes inheriting the Control class. It will map Action methods to input events.
  • register new actions and controls to the ActionDictionay and ControlDictonary global objects.
  • register new controls to the global ControlManager with appropriate conditions on window type and objects types.


In C++:

Header code:

#include <anatomist/controler/action.h>

class CustomAction : public anatomist::Action
  virtual ~CustomAction();
  static Action* creator();
  virtual std::string name() const { return "CustomAction"; }

  // callbacks which actually do things
  void print3DPosition( int x, int y, int globalX, int globalY );


#include "customaction.h"
#include <anatomist/window3D/window3D.h>

using namespace anatomist;
using namespace aims;
using namespace std;

  : Action()


Action* CustomAction::creator()
  return new CustomAction;

void CustomAction::print3DPosition( int x, int y, int, in )
  AWindow *win = view()->aWindow();

  Point3df pos;
  if( win->positionFromCursor( x, y, pos ) )
    cout << "Position : " << pos << endl;

In Python:

See also: Custom controls example

from __future__ import print_function
import as ana

class CustomAction(ana.cpp.Action):
    def name(self):
        return 'CustomAction'

    def print3DPosition(x, y, globalX, globalY):
        win = self.view().aWindow()
        pos = win.positionFromCursor(x, y)
        if pos is not None:
            print('Position:', pos)


In C++:

Header code:

#include <anatomist/conroler/control.h>

class CustomControl : public anatomist::Control
  CustomControl( int priority );
  virtual ~CustomControl();
  static Control *creator();
  virtual void eventAutoSubscription( anatomist::ActionPool* pool );


#include "customcontrol.h"
#include "customaction.h"

using namespace anatomist;

CustomControl::CustomControl( int priority )
  : Control( priority, "CustomControl" )


Control* CustomControl::creator()
  return CustomControl( 25 );

void CustomControl::eventAutoSubscription( ActionPool* pool )
    Qt::RightButton, Qt::NoModifier,
    MouseActionLinkOf<CustomAction>(pool->action( "CustomAction" ),
                                    &CustomAction::print3DPosition ),
    "print_3d_position" );

In Python:

from __future__ import print_function
import as ana
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend imprort QtCore

class CustomControl(ana.cpp.Control):
  def __init__(self, prio=25):
      ana.cpp.Control.__init__(self, prio, 'CustomControl')

  def eventAutoSubscription(self, pool):
          QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier,

Registration in the system

Registration has to be done just once. Calling it several times will have no other effect than printing error messages.

In C++:

#include <anatomist/controler/controldictionary.h>
#include <anatomist/controler/controlmanager.h>
#include <anatomist/controler/actiondictionary.h>
#include <anatomist/controler/icondictionary.h>
#include "customcontrol.h"
#include "customaction.h"
#include <QPixmap>

using namespace anatomist;

// needs to be called from somewhere, once,
// after Anatomist is instantiated.

void init_plugin()
  QPixmap pix;
  if( pix.load( Settings::findResourceFile(
                "icons/customcontrol.jpg" ).c_str() ) )
    IconDictionary::instance()->addIcon( "CustomControl", pix );

    "CustomAction", &CustomAction::creator );

    "CustomControl", &CustomControl::creator, 25 );
    "QAGLWidget3D", "", "CustomControl" );

In Python:

from __future__ import print_function
import as ana
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend imprort QtGui
from custom_action import CustomAction
from custom_control import CustomControl

a = ana.Anatomist()
pix = QtGui.QPixmap('customcontrol.jpg')
ana.cpp.IconDictionary.instance().addIcon('CustomControl', pix)
ad = ana.cpp.ActionDictionary.instance()
ad.addAction('CustomAction', CustomAction)
cd = ana.cpp.ControlDictionary.instance()
cd.addControl('CustomControl', CustomControl )
cm = ana.cpp.ControlManager.instance()
cm.addControl('QAGLWidget3D', '', 'CustomControl')