Sulci SPAM

Tools to create sulci spam from graphs (converted in volumes).

Results are saved in results_dir directory. For each sulcus, 3 volumes are created: 1) the sum of all subjects (SideSulcus_suffixe.nii), 2) the associated probabilistic map (SideSulcus_suffixe_proba.nii), and 3) a smooth map derived from 1 (SideSulcus_suffixe_smooth.nii).

1. Select the graphs to be considered.

2. Select the side of the sulci graphs selected in 1.

3. Select volumes in the same space as the selected graphs.

4. Select the label_translation and sulci_label_translation files used in the experiment.

5. Seelct sulci to be studied using the sulci_to_be_studied button.

6. Select the results directory.

7. Add a suffix to the file results.


ListOfGraph: ListOf( Graph ) ( input )
side: Choice ( input )
ListOfMRIRef: ListOf( 4D Volume ) ( input )
label_translation: Label translation ( input )
sulci_label_translation: Sulci Label Translation DISCO ( input )
sulci_label_translation_siGraph: Sulci Label Translation siGraph DISCO ( input )
sulci_to_be_studied: ListOf( Choice ) ( input )
results_dir: Directory ( input )
suffixe: String ( input )

Technical information

Toolbox : Disco

User level : 1

Identifier : SulciSPAM

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/disco/processes/Tools/

Supported file formats :

ListOfGraph :
Graph and data, Graph and data
ListOfMRIRef :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image
label_translation :
Label Translation, Label Translation
sulci_label_translation :
Text file, Text file
sulci_label_translation_siGraph :
Text file, Text file
results_dir :
Directory, Directory