Anatomist Show Connectivity Profiles of a Specific Cortical Element

Display connectivity from the reduced connectivity matrix


Display reduced connectivity matrix information for a given patch (gyrus). For a viewer using a full (non-reduced) matrix, see Anatomist show connectivity matrix.

Connectivity from a point of the patch

Simple left-click on the patch in Anatomist view

Connectivity to a point outside the patch

Left-click on a point of the cortex outside the patch

connectivity of a cluster within the patch

This mode only works if the gyrus_texture parameter is a clustering texture of the patch. It may have several timesteps (several numbers of clusters).
Ctrl + left-click on a point in the patch.


connectivity_matrix: Connectivity Matrix ( input )
white_mesh: White Mesh ( input )
gyrus_texture: ROI Texture ( input )
basins_texture: Connectivity ROI Texture ( input )

Technical information

Toolbox : Constellation

User level : 2

Identifier : anatomist_show_profiles_specific_element

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/constellation/processes/viewers/

Supported file formats :

connectivity_matrix :
gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, GIS image, NIFTI-1 image, Sparse Matrix, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image
white_mesh :
GIFTI file, GIFTI file, MESH mesh, MNI OBJ mesh, PLY mesh, TRI mesh, Z compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed MESH mesh, Z compressed MNI OBJ mesh, Z compressed PLY mesh, Z compressed TRI mesh, gz compressed GIFTI file, gz compressed GIFTI file, gz compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed PLY mesh, gz compressed TRI mesh
gyrus_texture :
GIFTI file, GIFTI file, Texture, Z compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed Texture, gz compressed GIFTI file, gz compressed GIFTI file, gz compressed Texture
basins_texture :
GIFTI file, GIFTI file, Texture, Z compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed Texture, gz compressed GIFTI file, gz compressed GIFTI file, gz compressed Texture