Disco pipeline

This pipeline is part of Disco and Dartel complete pipeline, please refer to the documentation of that process and to the DISCO walkthrough.


anatomical_constraints: Choice ( input )
Choose the type of constraints that will drive the registration (Sulci, Bundles, or both). Note that Bundles are an experimental feature, you need to set userLevel to at least Advanced in BrainVISA preferences in order to use this type of constraint.
study_dir: DISCO Study Dir ( input )
Directory where the DISCO experiment will be saved.
sulci_to_be_studied: Sulci To Be Studied DISCO ( input )
List of sulcal constraints. This list must be created separately using the processes in Preprocessing.
bundles_to_be_studied: Bundles To Be Studied DISCO ( optional, input )
List of bundle constraints. This list must be created separately using the processes in Preprocessing.
Lgraph: ListOf( Labelled Cortical folds graph ) ( input )
List of left-side labelled sulcal graphs for all subjects in the DISCO experiment. The other input data (right-side graphs, and bias-corrected T1-weighted image) are deduced automatically based on this parameter.
Rgraph: ListOf( Labelled Cortical folds graph ) ( input )
List of right-side labelled sulcal graphs for all subjects in the DISCO experiment.
Talairach_transforms: ListOf( Transform Graph to Talairach-AC/PC-Anatomist ) ( output )
Transformation from each subject space toward the Talairach space
t1mri_nobias: ListOf( T1 MRI Bias Corrected ) ( input )
Bias-corrected T1-weighted image of each subject
Lbundles_Volume: ListOf( Bundles Volume ) ( optional, input )
Rbundles_Volume: ListOf( Bundles Volume ) ( optional, input )
Lgrey_white: ListOf( Left Grey White Mask ) ( input )
Left grey-white classification image from Morphologist, useful if you intend to run Dartel pipeline afterwards.
Rgrey_white: ListOf( Right Grey White Mask ) ( input )
Right grey-white classification image from Morphologist, useful if you intend to run Dartel pipeline afterwards.
label_translation: Label translation ( input )
Dictionary for translating sulcal labels toward a common nomenclature. Keep the default, which corresponds to the nomenclature used for automatic labelling, unless you want to use sulci that are remapped by the default dictionary (can be useful for non-human primate or for experimenting with using small sulci as constraints).
Lgrey_white_DISCO: ListOf( Grey White Mask Corrected DISCO ) ( output )
Left grey-white classification transformed by DISCO, to be used by Dartel pipeline
Rgrey_white_DISCO: ListOf( Grey White Mask Corrected DISCO ) ( output )
Right grey-white classification transformed by DISCO, to be used by Dartel pipeline

Technical information

Toolbox : Disco

User level : 0

Identifier : disco_pipeline

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/disco/processes/disco_pipeline.py

Supported file formats :

study_dir :
Directory, Directory
sulci_to_be_studied :
Text file, Text file
bundles_to_be_studied :
Text file, Text file
Lgraph :
Graph and data, Graph and data
Rgraph :
Graph and data, Graph and data
Talairach_transforms :
Transformation matrix, Transformation matrix
t1mri_nobias :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image
Lbundles_Volume :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image
Rbundles_Volume :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image
Lgrey_white :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image
Rgrey_white :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image
label_translation :
Label Translation, Label Translation
Lgrey_white_DISCO :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image
Rgrey_white_DISCO :
NIFTI-1 image, NIFTI-1 image