Realign PET (using SPM)


Smoothing (FWHM Full width at half maximum) The FWHM of the Gaussian smoothing kernel (mm) applied to the images before estimating the realignment parameters. * PET images typically use a 7 mm kernel. * MRI images typically use a 5 mm kernel.


images: Directory ( input )
images_realigned: Directory ( output )
quality: Float ( input )
separation: Float ( input )
smoothing: Float ( input )
num_passes: Choice ( input )
interpolation: Choice ( input )
wrapping: Choice ( input )
weighting: 4D Volume ( optional, input )
resliced_images: Choice ( input )
resliced_interpolation: Choice ( input )
resliced_wrapping: Choice ( input )
realign_parameters: PET dynamic SPM realign results ( optional, output )
masking: Boolean ( input )
filename_prefix: String ( input )

Technical information

Toolbox : Nuclear Imaging

User level : 2

Identifier : pqcRealignPET_SPM

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/nuclearimaging/processes/qualityCheck/

Supported file formats :

images :
Directory, Directory
images_realigned :
Directory, Directory
weighting :
NIFTI-1 image, MINC image, NIFTI-1 image, SPM image
realign_parameters :
Text file, Text file