Constellation Group Pipeline

Provides a clustering of a group of subjects.




Usage example

regions_nomenclature:            /my/path/share/brainvisa-share-4.6/nomenclature/translation/nomenclature_desikan_freesurfer.txt
study_name:                      studyA  
new_study_name:                  group_studyA
method:                          averaged approach
region:                          lh.inferiorparietal
subjects_group:                  /my/path/brainvisa_db/subjects/group_analysis/g1/g1_group.xml
mean_individual_profiles:        '/my/path/brainvisa_db/subjects/001/diffusion/default_acquisition/default_analysis/default_tracking_session/connectivity_parcellation/avg/
normed_individual_profiles:      '/my/path/brainvisa_db/subjects/001/diffusion/default_acquisition/default_analysis/default_tracking_session/connectivity_parcellation/avg/
average_mesh:                    /my/path/freesurfer_db/group_analysis/average_mesh_group/average_brain/averagebrain.white.gii
regions_parcellation:            '/my/path/freesurfer_db/group_analysis/average_mesh_group/average_brain/bh.annot.averagebrain.gii'
smoothing:                       3.0  
nb_clusters:                     12  


regions_nomenclature: Nomenclature ROIs File ( input )
Nomenclature of the cortical parcellation used to partition the study.
Example : Freesurfer Desikan_Killiany Atlas
study_name: OpenChoice ( input )
General name of the study, links to corresponding study data in output_database to retrieve profiles computed during the individual processing.
new_study_name: String ( optional, input )
Optional name given to the group study.
Default to study_name.
method: Choice ( input )
Two methods are proposed:
(1) averaged approach to obtain an average result on the group.
(2) concatenated approach to obtain individual results across the group.
region: OpenChoice ( input )
The study region based on regions_nomenclature file.
subjects_group: Group definition ( input )
mean_individual_profiles: ListOf( Connectivity Profile Texture ) ( input )
List of the mean individual profiles of the given group of subjects.
normed_individual_profiles: ListOf( Connectivity Profile Texture ) ( input )
List of the normed individual profiles of the given group of subjects.
average_mesh: White Mesh ( input )
Freesurfer average white mesh of a group of subjects.
regions_parcellation: ListOf( ROI Texture ) ( input )
Cortical parcellation used to partition the study.
Example : Freesurfer Desikan_Killiany Atlas (?h.aparc.annot).

Implications of the choice of the method on the regions_parcellation parameter:
(1) averaged approach: the regions_parcellation parameter must be a file representing the average parcellation of the group of subjects.
(2) concatenated approach: the regions_parcellation parameter must be a list of files, each representing the individual parcellation of a subject of the group.
smoothing: Float ( input )
Degree of smoothing (in millimetres).
Default to 3.0 mm.
nb_clusters: Integer ( input )
Maximal number of clusters used to parcellate the study region.
Default to 12.
erase_smoothed_matrix: Boolean ( input )

Technical information

Toolbox : Constellation

User level : 1

Identifier : constel_group_pipeline

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/constellation/processes/group_pipeline/

Supported file formats :

regions_nomenclature :
Text file, Text file
subjects_group :
mean_individual_profiles :
GIFTI file, GIFTI file, Texture
normed_individual_profiles :
GIFTI file, GIFTI file, Texture
average_mesh :
GIFTI file, GIFTI file, MESH mesh, MNI OBJ mesh, PLY mesh, TRI mesh
regions_parcellation :
GIFTI file, GIFTI file, Texture