Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
# French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
# You can  use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
# terms of the CeCILL license version 2 as circulated by CEA, CNRS
# and INRIA at the following URL "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license version 2 and that you accept its terms.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import os
from itertools import chain

from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import Qt
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.Qt import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QComboBox, Signal, Slot, QLabel, QApplication, QPixmap, QListWidget, QWidget, QGridLayout, QFrame, QSize
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import loadUi
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtGui import QAbstractItemView, QSizePolicy
from soma.qt4gui.api import SimpleTable
from soma.functiontools import partial
from soma.qtgui.api import QLineEditModificationTimer
from soma.html import htmlEscape
from soma.wip.application.api import findIconFile
from soma.uuid import Uuid
from soma.undefined import Undefined
from soma.stringtools import quote_string, unquote_string, string_to_list, list_to_string
from import DiskItem, getFormats, getDiskItemType
import brainvisa.processes
import types

import six
from six.moves import range


[docs]class SignalNameComboBox(QComboBox): activatedNamed = Signal(str, int) def __init__(self, editable, parent, name): QComboBox.__init__(self, parent) if name: self.setObjectName(name) self.setEditable(editable) self.activated[int].connect(self.signalName) # self.setMaximumWidth(600) @Slot(int) def signalName(self, index): self.activatedNamed.emit(str(self.objectName()), index)
[docs]class DiskItemBrowser(QDialog): selected = Signal(DiskItem) _savedLayout = None def __init__(self, database, parent=None, write=False, multiple=False, selection={}, required={}, enableConversion=False, exactType=False): """ """ QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setModal(True) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) if Qt.QT_VERSION >= 0x50000: p = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'diskItemBrowser-qt5.ui') else: p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'diskItemBrowser.ui') self._ui = QWidget() self._ui = loadUi(p, self._ui) layout.addWidget(self._ui) if write: self._ui.labDatabaseIcon.setPixmap( QPixmap(findIconFile('database_write.png'))) else: self._ui.labDatabaseIcon.setPixmap( QPixmap(findIconFile('database_read.png'))) # the area to show the attributes combos scrollarea = self._ui.scrollarea scrollarea.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) self.attributesWidget = QWidget() gridLayout = QGridLayout() gridLayout.setColumnStretch(0, 0) gridLayout.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.attributesWidget.setLayout(gridLayout) scrollarea.setWidget(self.attributesWidget) scrollarea.setWidgetResizable(True) self._ui.tblItems.clicked.connect(self.itemSelected) self._ui.tblItems.activated.connect(self.itemSelected) self._ui.tblItems.entered.connect(self.itemSelected) self._ui.tblItems.pressed.connect(self.itemSelected) # print('!DiskItemBrowser!', database, selection, required) self._requiredAttributes = required self._database = database self._requestedTypes = database.getAttributeValues( '_type', {}, required) # print('!DiskItemBrowser! _requestedTypes', self._requestedTypes) if exactType: self._possibleTypes = set(self._requestedTypes) else: self._possibleTypes = set( chain(*(self._database.getTypeChildren(t) for t in self._requestedTypes))) # print('!DiskItemBrowser! _possibleTypes', self._possibleTypes) self._possibleFormats = set( chain(*(self._database.getTypesFormats(t) for t in self._possibleTypes))) requestedFormats = database.getAttributeValues( '_format', {}, required) if self._possibleFormats: if requestedFormats: self._possibleFormats = self._possibleFormats.intersection( requestedFormats) else: requestedFormats = self._possibleFormats else: self._possibleFormats = set(requestedFormats) self._formatsWithConverter = {} if enableConversion: any = getDiskItemType('Any type') for type_format, converter in chain(*(six.iteritems(brainvisa.processes.getConvertersTo((any, f), checkUpdate=False)) for f in getFormats(self._possibleFormats))): type, format = type_format if not in self._possibleFormats: self._formatsWithConverter[] = converter self._possibleFormats.update(six.iterkeys(self._formatsWithConverter)) # print('!DiskItemBrowser! _possibleFormats', self._possibleFormats) self._exactType = exactType self._write = write self._multiple = multiple if self._multiple: self._ui.tblItems.setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) else: self._ui.tblItems.doubleClicked.connect(self.accept) layoutRow = 0 e, v, d = self._database.getAttributesEdition() databases = v.get('_database', ()) if len(databases) > 1: self._cmbDatabase = self._createCombo( _t_('Database'), '_database', False, layoutRow) self._cmbDatabase.addItem('<' + _t_('any') + '>') for d in databases: self._cmbDatabase.addItem(d) else: self._cmbDatabase = None layoutRow += 1 self._cmbType = self._createCombo( _t_('Data type'), '_type', False, layoutRow) layoutRow += 1 self._cmbFormat = self._createCombo( _t_('File format'), '_format', False, layoutRow) layoutRow += 1 self._combos = {} # Dictionary of attribute combos (attribute name -> QComboBox # instance) self._editableAttributes, self._attributesValues, self._declaredAttributes = self._database.getAttributesEdition( *self._requestedTypes) self._editableAttributes = tuple(self._editableAttributes) self._editableAttributesValues = dict( ((i, set()) for i in self._editableAttributes)) if write: searchedTypes = ['Any Type'] else: searchedTypes = self._requestedTypes for t in searchedTypes: for values in self._database.findAttributes(self._editableAttributes, _type=t): for i in range(len(values)): if values[i]: self._editableAttributesValues[ self._editableAttributes[i]].add(values[i]) # print('!DiskItemBrowser! _editableAttributes', self._editableAttributes) # print('!DiskItemBrowser! _editableAttributesValues', self._editableAttributesValues) # print('!DiskItemBrowser! _attributesValues', self._attributesValues) allAttributes = list( self._database.getTypesKeysAttributes(*self._requestedTypes)) for a in self._attributesValues: if a not in allAttributes: allAttributes.append(a) for a in allAttributes: if a != 'name_serie': if a in self._editableAttributes: self._combos[a] = self._createCombo( _t_(a), a, True, layoutRow) layoutRow += 1 elif a != '_database' and a in self._attributesValues: self._combos[a] = self._createCombo( _t_(a), a, False, layoutRow) layoutRow += 1 for a in self._declaredAttributes: self._combos[a] = self._createCombo(_t_(a), a, True, layoutRow) layoutRow += 1 self._selectedAttributes = {} # among selection attributes keep those related to the types searched # to initialize the combos for k, v in six.iteritems(selection): if k in allAttributes or k in self._declaredAttributes: self._selectedAttributes[k] = v self._lastSelection = None self.rescan() self._ui.btnReset.clicked.connect( self.resetSelectedAttributes_callback) self._ui.btnOk.clicked.connect(self.accept) self._ui.btnCancel.clicked.connect(self.reject) self._ui.hsplitter.splitterMoved.connect(self.saveLayout) self._ui.vsplitter.splitterMoved.connect(self.saveLayout)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): attributeSize = self.attributesWidget.sizeHint() tableSize = self._ui.grpItems.sizeHint() textSize = self._ui.textBrowser.sizeHint() return QSize( int((attributeSize.width() + self._ui.hsplitter.handleWidth() + tableSize.width()) * 1.2), int((attributeSize.height() + self._ui.vsplitter.handleWidth() + textSize.height()) * 1.2))
def saveLayout(self): DiskItemBrowser._savedLayout = ( self.size(), self._ui.hsplitter.sizes(), self._ui.vsplitter.sizes()) def restoreLayout(self): if DiskItemBrowser._savedLayout is not None: self.resize(DiskItemBrowser._savedLayout[0]) self._ui.hsplitter.setSizes(DiskItemBrowser._savedLayout[1]) self._ui.vsplitter.setSizes(DiskItemBrowser._savedLayout[2]) return True return False
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): QDialog.resizeEvent(self, event) if (event.spontaneous()): # take into account the event if it comes from the user and not the application self.saveLayout()
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): QDialog.showEvent(self, event) self.restoreLayout()
def _createCombo(self, caption, attributeName, editable, layoutRow): gridLayout = self.attributesWidget.layout( ) # self._ui.attributesFrame.layout() label = QLabel(_t_(caption)) gridLayout.addWidget(label, layoutRow, 0) cmb = SignalNameComboBox(editable, None, attributeName) cmb._label = label cmb.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) if editable: cmb._modificationTimer = QLineEditModificationTimer( cmb.lineEdit()) cmb._modificationTimer.userModification.connect(partial( self._comboTextChanged, name=attributeName)) cmb.activatedNamed.connect(self._comboSelected) gridLayout.addWidget(cmb, layoutRow, 1) return cmb def itemSelectionChanged(self, dummy1, dummy2): self.itemSelected() def itemSelected(self, index=None): if hasattr(index, 'isValid'): if index.isValid(): index = index.row() else: index = None if index is not None: index = self._tableData.sortedIndex(index) if isinstance(self._items[index], DiskItem): item = self._items[index] else: item = self._database.database(self._items[index][1]) \ .getDiskItemFromUuid(self._items[index][0]) if item is None: print('database', self._items[index][1], 'cannot be read', file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError('corrupted database') self._items[index] = item self._ui.textBrowser.setText(self.diskItemDisplayText(item)) self.selected.emit(item) else: self.selected.emit(None) if self._multiple: self._ui.labItems.setText(_t_('%d item(s) - %d selected') % (len(self._items), len(self._ui.tblItems.selectionModel().selectedRows(), ))) def _comboSelected(self, name, index): cmb = self._combos.get(name) if cmb is None: if name == '_type': cmb = self._cmbType elif name == '_format': cmb = self._cmbFormat elif name == '_database': cmb = self._cmbDatabase else: return timer = getattr(cmb, '_modificationTimer', None) if timer is not None: timer.stop() if index == 0: self._selectedAttributes.pop(name, None) self._lastSelection = None elif index > 0: if name == 'name_serie': # only name_serie attribute must be interpreted as a list when a value of a combo box is selected. A type or format can be in several words but is not a list... l = list(string_to_list(six.text_type(cmb.itemText(index)))) if not l: v = '' elif len(l) == 1: v = l[0] else: v = l else: v = unquote_string(six.text_type(cmb.itemText(index))) self._selectedAttributes[name] = v self._lastSelection = name self.rescan() def _comboTextChanged(self, name): cmb = self._combos.get(name) if cmb is None: if name == '_type': cmb = self._cmbType elif name == '_format': cmb = self._cmbFormat elif name == '_database': cmb = self._cmbDatabase else: return c = cmb.currentIndex() text = six.text_type(cmb.currentText()) if c > 0 and text == six.text_type(cmb.itemText(c)): return l = list(string_to_list(text)) if not l: v = '' elif len(l) == 1: v = l[0] else: v = l self._selectedAttributes[name] = v self._lastSelection = name self.rescan() def rescan(self): def filterUniqueCols(allColsNonUnique, uniquecols, uniquecolsvals, attrs): if not allColsNonUnique: if len(uniquecolsvals) == 0: for att in attrs[:-1]: if att is None: att = '' uniquecolsvals.append(att) else: toremove = set() for i in uniquecols: att = attrs[i] if att is None: att = u'' if i >= len(uniquecolsvals): while(len(uniquecolsvals) < i): uniquecolsvals.append(u'') uniquecolsvals.append(att) continue if uniquecolsvals[i] != att: toremove.add(i) uniquecols.difference_update(toremove) if len(uniquecols) == 0: allColsNonUnique = True return allColsNonUnique QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.Qt.WaitCursor) try: # Fill selection combos from requests in database any = '<' + _t_('any') + '>' preservedCombos = set() if self._lastSelection is not None: preservedCombos.add(self._lastSelection) if self._cmbType.count() and (self._write or self._lastSelection == '_type'): preservedCombos.add('_type') else: self._cmbType.clear() self._cmbType.addItem(any) if self._cmbFormat.count() and (self._write or self._lastSelection == '_format'): preservedCombos.add('_format') else: self._cmbFormat.clear() self._cmbFormat.addItem(any) for a, cmb in six.iteritems(self._combos): if cmb.isEditable(): cmb._modificationTimer.startInternalModification() elif cmb.count() and self._write: preservedCombos.add(a) if a not in preservedCombos: cmb.clear() cmb.addItem(any) if self._cmbDatabase is not None: selected = self._selectedAttributes.get('_database') for i in range(1, self._cmbDatabase.count()): if six.text_type(self._cmbDatabase.itemText(i)) == selected: self._cmbDatabase.setCurrentIndex(i) break else: self._cmbDatabase.setCurrentIndex(0) typesSet = set() formatsSet = set() combosSets = dict(((i, set()) for i in self._combos)) selected = self._selectedAttributes.get('_type') if selected is not None: selectedTypes = [selected] else: selectedTypes = self._requestedTypes required = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(self._requiredAttributes): required[str(k)] = v for k, v in six.iteritems(self._selectedAttributes): if k not in self._declaredAttributes: required[str(k)] = v required['_type'] = selectedTypes required['_format'] = self._possibleFormats # create type and format combo if '_type' not in preservedCombos: if self._write: # if the search diskitem is a writeDiskItem, it doesn't exist in the database and can have a type is not yet present in the database typesList = [(t,) for t in self._possibleTypes] else: typesList = self._database.findAttributes( ('_type', ), {}, exactType=self._exactType, **required) # types # represented in # the database : # there is at # least one # diskitem of # that type in # the database for t in sorted(typesList): if t: t = t[0] if t not in typesSet: self._cmbType.addItem(t) typesSet.add(t) if selected is not None and selected == t: self._cmbType.setCurrentIndex( self._cmbType.count() - 1) if '_format' not in preservedCombos: selected = self._selectedAttributes.get('_format') if self._write: formatsList = [(f,) for f in self._possibleFormats] else: formatsList = self._database.findAttributes( ('_format', ), {}, exactType=self._exactType, **required) for f in sorted(formatsList): if f: f = f[0] if f not in formatsSet and f is not None: self._cmbFormat.addItem(f) formatsSet.add(f) if selected is not None and selected == f: self._cmbFormat.setCurrentIndex( self._cmbFormat.count() - 1) # set selected in required dictionary to take it into account when # requesting the database selected = self._selectedAttributes.get('_format') if selected is not None: required["_format"] = [selected] for a, cmb in six.iteritems(self._combos): if a in preservedCombos: continue selected = self._selectedAttributes.get(a) s = combosSets[a] values = set(self._editableAttributesValues.get(a, ())) if a in required: requiredValue = required.get(a) if isinstance( requiredValue, six.string_types + (int, float, bool) ): requiredValue = [requiredValue] values.update(requiredValue) elif a in self._attributesValues and self._write: values.update(self._attributesValues.get(a)) else: values.update(v[0] for v in self._database.findAttributes((a, ), {}, exactType=self._exactType, **required)) for v in sorted(values, key=lambda x: (type(x).__name__, x)): if not v: v = '' if isinstance(v, six.string_types): vstring = quote_string(v) elif type(v) in (list, tuple): vstring = list_to_string(v) else: # WARNING DEBUG print( 'unexpected database value type in DiskItem browser combo:', type(v), 'for attribute:', a) try: vstring = quote_string(str(v)) except Exception: vstring = None if vstring is not None and vstring not in s: cmb.addItem(vstring) s.add(vstring) if selected is not None and selected == v: cmb.setCurrentIndex(cmb.count() - 1) self._items = [] rawKeyAttributes = self._database.getTypesKeysAttributes( *selectedTypes) keyAttributes = [] for att in ('subject', 'center', 'protocol', 'time_point'): if att in rawKeyAttributes: keyAttributes.append(att) keyAttributes = keyAttributes + \ [att for att in sorted( rawKeyAttributes) if att not in keyAttributes] keyAttributes.extend(self._declaredAttributes) self._tableData = SimpleTable( header=['type'] + keyAttributes + ['format', 'database']) # database attribute is also needed because two diskitems can have # the same attributes values in two different databases readItems = set() uniquecols = set(range(len(keyAttributes) + 3)) uniquecolsvals = [] allColsNonUnique = False key_func = lambda x: [(type(y).__name__, y) for y in x] for attrs in sorted(self._database.findAttributes( ['_type'] + keyAttributes + list(self._declaredAttributes) + ['_format', '_database', '_uuid'], selection={}, exactType=self._exactType, **required), key=key_func): self._tableData.addRow(attrs[:-1]) self._items.append((attrs[-1], attrs[-2], )) readItems.add(tuple(attrs[:-1])) allColsNonUnique = filterUniqueCols( allColsNonUnique, uniquecols, uniquecolsvals, attrs) if self._write: for item in self._database.createDiskItems({}, exactType=self._exactType, **required): attrs = [] + [six.text_type(item.getHierarchy(i)) for i in keyAttributes] + [, item.getHierarchy('_database')] if tuple(attrs) not in readItems: self._tableData.addRow(attrs) self._items.append(item) allColsNonUnique = filterUniqueCols( allColsNonUnique, uniquecols, uniquecolsvals, attrs) for a in self._declaredAttributes: v = self._selectedAttributes.get(a) if v and not item.getHierarchy(a): item._globalAttributes[a] = v if len( self._items ) <= 1 \ or len(uniquecols) == self._tableData.columnCount(None): # if only one item, show all columns even if they are (all) # unique uniquecols = set() self._ui.tblItems.setModel(self._tableData) self._ui.tblItems.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.itemSelectionChanged) self._ui.labItems.setText( _t_('%d item(s)') % (len(self._items), )) if Qt.QT_VERSION >= 0x50000: self._ui.tblItems.horizontalHeader().setSectionsMovable(True) else: self._ui.tblItems.horizontalHeader().setMovable(True) if self._items: self._ui.tblItems.selectRow(0) self.itemSelected(0) else: self.itemSelected(None) for a, cmb in six.iteritems(self._combos): if cmb.isEditable(): selected = self._selectedAttributes.get(a) if selected is not None: if isinstance(selected, six.string_types): cmb.setCurrentText(quote_string(selected)) elif isinstance( selected, (float, int, bool) ): cmb.setCurrentText( unicode( selected ) ) else: cmb.setCurrentText(list_to_string(selected)) cmb._modificationTimer.stopInternalModification() else: if cmb.count() < 3 and cmb.currentIndex() < 1: cmb.hide() cmb._label.hide() else: self.attributesWidget.adjustSize() self._ui.tblItems.resizeColumnsToContents() for i in range(len(keyAttributes) + 3): self._ui.tblItems.setColumnHidden(i, i in uniquecols) finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def getValues(self): return [ (self._items[i] if isinstance(self._items[i], DiskItem) else self._database.database( self._items[i][1]).getDiskItemFromUuid(self._items[i][0])) for i in [ self._tableData.sortedIndex(j) for j in sorted(set([k.row() for k in self._ui.tblItems.selectedIndexes()])) ] ]
[docs] def getAllValues(self): """ Returns all diskitems currently in the list, not only the selected ones. """ return [ (item if isinstance(item, DiskItem) else self._database.database(item[1]).getDiskItemFromUuid(item[0])) for item in self._items ]
@staticmethod def diskItemDisplayText(diskItem): text = '' if diskItem: # Name text += '<h2>' + htmlEscape(diskItem.fileName()) + '</h2>' # Type text += '<b>' + htmlEscape(_t_('Type')) + ': </b>' if diskItem.type: text += htmlEscape( else: text += _t_('None') text += '<br/>\n' # Format text += '<b>' + htmlEscape(_t_('Format')) + ': </b>' if diskItem.format: text += htmlEscape( else: text += _t_('None') text += '<br/>\n' # Format text += '<b>' + _t_('Uuid') + ': </b>' if diskItem._uuid: text += htmlEscape(six.text_type(diskItem._uuid)) else: text += _t_('None') text += '<br/>\n' # Directory if diskItem.parent: text += '<b>' + htmlEscape(_t_('Directory')) + ': </b>' + htmlEscape( diskItem.parent.fullPath()) + '<br/>\n' # Files text += '<b>' + htmlEscape(_t_('Files')) + ': </b>' text += '[' fileNames = diskItem.fileNames() if fileNames: text += ' ' + htmlEscape(fileNames[0]) for f in fileNames[1:]: text += ', ' + htmlEscape(f) text += ' ' text += ']<br/>\n' # Attributes p = {} parent = diskItem.parent if parent is not None: p = parent.attributes() for k in chain(list(diskItem._globalAttributes.keys()), list(diskItem._minfAttributes.keys()), list(diskItem._otherAttributes.keys())): if k in p: del p[k] o = diskItem._otherAttributes.copy() for k in diskItem._minfAttributes.keys(): if k in o: del o[k] attributeSets = ( ('Hierarchy attributes', diskItem._globalAttributes), #( 'Hierarchy weak attributes', diskItem._localAttributes ), ('Minf attributes', diskItem._minfAttributes), ('Other attributes', o), ) for l, d in attributeSets: if not d: continue text += '<b>' + \ htmlEscape(_t_(l)) + ': </b><br/>\n<blockquote>' for (n, v) in d.items(): if n == 'name_serie' or \ n.startswith( 'pool_header.' ) or \ n.startswith('RECO_'): continue text += '<em>' + \ htmlEscape(_t_(n)) + '</em> = ' + htmlEscape( six.text_type(v)) + '<br/>\n' text += '</blockquote>' # Special Attributes text += '<b>' + \ htmlEscape(_t_('Special attributes' ) ) + \ ': </b><br/>\n<blockquote>' text += '<em>' + htmlEscape(_t_('Minf file name')) + '</em> = <code>' + htmlEscape( os.path.basename(diskItem.minfFileName())) + '</code><br/>\n' text += '<em>' + htmlEscape(_t_('priority')) + '</em> = ' + htmlEscape( six.text_type(diskItem.priority())) + '<br/>\n' text += '<em>' + \ htmlEscape(_t_('identified' ) ) + '</em> = ' + \ six.text_type(diskItem._identified) + '<br/>\n' # if isinstance( diskItem, Directory ): # text += '<em>'+ htmlEscape( _t_( 'lastModified' ) ) +'</em> = ' + htmlEscape( time.asctime( time.localtime( diskItem.lastModified ) ) ) + '<br/>\n' # text += '<em>'+ htmlEscape( _t_( 'check_directory_time_only' # ) ) +'</em> = ' + htmlEscape( unicode( # diskItem._topParent()._check_directory_time_only ) ) + # '<br/>\n' text += '</blockquote>' # Scanner # if neuroConfig.userLevel > 0 and getattr( diskItem, 'scanner', None ) is not None: # text += '<b>'+ _t_( 'Scanner' ) +': </b><br/>\n<blockquote>' # text += '<b>'+ _t_( 'Rules' ) +': </b><br/>\n<blockquote>' # for rule in diskItem.scanner.rules: # text += '<code>'+ htmlEscape(str(rule.pattern.pattern)) # +'</code>: ' + str(rule.type) + '<br/>\n' # text += '</blockquote>' # text += '<b>'+ _t_( 'Possible types' ) +': </b><br/>\n<blockquote>' # for t in sorted( [str(i) for i in diskItem.scanner.possibleTypes.keys()] ): # text += '<code>' + htmlEscape( t ) + '</code><br/>\n' # text += '</blockquote>' # text += '</blockquote>' return text
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): if (event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Return): event.ignore() else: QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event)
def resetSelectedAttributes_callback(self, checked=False): self.resetSelectedAttributes() def resetSelectedAttributes(self, diskItem=None, selectedAttributes={}): self._selectedAttributes = {} self._lastSelection = None if diskItem is not None: def get(k): # use getHierarchy instead of get to calling aimsFileInfo # when searching attributes values. v = diskItem.getHierarchy(k) if v is None: v = selectedAttributes.get(v) if diskItem.type is not None: self._selectedAttributes['_type'] = if diskItem.format is not None: self._selectedAttributes['_format'] = else: get = selectedAttributes.get v = get('_database') if v is not None: self._selectedAttributes['_database'] = v for n in self._combos: v = get(n) if v is not None: self._selectedAttributes[n] = v self.rescan()