Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
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#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.Qt import QWidget, QTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItem, QTreeWidgetItemIterator, QIcon, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QTextEdit, QSpacerItem, QSizePolicy, QSize, QPushButton, QMenu, QCursor, QDrag, QPixmap, QMimeData, Qt, QMessageBox, QPoint, QApplication, QUrl, QSplitter, QBrush, QColor
import os

from soma.wip.application.api import findIconFile
from soma.qtgui.api import defaultIconSize
from import neuroHierarchy, neuroDiskItems
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
from import DiskItemBrowser
from import FileProcess, Remove, Move
import brainvisa.processes
from brainvisa.processing.neuroException import showException
from import DataHistoryWindow
from import lockFilesGUI
import six

[docs]class HierarchyBrowser(QWidget): """ This widget enables to explore databases, get information about stored data, search and manage data. Data are shown in a list view with directories and files. The contextual menu offers some actions to perform on data : remove, view/hide (with Anatomist), convert (for graphs 3.0). The menu items shown in the contextual menu depend on the selected item in the list view. To add a menu item and a condition function to show it : idMenu=self.popupMenu.insertItem( qt.QIconSet(...), "menu text", <function call back>) self.actionConditions[idMenu]=<condition function : QListViewItem -> boolean> """ def __init__(self): QWidget.__init__(self, None) if getattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixDirectory', None) is None: setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixDirectory', QIcon(findIconFile('folder.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixFile', QIcon(findIconFile('file.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixNew', QIcon(findIconFile('filenew.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixUnknown', QIcon(findIconFile('unknown.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixFind', QIcon(findIconFile('database_read.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixView', QIcon(findIconFile('eye.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixRemove', QIcon(findIconFile('remove.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixConvert', QIcon(findIconFile('converter.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixScan', QIcon(findIconFile('find_read.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixHistory', QIcon(findIconFile('history.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixLock', QIcon(findIconFile('lock.png'))) setattr(HierarchyBrowser, 'pixBknDirectory', QIcon(findIconFile('folder_broken.png'))) self.setWindowTitle(_t_('Data browser')) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setSpacing(5) layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) self.setLayout(layout) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) hl = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal) layout.addWidget(hl) self.lstHierarchy = QTreeWidget() hl.addWidget(self.lstHierarchy) self.lstHierarchy.setColumnCount(1) self.lstHierarchy.setHeaderLabels([_t_('name')]) self.lstHierarchy.setRootIsDecorated(True) self.lstHierarchy.setSortingEnabled(True) self.lstHierarchy.sortByColumn(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) self.lstHierarchy.setIconSize(QSize(*defaultIconSize)) # enable multiple selection self.lstHierarchy.setSelectionMode(QTreeWidget.ExtendedSelection) self.lstHierarchy.setContextMenuPolicy( Qt.CustomContextMenu) # enables customContextMenuRequested signal to be emited self.lstHierarchy.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent self.lstHierarchy.mouseMoveEvent = self.mouseMoveEvent # self.tooltipsViewer=DiskItemToolTip( self.lstHierarchy.viewport() ) self.textEditArea = QTextEdit() self.textEditArea.setReadOnly(True) hl.addWidget(self.textEditArea) hl = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hl) hl.setSpacing(5) spacer = QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) hl.addItem(spacer) self.btnClose = QPushButton(_t_('Close')) hl.addWidget(self.btnClose) self.btnSearch = QPushButton(_t_('Search')) hl.addWidget(self.btnSearch) self.btnSearch.clicked.connect( self.btnClose.clicked.connect(self.close) self.lstHierarchy.itemClicked.connect(self.itemSelected) self.lstHierarchy.itemExpanded.connect(self.openItem) # self.lstHierarchy.collapsed.connect(self.closeItem) # add a right click menu to change action for a particular file self.popupMenu = QMenu() self.actionConditions = {} # map id menuitem -> condition function(QListViewItem) : condition # that all selected list view item must verify to show this menu # item. idView = self.popupMenu.addAction( self.pixView, _t_("View"), self.menuViewEvent) # View menu is shown for diskitems that have a viewer self.actionConditions[idView] = self.viewCondition idHide = self.popupMenu.addAction( self.pixView, _t_("Hide"), self.menuHideEvent) self.actionConditions[idHide] = self.hideCondition idRemove = self.popupMenu.addAction( self.pixRemove, _t_("Remove"), self.menuRemoveEvent) self.actionConditions[idRemove] = self.removeCondition idConvert = self.popupMenu.addAction( self.pixConvert, _t_("Convert to graph 3.1"), self.menuConvertEvent) self.actionConditions[idConvert] = self.convertCondition self.graphConverter = brainvisa.processes.getProcess( "CorticalFoldsGraphUpgradeFromOld") self.graphType = neuroDiskItems.getDiskItemType("Graph") idHistory = self.popupMenu.addAction( self.pixHistory, _t_("Show history"), self.menuHistoryEvent) self.actionConditions[idHistory] = self.historyCondition idBvProc = self.popupMenu.addAction( self.pixView, _t_("Show bvproc"), self.menuBvProcEvent) self.actionConditions[idBvProc] = self.bvProcCondition idLockItem = self.popupMenu.addAction(self.pixLock, _t_('Lock item'), self.menuLockItem) self.actionConditions[idLockItem] = self.lockItemCondition idUnLockItem = self.popupMenu.addAction(self.pixLock, _t_('Unlock item'), self.menuUnlockItem) self.actionConditions[idUnLockItem] = self.unlockItemCondition idLockAll = self.popupMenu.addAction(self.pixLock, _t_('Lock all items'), self.menuLockAll) self.actionConditions[idLockAll] = self.lockAllCondition idUnlockAll = self.popupMenu.addAction(self.pixLock, _t_('Unlock all items'), self.menuUnlockAll) self.actionConditions[idUnlockAll] = self.unlockAllCondition self.lstHierarchy.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self.openContextMenu) self.resize(800, 600) self.searchResult = None neuroConfig.registerObject(self) self.lstHierarchy.clear() self.scanning = 0 # count number of scanning items self.stop_scanning = False self.close_on_stop = False self.dragStartPosition = 0 for db in neuroHierarchy.databases.iterDatabases(): dbItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.lstHierarchy) dbItem.database = db dbItem.path = dbItem.diskItem = None dbItem.expand = True dbItem.setText(0, dbItem.setIcon(0, self.pixDirectory) dbItem.setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem.ShowIndicator) # dbItem.setExpandable( True ) # dbItem.setDragEnabled(True) def openItem(self, dbItem): doscan = False self.close_on_stop = False self.stop_scanning = False try: if getattr(dbItem, "expand", True): doscan = True self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.BusyCursor)) self.scanning += 1 dbItem.expand = False dbItem.setIcon(0, self.pixScan) dbItem.setToolTip(0, _t_("Directory scan in progress...")) db = getattr(dbItem, "database", None) if db is not None: # scan database to fill the listview gen = db.scanDatabaseDirectories( directoriesToScan=(dbItem.path,), recursion=False, includeUnknowns=True) for item in gen: # print('!openItem! -->', item) if self.stop_scanning: break # create or retrieve items for directories in the item's path # path=item.relativePath() path = item.fullPath() if path.endswith('.lock'): continue # skip .lock files if path.startswith(dbItem.path): path = path[len(dbItem.path) + 1:] splitted = brainvisa.processes.pathsplit(path) # print('!openItem! splitted =', splitted) parentDir = dbItem for directory in splitted[:-1]: dirItem = self.searchItem(parentDir, directory) if dirItem is None: dirItem = QTreeWidgetItem(parentDir) dirItem.database = parentDir.database dirItem.diskItem = None dirItem.path = os.path.join( parentDir.path, directory) dirItem.setText(0, directory) # dirItem.setDragEnabled(True) dirItem.setIcon(0, self.pixDirectory) dirItem.setChildIndicatorPolicy( QTreeWidgetItem.ShowIndicator) parentDir = dirItem # now insert the item in its parent dir viewItem = QTreeWidgetItem(parentDir) viewItem.database = parentDir.database viewItem.diskItem = item viewItem.path = os.path.join( parentDir.path, splitted[-1]) text = splitted[-1] viewItem.setText(0, splitted[-1]) if item.isLockData(): viewItem.setBackground( 0, QBrush(QColor(255, 230, 230))) # viewItem.setDragEnabled(True) # File or Directory if isinstance(item, neuroDiskItems.Directory) or (item.type and == 'Directory') or (item.format and == 'Directory'): viewItem.setIcon(0, self.pixDirectory) viewItem.setChildIndicatorPolicy( QTreeWidgetItem.ShowIndicator) viewItem.setToolTip( 0, _t_("Directory") + " " + viewItem.text(0)) else: if item.type is not None: if db.getDiskItemFromFileName(item.fullPath(), None): # item identified and already in the database viewItem.setIcon(0, self.pixFile) viewItem.setToolTip( 0, _t_("Identified File in database") + " " + viewItem.text(0)) else: # item identified but not in the database -> database should be updated viewItem.setIcon(0, self.pixNew) viewItem.setToolTip( 0, _t_("Identified File not in database") + " " + viewItem.text(0)) else: # item not identified viewItem.setIcon(0, self.pixUnknown) viewItem.setToolTip( 0, _t_("Unidentified file") + " " + viewItem.text(0)) # viewItem.setExpandable( False ) QApplication.instance().processEvents() dbItem.setIcon(0, self.pixDirectory) dbItem.setToolTip( 0, _t_("Directory") + " " + dbItem.text(0)) finally: # can occur if the window is closed during this method execution, it is possible because it calls QApplication.instance().processEvents if doscan: self.scanning -= 1 if self.stop_scanning: dbItem.setIcon(0, self.pixBknDirectory) if self.stop_scanning and self.scanning == 0 and self.close_on_stop: # if I am the last item to process events, then destroy the # view, otherwise someone else will do so soon. self.deleteLater() else: self.unsetCursor()
[docs] def searchItem(self, parentItem, searchedText): """ Searches a QListViewItem which text is searchedText among parentItem's children """ i = 0 child = None while i < parentItem.childCount(): child = parentItem.child(i) if (child.text(0) == searchedText): break i += 1 return child
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): if self.scanning == 0: neuroConfig.unregisterObject(self) event.accept() else: self.close_on_stop = True self.stop_scanning = True event.ignore()
[docs] def selectedItems(self): """ Gets items that are currently selected in the listview (as we are in extended selection mode). @rtype: list of QListViewItem @return: items currently selected """ return self.lstHierarchy.selectedItems()
def close_viewers(self): it = QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self.lstHierarchy) while it.value(): item = it.value() item.viewer = None it += 1
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: self.close_on_stop = False self.stop_scanning = True event.accept() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_F5: self.refreshSelectedItems() event.accept() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_W and event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: self.close() event.accept() else: QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event)
def refreshSelectedItems(self): selected = self.selectedItems() for item in selected: if hasattr(item, 'expand') and not item.expand: item.expand = True item.takeChildren() self.openItem(item) if self.stop_scanning: break # abort requested # -------------------------------- # Contextual menu functions # --------------------------------
[docs] def openContextMenu(self, point): """ Called on contextMenuRequested signal. It opens the popup menu at cursor position if there is an item at this position. Menu items visible in the contextual menu depends on the conditions verified by the selection. """ # selection=self.lstHierarchy.selectedItem() selectedItems = self.selectedItems() if selectedItems: for action, cond in self.actionConditions.items(): # show a menu if its condition is checked for all selected items showMenu = True for selection in selectedItems: if not cond(selection): showMenu = False break if showMenu: action.setVisible(True) else: action.setVisible(False) self.popupMenu.exec(QCursor.pos())
[docs] def menuRemoveEvent(self): """ Callback for remove menu. Remove all the selected disk items. """ if QMessageBox.warning(self, _t_("Remove"), _t_("Do you really want to remove these files ? "), QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes: items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: if item and item.diskItem: try: # remove all files associated to this diskitem db = neuroHierarchy.databases.database( item.diskItem.get("_database")) for f in item.diskItem.existingFiles(): self.remove(f, db) item.parent().takeChild( item.parent().indexOfChild(item)) except Exception: showException( beforeError="Error when trying to remove " + item.diskItem.fileName())
[docs] def remove(self, file, db=None): """ If the file is a directory, recursive call to remove all its content before removing the directory. Corresponding diskitem is removed from the database if it exists. """ if os.path.isdir(file): for f in os.listdir(file): self.remove(os.path.join(file, f), db) os.rmdir(file) else: os.remove(file) if db: diskItem = db.getDiskItemFromFileName(file, None) if diskItem: db.removeDiskItem(diskItem)
def removeCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem def menuViewEvent(self): items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: if item.diskItem: try: viewer = brainvisa.processes.getViewer(item.diskItem) except Exception: viewer = None if viewer: try: item.viewer = brainvisa.processes.defaultContext().runProcess( viewer, item.diskItem) except Exception: showException() brainvisa.processes.showProcess(viewer, item.diskItem) def viewCondition(self, item): try: return item and item.diskItem and not getattr(item, "viewer", None) and brainvisa.processes.getViewer(item.diskItem, checkUpdate=False) except Exception: return False def menuHideEvent(self): items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: item.viewer = None def hideCondition(self, item): return item and getattr(item, "viewer", None) def menuConvertEvent(self): items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: if item.diskItem and self.graphConverter: # params : Cortical folds graph, Cortex skeleton, commissure # coordinates, transform raw T1 MRI to # talairach-AC/PC-anatomist try: brainvisa.processes.defaultContext().runProcess( self.graphConverter, item.diskItem) except Exception as e: brainvisa.processes.defaultContext().error( "Error during graph conversion : " + str(e)) def convertCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem and item.diskItem.get("graph_version", None) == "3.0" and neuroDiskItems.isSameDiskItemType(item.diskItem.type, self.graphType) and self.graphConverter def menuHistoryEvent(self): try: items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: if item.diskItem: bvproc_uuid = item.diskItem.get("lastHistoricalEvent", None) # print('!menuHistoryEvent : type item.diskitem ', # type(item.diskItem)) #<class # ''> if bvproc_uuid is not None: history_window = DataHistoryWindow( item.diskItem, bvproc_uuid, parent=self) history_window.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) except Exception: showException() def historyCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem and item.diskItem.get("lastHistoricalEvent", None) is not None def bvProcCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem \ and str(item.diskItem.type) == "Process execution event" def menuBvProcEvent(self): items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: if item.diskItem: bvproc_uuid = item.diskItem._uuid if bvproc_uuid is not None: try: history_window = DataHistoryWindow( item.diskItem, bvproc_uuid, parent=self) except Exception: showException() def lockItemCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem and item.diskItem.isWriteable() \ and not item.diskItem.isLockData() def unlockItemCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem and item.diskItem.isWriteable() \ and item.diskItem.isLockData() def lockAllCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem and item.diskItem.isWriteable() \ and os.path.isdir(item.diskItem.fullPath()) def unlockAllCondition(self, item): return item and item.diskItem and item.diskItem.isWriteable() \ and os.path.isdir(item.diskItem.fullPath()) def menuLockItem(self): items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: if item.diskItem: item.diskItem.lockData() if item.diskItem.isLockData(): item.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(255, 230, 230))) def menuUnlockItem(self): items = self.selectedItems() for item in items: if item.diskItem: item.diskItem.unlockData() if not item.diskItem.isLockData(): item.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255))) def _updateSelectedItemsChildren(self): items = self.selectedItems() while items: item = items.pop() if item.diskItem: locked = item.diskItem.isLockData() if locked: if item.background(0).color() != QColor(255, 230, 230): item.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(255, 230, 230))) else: if item.background(0).color() != QColor(255, 255, 255): item.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255))) for i in six.moves.xrange(item.childCount()): items.append(item.child(i)) def _menuLockAll(self, setLock): items = self.selectedItems() ditems = [] files = set() dirs = [] if setLock: # ensure real booleans setLock = True else: setLock = False for item in items: di = item.diskItem if di: f = di.fullPath() if di.isWriteable() and di.isLockData() != setLock \ and f not in files: files.add(f) ditems.append(di) if os.path.isdir(f): dirs.append(f) while dirs: cdir = dirs.pop() for f in os.listdir(cdir): fname = os.path.join(cdir, f) try: di = neuroHierarchy.databases.getDiskItemFromFileName( fname) except Exception: di = None if di is not None and di.isWriteable() \ and di.isLockData() != setLock: ff = di.fullPath() if ff not in files: ditems.append(di) files.add(ff) if os.path.isdir(fname): dirs.append(fname) dialog = lockFilesGUI.LockedFilesListEditor(self, ditems, setLock) if dialog.exec(): ditems = dialog.selectedDiskItems() if ditems: if setLock: print('Locking...') for f in ditems: try: f.lockData() except IOError: pass # probably not writeable print('done.') else: print('Unlocking...') for f in ditems: try: f.unlockData() except IOError: pass print('done.') self._updateSelectedItemsChildren() def menuLockAll(self): self._menuLockAll(True) def menuUnlockAll(self): self._menuLockAll(False)
[docs] def search(self): """ Opens a diskItemBrowser to set parameters to describe requested data. """ self.requestDialog = DiskItemBrowser( neuroHierarchy.databases, selection={}, required={"_type": "Any Type"}) self.requestDialog.setWindowTitle(_t_("Any Type")) self.requestDialog.accepted.connect(self.requestDialogAccepted)
[docs] def requestDialogAccepted(self): """ Calls when the user has sent a data request. The search results are shown in the main listView. """ if self.searchResult: self.lstHierarchy.takeTopLevelItem( self.lstHierarchy.indexOfTopLevelItem(self.searchResult)) del self.searchResult self.searchResult = SearchResultItem(self.lstHierarchy) sitem = None for item in self.requestDialog.getAllValues(): sitem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.searchResult, sitem) sitem.diskItem = item sitem.setText(0, os.path.basename(item.fullPath())) sitem.setIcon(0, self.pixFile)
# sitem.setSelected(True) # sitem.setDragEnabled(True) def itemSelected(self, item): # print("!hierarchyBrowser ! : itemSelected ") if item is not None and item.diskItem is not None: t = DiskItemBrowser.diskItemDisplayText(item.diskItem) self.textEditArea.setHtml(t) else: self.textEditArea.setText('') #------ Drag&Drop ------
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): # print("!hierarchyBrowser ! : mousePressEvent ") if (event.button() == Qt.LeftButton): self.dragStartPosition = QPoint(event.pos()) QTreeWidget.mousePressEvent(self.lstHierarchy, event)
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ The QDrag object is shown during the drag. This method is called when the mouse moves, this can be the beginning of a drag if the left button is clicked and the distance between the current position and the dragStartPosition is sufficient. The QDrag object contains as a MimeData the urls of the files associated to items dragged. This enables diskitems to be dragged in the console or in a file explorer to move, copy or link files. """ if (not (event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton)): return if ((event.pos() - self.dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() < QApplication.startDragDistance()): return items = self.selectedItems() # keep a reference to the current dragged item d = None if items != []: files = [] for item in items: if item.diskItem: for f in item.diskItem.fullPaths(): files.append(QUrl(f)) minfFile = item.diskItem.minfFileName() if os.path.exists(minfFile) and minfFile != item.diskItem.fullPath(): files.append(QUrl(minfFile)) d = QDrag(self) # icon = findIconFile( items[0].icon ) # if icon: # adding an icon which will be visible on drag move, it will be the first item's icon # d.setPixmap(QPixmap(icon)) mimeData = QMimeData() mimeData.setUrls(files) d.setMimeData(mimeData) dropAction = d.exec()
[docs]class SearchResultItem(QTreeWidgetItem): def __init__(self, parent): super(SearchResultItem, self).__init__(parent) self.diskItem = None self.setText(0, "-- Search result --") self.setIcon(0, HierarchyBrowser.pixFind) # self.setExpandable( True ) self.setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem.ShowIndicator) self.setExpanded(True) self.setSelected(True) # to have the search result always at the end of the list view def key(self, column, ascending): if ascending: return "z" return "a"
# # class DiskItemToolTip(qt.QToolTip): #""" # This class enables to show a tooltip when the mouse is on action icon. #""" # def __init__(self, parent): # qt.QToolTip.__init__(self, parent) # def maybeTip(self, pos): #"""Called when the mouse stay at a point of this object's parent.""" # this object is a child of the viewport, not directly of the listview otherwise this method isn't called when the mouse is on the list content. # viewport=self.parentWidget() # listview=viewport.parent() # cursorPos=w.toContentsPoint(pos) # currentItem=listview.itemAt(pos) #item under the mouse cursor # if (currentItem != None) and (getattr(currentItem, "iconTooltip", None) != None) : # rect=listview.itemRect(currentItem) # offset=(currentItem.depth()+1)*listview.treeStepSize() # iconRect=qt.QRect(rect.left()+offset,, defaultIconSize[0], rect.height()) # rect.setLeft(iconRect.right()) # set tooltips # self.tip(iconRect, currentItem.iconTooltip) # self.tip(rect, currentItem.text(0))