Source code for brainvisa.multipleExecfile

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This module defines the class :py:class:`MultipleExecfile` that is used to read Brainvisa ontology files.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import os
from traceback import format_exc
import six

[docs]class MultipleExecfile(object): """ This object enables to execute several python files that can have dependencies between us. One file can include another to indicate that it needs something defined in this other file. :Attributes: .. py:attribute:: fileExtensions list of string indicating the possible file extensions for the files that can be executed via this object. .. py:attribute:: includePath Set of paths where the files to execute are searched. .. py:attribute:: globalDict Global dictionary that will be used to execute the files. .. py:attribute:: localDict Local dictionary that will be used to execute the files. :Methods: """ def __init__(self, localDict=None, globalDict=None): if localDict is None: localDict = {} if globalDict is None: # Get the global dictionary of the caller. Using globals() would # return the namespace of this module. globalDict = sys._getframe(1).f_globals self.localDict = localDict self.localDict['include'] = self._include self.globalDict = globalDict self.includePath = set() self.fileExtensions = [''] self._executedFiles = {} self._includeStack = [] self._last_line = 0
[docs] def findFile(self, localFileName): """ Finds the file in :py:attr:`includePath` trying to append the :py:attr:`fileExtensions` to its name. :param string localFileName: name of the searched file, possibly wihtout extension, relative to the include path. :rtype: string :returns: absolute path to the found file, else None. """ result = None if self._includeStack: path = [os.path.dirname(self._includeStack[-1][0])] + \ list(self.includePath) else: path = list(self.includePath) + [''] for e in self.fileExtensions: for p in path: if p is None: continue f = os.path.join(p, localFileName + e) if os.path.exists(f): result = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(f)) break if result is not None: break return result
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Executes the files listed in *args* if they are found in the :py:attr:`includePath` passing :py:attr:`globalDict` and :py:attr:`localDict` as global and local namespaces. *kwargs* may contain a parameter *continue_on_error*. If it is True, the execution won't be stopped by the first exception, the exceptions will be stored in a list and returned at the end of the method. :returns: The list of exception that occured during files execution. """ class IncludeError(RuntimeError): pass exc = [] for f in args: file = None try: do_pop = False file = self.findFile(f) if file is None: if self._includeStack: raise RuntimeError( _t_('Include file %s not found (in %s:%d)') % (f, self._includeStack[-1][0], self._includeStack[-1][1])) else: raise RuntimeError( _t_('File %s does not exist') % (f, )) # dbg# print('!MultipleExecfile!', f, '-->', file) status = self._executedFiles.get(file) if status is None: # dbg# print('!MultipleExecfile! execute', file) self._executedFiles[file] = False self._includeStack.append([file, self._last_line]) do_pop = True self.localDict['__name__'] = file with open(file, 'rb') as ff: code = compile(,, 'exec') six.exec_(code, self.globalDict, self.localDict) self._includeStack.pop() do_pop = False if self._includeStack: self.localDict['__name__'] = self._includeStack[-1][0] else: self.localDict['__name__'] = None self._executedFiles[file] = True elif status == False: self._executedFiles[file] = True raise IncludeError( _t_('Circular dependencies in included files. Inclusion order:') + ', '.join(['%s:%d' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in self._includeStack + [(file, 0)]])) except IncludeError as e: six.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) except Exception as e: einfo = sys.exc_info() tb = einfo[2] lineno = tb.tb_lineno # tb_frame.f_lineno while tb.tb_next \ and os.path.basename(tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) \ in ('', 'multipleExecfile.pyc', '', 'six.pyc'): # skip frames of thie file and six.exec_() tb = tb.tb_next lineno = tb.tb_lineno # tb_frame.f_lineno if six.PY2 and tb.tb_next: # one frame up because there is one more in python2. tb = tb.tb_next lineno = tb.tb_lineno # tb_frame.f_lineno msg = six.text_type('while executing file ' + f + ':%d' % lineno + ' ') #import traceback #msg += traceback.format_exc() if file: msg += u'(' + six.text_type(file) + u'): ' self._executedFiles[file] = True if len(self._includeStack) > 1: msg += 'include stack:\n' for x in self._includeStack: msg += '%s:%d.\n' % (x[0], x[1]) if do_pop: self._includeStack.pop() do_pop = False if hasattr(e, 'message'): msg = msg + '%s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, six.text_type(e)) e.message = msg else: msg = msg + format_exc() e.args = (msg, ) + e.args[1:] # print(msg) # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() if not kwargs.get('continue_on_error', False): six.reraise(*einfo) exc.append(einfo) if exc: return exc
def _include(self, *args): import traceback self._last_line = traceback.extract_stack()[-2][1] if self._includeStack: self._includeStack[-1][1] = self._last_line #for f in args: #print('!MultipleExecfile! include', f, 'in', self._includeStack[-1], ':', traceback.extract_stack()[-2][1]) # dbg# self.execute( f ) self.execute(*args)
[docs] def executedFiles(self): """ Returns the list of executed files. """ return six.iterkeys(self._executedFiles)