Source code for brainvisa.processing.qt4gui.neuroProcessesGUI

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
# French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
# You can  use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
# terms of the CeCILL license version 2 as circulated by CEA, CNRS
# and INRIA at the following URL "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license version 2 and that you accept its terms.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import brainvisa.processes
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from six.moves import StringIO
import distutils
import os
import sys
import re
import types
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.Qt import (
    Qt, QAction, QApplication, QButtonGroup,
    QCursor, QComboBox, QDialog, QDockWidget, QFile, QFileDialog, QFont,
    QFontInfo, QFormLayout, QFrame, QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QIcon,
    QKeySequence, QLabel, QLineEdit, QMainWindow, QMenu, QMenuBar, QMessageBox,
    QMovie, QObject, QPalette, QPixmap, QPlainTextEdit, QProgressBar,
    QPushButton, QRadioButton, QScrollArea, QSize, QSizePolicy, QSpacerItem,
    QSplitter, QStackedWidget, QTextEdit, QTimer, QToolBar, QToolButton,
    QTransform, QTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItem, QTreeWidgetItemIterator,
    QUrl, QVBoxLayout, QWidget,
from soma.qt_gui import qt_backend
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtCore
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtGui
from six.moves import range
from soma.qt4gui.text import (QWebEnginePage, use_webengine,
    QWebEngineView, QWebPage)
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import loadUi, loadUiType
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
from brainvisa.configuration.qt4gui import neuroConfigGUI
from brainvisa.processing.qt4gui import neuroLogGUI
from import neuroData
from brainvisa.history import ProcessExecutionEvent
from import DiskItem
from import ReadDiskItem
from import WriteDiskItem
from import lockFilesGUI, neuroDataGUI
import weakref
from soma.minf.xhtml import XHTML
from soma.qtgui.api import QtThreadCall, FakeQtThreadCall, WebBrowserWithSearch, bigIconSize, defaultIconSize
from soma.html import htmlEscape
from soma.wip.application.api import Application
import soma.functiontools
import threading
import socket
import six
    import sip
except ImportError:
    # for sip 3.x (does it work ??)
    import libsip as sip
# for comatibility, make mainThreadActions visible in neuroProcessesGUI
from brainvisa.processes import mainThreadActions

from brainvisa.processing import neuroException
from brainvisa.processing.neuroException import catch_gui_exception
from soma.qtgui.api import EditableTreeWidget, TreeListWidget
from soma.notification import ObservableList, EditableTree
from soma.signature.api import HasSignature
from soma.signature.api import Signature as SomaSignature
from soma.signature.api import FileName as SomaFileName
from soma.signature.api import Choice as SomaChoice
from soma.signature.api import Boolean as SomaBoolean
from soma.qt4gui.api import ApplicationQt4GUI
from import BVChecker_3_1
from import neuroHierarchy
from import checkbrainvisaupdates
    from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib
except ImportError:
    # some six versions do not provide six.moves.urllib (Ubuntu 12.04)
    import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error

# Because soma_workflow uses soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.uic, we need to first
# initialize
# soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.uic in order to hack soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.uic and
# fix issue #13432
# ref:
import soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.uic

    from soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui import SomaWorkflowWidget as ComputingResourceWidget
    from soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui import SomaWorkflowMiniWidget as MiniComputingResourceWidget
    import soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui
    from soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui import ComputingResourcePool
    from soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui import ApplicationModel as WorkflowApplicationModel
    import soma_workflow.configuration
except ImportError:
    _soma_workflow = False

    class ComputingResourceWidget(object):

    class MiniComputingResourceWidget(object):

    class ComputingResourcePool(object):

    class WorkflowApplicationModel(object):
    _soma_workflow = True


def restartAnatomist():
    from brainvisa import anatomist
    a = anatomist.Anatomist(create=False)
    if hasattr(a, '_restartshell_launched'):
        a.launched = True
        del a._restartshell_launched

class _ProcDeleter(object):

    def __init__(self, o):
        self.o = o

    def __del__(self):
        except Exception:

def startShell():
    qt_impl = qt_backend.get_qt_backend()
    if qt_impl == 'PyQt4':
        # prevent ipython from trying to use PySide
        qt_api = "pyqt"
    elif qt_impl == 'PyQt5':
        qt_api = "pyqt5"
    elif qt_impl == 'PySide':
        qt_api = "pyside"
        qt_api = "pyqt5"
    os.environ["QT_API"] = qt_api
    ipfunc = None
        import qtconsole  # to check it is installed
        import jupyter_core.application
        ipfunc = 'from jupyter_core import application; ' \
            'app = application.JupyterApp(); app.initialize(); app.start()'
        print('ipfunc:', ipfunc)
    except ImportError:
            import IPython
            ipversion = [int(x) for x in IPython.__version__.split('.')]
            if ipversion >= [0, 11]:
                # ipython >= 0.11, use client/server mode
                print('ipversion:', ipversion)
                if ipversion >= [1, 0]:
                    ipmodule = 'IPython.terminal.ipapp'
                    ipmodule = 'IPython.frontend.terminal.ipapp'
                ipfunc = 'from %s import launch_new_instance; launch_new_instance()' % ipmodule
        except Exception:
            print('failed to run Qt console')

    if ipfunc:
        import soma.subprocess

        ipConsole = brainvisa.processes.runIPConsoleKernel()
        cmd = [sys.executable, '-c',
               'import os; os.environ["QT_API"] = "%s"; %s' % (qt_api, ipfunc),
               'qtconsole', '--existing',
               '--shell=%d' % ipConsole.shell_port,
               '--iopub=%d' % ipConsole.iopub_port,
               '--stdin=%d' % ipConsole.stdin_port,
               '--hb=%d' % ipConsole.hb_port]
        print('cmd:', cmd)
        sp = soma.subprocess.Popen(cmd)
        return = True
        if neuroConfig.anatomistImplementation == 'socket':
            from brainvisa import anatomist
            a = anatomist.Anatomist(create=False)
            if a and a.launched:
                a.launched = False
                a._restartshell_launched = True
    except Exception as e:

def quitRequest():
    # Called when quitting brainvisa using quit menu or closing the main window
    # print('!!!!!!!!!quitRequest!!!!!!!!')
    a = QMessageBox.warning(
        None, _t_('Quit'), _t_('Do you really want to quit BrainVISA ?'),
                            QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.No)
    if a == QMessageBox.Yes:
        wids = QApplication.instance().topLevelWidgets()
        for w in wids:
            if isinstance(w, ProcessView) or isinstance(w, SomaWorkflowProcessView):
                del w
            from brainvisa import anatomist
            a = anatomist.Anatomist(create=False)
            if a:
        except Exception:


def cleanupGui():
    # called when quitting a ipython shell
    wids = QApplication.instance().topLevelWidgets()
    for w in wids:
        if isinstance(w, ProcessView):
            del w
    wids = QApplication.instance().topLevelWidgets()
    for w in wids:
        del w

_helpWidget = None

def helpRequest():
    url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(neuroConfig.getDocFile(
        os.path.join('help', 'index.html'))).toString()

[docs]def runHtmlBrowser(source, existingWidget=None): ''' run the HTML browser defined in BV config. If it is a builtin browser, use an existing widget, or instantiate and return a new one. ''' try: browser = neuroConfig.HTMLBrowser if browser is not None: browser = distutils.spawn.find_executable(browser) if browser: if sys.platform == "darwin": m = re.match( "\/Applications\/.+\.app/Contents/MacOS/(.*)", browser) if m: if os.system("open -a " + + " '" + source + "'") == 0: return env = os.environ.copy() if (not browser.startswith(os.path.dirname(neuroConfig.mainPath))): # external command if neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv: env.update(neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv.getVariables()) if os.spawnle(os.P_NOWAIT, browser, browser, source, env) > 0: return except Exception: pass if existingWidget is None: existingWidget = HTMLBrowser(None) existingWidget.setWindowTitle(_t_('BrainVISA help')) existingWidget.resize(800, 600) sys.stdout.flush() existingWidget.setSource(source) existingWidget.raise_() return existingWidget
def openWeb(source): global _helpWidget widget = runHtmlBrowser(source, _helpWidget) if widget is not None: _helpWidget = widget #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def runCsvViewer(source, existingWidget=None): ''' run the CSV viewer defined in BV config. If it is a builtin viewer, use an existing widget, or instantiate and return a new one. ''' try: configuration = Application().configuration browser = configuration.brainvisa.csvViewer if browser is not None: browser = distutils.spawn.find_executable(browser) if browser: if sys.platform == "darwin": m = re.match( "\/Applications\/.+\.app/Contents/MacOS/(.*)", browser) if m: if os.system("open -a " + + " '" + source + "'") == 0: return env = os.environ.copy() if (not browser.startswith(os.path.dirname(neuroConfig.mainPath))): # external command if neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv: env.update(neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv.getVariables()) if os.spawnle(os.P_NOWAIT, browser, browser, source, env) > 0: return except Exception as e: print('exception.') print(e) pass # builtin browser, needs GenericTableEditor try: from soma.qt_gui.generic_table_editor import GenericTableEditor if existingWidget is None: existingWidget = GenericTableEditor(None) existingWidget.setWindowTitle(_t_('CSV viewer')) existingWidget.resize(800, 600) existingWidget.load_from_file(source) existingWidget.raise_() return existingWidget except Exception: pass # fallback to text editor textEditor = configuration.brainvisa.textEditor if textEditor is not None: textEditor = distutils.spawn.find_executable(textEditor) if textEditor: env = os.environ.copy() if (not textEditor.startswith(os.path.dirname(neuroConfig.mainPath))): # external command if neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv: env.update(neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv.getVariables()) if os.spawnle(os.P_NOWAIT, textEditor, textEditor, source, env) != 0: return raise RuntimeError(_t_('Could not run a CSV viewer program.'))
[docs]class SomaWorkflowMiniWidget(MiniComputingResourceWidget): def __init__(self, model, sw_widget, parent=None): super(SomaWorkflowMiniWidget, self).__init__(model, sw_widget, parent) sw_widget.update_workflow_list_from_model = True sw_widget.hide()
[docs]class SomaWorkflowWidget(ComputingResourceWidget): # dict wf_id -> serialized_process serialized_processes = None brainvisa_code = "brainvisa_" def __init__(self, model, computing_resource=None, parent=None): super(SomaWorkflowWidget, self).__init__(model, None, False, computing_resource, parent, 0) self.ui.list_widget_submitted_wfs.itemDoubleClicked.connect( self.workflow_double_clicked) self.ui.resource_selection_frame.hide()
[docs] def workflow_filter(self, workflows): new_workflows = {} self.serialized_processes = {} for wf_id, (name, date) in six.iteritems(workflows): if name != None and \ len(name) > len(SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code) - 1 and \ name[0:len(SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code)] == SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code: new_workflows[wf_id] = ( name[len(SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code):], date) return new_workflows
@QtCore.Slot() def workflow_double_clicked(self): selected_items = self.ui.list_widget_submitted_wfs.selectedItems() wf_id = int(selected_items[0].data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole)) if wf_id not in self.serialized_processes: workflow = self.model.current_workflow( ) # current_connection.workflow(wf_id) if workflow == None: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Workflow loading impossible", "The workflow does not exist.") return workflow = workflow.server_workflow if workflow.user_storage != None and \ len(workflow.user_storage) == 2 and \ workflow.user_storage[0] == SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code: self.serialized_processes[wf_id] = workflow.user_storage[1] else: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Workflow loading impossible", "The workflow was not created from a BrainVISA pipeline.") return serialized_process = self.serialized_processes[wf_id] serialized_process = StringIO(serialized_process) try: QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) view = SomaWorkflowProcessView(self.model, wf_id, self.model.current_resource_id, serialized_process=serialized_process, parent=_mainWindow) view.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception as e: QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() raise e
[docs]class WorkflowSubmissionDlg(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(WorkflowSubmissionDlg, self).__init__(parent) from brainvisa.workflow import ProcessToSomaWorkflow loadUi( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sw_submission_dlg.ui'), self) # self.setupUi(self) resource_list = _computing_resource_pool.resource_ids() self.combo_resource.addItems(resource_list) current_resource_index = resource_list.index( _workflow_application_model.current_resource_id) self.combo_resource.setCurrentIndex(current_resource_index) self.resource_changed(current_resource_index) kind_of_file_processing = [ProcessToSomaWorkflow.NO_FILE_PROCESSING, ProcessToSomaWorkflow.FILE_TRANSFER, ProcessToSomaWorkflow.SHARED_RESOURCE_PATH] self.combo_out_files.addItems(kind_of_file_processing) kind_of_file_processing.append(ProcessToSomaWorkflow.BV_DB_SHARED_PATH) self.combo_in_files.addItems(kind_of_file_processing) self.lineedit_wf_name.setText("") self.dateTimeEdit_expiration.setDateTime( + timedelta(days=5)) self.combo_resource.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.resource_changed) @QtCore.Slot(int) def resource_changed(self, resource_index): resource_id = self.combo_resource.currentText() queues = ["default queue"] queues.extend( _computing_resource_pool.connection(resource_id).config.get_queues()) self.combo_queue.clear() self.combo_queue.addItems(queues)
[docs]class SomaWorkflowProcessView(QMainWindow): workflow_id = None resource_id = None model = None process = None serialized_process = None ui = None process_view = None workflow_tree_view = None workflow_item_view = None workflow_plot_view = None action_monitor_workflow = None workflow_menu = None workflow_tool_bar = None def __init__(self, model, workflow_id, resource_id, process=None, serialized_process=None, parent=None): super(SomaWorkflowProcessView, self).__init__(parent) Ui_SWProcessView = loadUiType(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sw_process_view.ui'))[0] self.ui = Ui_SWProcessView() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.model = model self.serialized_process = serialized_process self.process = process self.workflow_id = workflow_id self.resource_id = resource_id self.model.current_workflow_changed.connect( self.current_workflow_changed) self.setCorner(QtCore.Qt.TopLeftCorner, QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea) self.setCorner(QtCore.Qt.TopRightCorner, QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) self.setCorner( QtCore.Qt.BottomLeftCorner, QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea) self.setCorner( QtCore.Qt.BottomRightCorner, QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) self.action_monitor_workflow = QAction(_t_('Monitor execution'), self) self.action_monitor_workflow.setCheckable(True) self.action_monitor_workflow.setIcon( QIcon(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(soma_workflow.gui.__file__), "icon/monitor_wf.png"))) self.action_monitor_workflow.toggled.connect( self.enable_workflow_monitoring) self.action_monitor_workflow.setChecked(True) self.workflow_tree_view = soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui.WorkflowTree( _workflow_application_model, assigned_wf_id=self.workflow_id, assigned_resource_id=self.resource_id, parent=self) self.workflow_item_view = soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui.WorkflowElementInfo( model=_workflow_application_model, proxy_model=self.workflow_tree_view.proxy_model, parent=self) self.workflow_plot_view = soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui.WorkflowPlot( _workflow_application_model, assigned_wf_id=self.workflow_id, assigned_resource_id=self.resource_id, parent=self) if not soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui.MATPLOTLIB: self.ui.dock_plot.hide() self.ui.dock_plot.toggleViewAction().setVisible(False) self.workflow_info_view = soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui.WorkflowInfoWidget( _workflow_application_model, assigned_wf_id=self.workflow_id, assigned_resource_id=self.resource_id, parent=self) self.workflow_menu = self.ui.menubar.addMenu("&Workflow") self.workflow_menu.addAction(_mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_stop_wf) self.workflow_menu.addAction(_mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_restart) _addSeparator(self.workflow_menu) self.workflow_menu.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_transfer_infiles) self.workflow_menu.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_transfer_outfiles) _addSeparator(self.workflow_menu) self.workflow_menu.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_delete_workflow) self.workflow_menu.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_change_expiration_date) view_menu = self.ui.menubar.addMenu("&View") view_menu.addAction(self.ui.dock_bv_process.toggleViewAction()) view_menu.addAction(self.ui.dock_plot.toggleViewAction()) view_menu.addAction(close_viewers_action(self)) self.action_rebuild_check_all_databases = QAction(self) self.action_rebuild_check_all_databases.setText( _t_('Completely rebuild and check ALL databases...')) self.action_rebuild_check_all_databases.triggered.connect( self.complete_rebuild_and_check_all_databases) self.process_menu = self.ui.menubar.addMenu("&Process") self.process_menu.addAction(self.action_rebuild_check_all_databases) self.workflow_tool_bar = QToolBar(self) self.workflow_tool_bar.addWidget( self.workflow_info_view.ui.wf_status_icon) _addSeparator(self.workflow_tool_bar) self.workflow_tool_bar.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_stop_wf) self.workflow_tool_bar.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_restart) _addSeparator(self.workflow_tool_bar) self.workflow_tool_bar.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_transfer_infiles) self.workflow_tool_bar.addAction( _mainWindow.sw_widget.ui.action_transfer_outfiles) self.ui.tool_bar.addWidget(self.workflow_tool_bar) _addSeparator(self.ui.tool_bar) self.ui.tool_bar.addAction(self.ui.dock_bv_process.toggleViewAction()) _addSeparator(self.ui.tool_bar) self.ui.tool_bar.addAction(self.action_monitor_workflow) tree_widget_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() tree_widget_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) tree_widget_layout.addWidget(self.workflow_tree_view) self.ui.centralwidget.setLayout(tree_widget_layout) self.process_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.process_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) self.ui.dock_bv_process_contents.setLayout(self.process_layout) item_info_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() item_info_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) item_info_layout.addWidget(self.workflow_item_view) self.ui.dock_item_info_contents.setLayout(item_info_layout) wf_info_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() wf_info_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) wf_info_layout.addWidget(self.workflow_info_view) self.ui.dock_workflow_info_contents.setLayout(wf_info_layout) plot_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() plot_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) plot_layout.addWidget(self.workflow_plot_view) self.ui.dock_plot_contents.setLayout(plot_layout) self.workflow_tree_view.selection_model_changed.connect( self.workflow_item_view.setSelectionModel) self.workflow_item_view.connection_closed_error.connect( _mainWindow.sw_widget.reconnectAfterConnectionClosed) self.workflow_tree_view.current_workflow_changed() self.workflow_plot_view.current_workflow_changed() self.workflow_info_view.current_workflow_changed() self.ui.dock_bv_process.toggleViewAction().toggled.connect( self.show_process) self.ui.dock_bv_process.toggleViewAction().setIcon( QIcon(os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'icon.png'))) self.ui.dock_plot.close() self.ui.dock_bv_process.close() self.ui.dock_workflow_info.close() wf_name = self.workflow_info_view.ui.wf_name.text() if len(wf_name[len(SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code):]) == 0: title = repr(self.workflow_id) + "@" + self.resource_id else: title = wf_name[ len(SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code):] + "@" + self.resource_id self.setWindowTitle(title) # warning message in the status bar about the need to check and update # databases after execution warningMsg = QLabel( "<div style='font-size:9pt'><i><font color='red'>Warning:</font> After execution with Soma-Workflow, the databases may need to be updated.<br>Use \"Process -> Check &amp; update databases\" menu to do it.</i></div>") warningMsg.setWordWrap(True) self.ui.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(warningMsg, 1)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): if self.process_view: self.process_view.cleanup() QMainWindow.closeEvent(self, event)
@QtCore.Slot(bool) def enable_workflow_monitoring(self, enable): if not enable: if self.model.current_wf_id == self.workflow_id and \ self.model.current_resource_id == self.resource_id: self.model.clear_current_workflow() else: if self.resource_id != self.model.current_resource_id: if self.model.resource_pool.resource_exist(self.resource_id): self.model.set_current_connection(self.resource_id) else: (resource_id, new_connection) = _mainWindow.sw_widget.createConnection(self.resource_id, editable_resource=False) if new_connection: self.model.add_connection(resource_id, new_connection) else: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Monitoring impossible", "The connection is not active.") self.action_monitor_workflow.setChecked(False) return if self.model.is_loaded_workflow(self.workflow_id): self.model.set_current_workflow(self.workflow_id) else: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Monitoring impossible", "The workflow was deleted.") self.action_monitor_workflow.setChecked(False) @QtCore.Slot(bool) def show_process(self, checked): if self.process == None and self.serialized_process == None: return if checked and self.process_view == None: if self.process == None: # print("before unserialize") QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) # self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("Unserialize...") try: self.process = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstance( self.serialized_process) finally: # self.ui.statusbar.clearMessage() QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() # print("after unserialize") # print("before process view creation") QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) # self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("Building the process view...") try: self.process_view = ProcessView(self.process, parent=self, read_only=True) finally: QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.process_view.inlineGUI.hide() self.process_view.eTreeWidget.setOrientation(Qt.Vertical) self.process_layout.addWidget(self.process_view) # print("After process view creation") self.ui.dock_bv_process.toggleViewAction().toggled.disconnect( self.show_process) process_button_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() process_button_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) self.process_layout.addLayout(process_button_layout) self.process_view.action_clone_process.setText("Edit...") self.process_view.action_iterate.setText("Iterate...") btn_clone = QToolButton(self) btn_clone.setDefaultAction(self.process_view.action_clone_process) btn_clone.setMinimumWidth(90) btn_clone.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) process_button_layout.addWidget(btn_clone) btn_iterate = QToolButton(self) btn_iterate.setDefaultAction(self.process_view.action_iterate) btn_iterate.setMinimumWidth(90) btn_iterate.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) process_button_layout.addWidget(btn_iterate) btn_save = QToolButton(self) btn_save.setDefaultAction(self.process_view.action_save_process) btn_save.setMinimumWidth(90) btn_save.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) process_button_layout.addWidget(btn_save) self.process_menu.addAction(self.process_view.action_save_process) self.process_menu.addAction(self.process_view.action_clone_process) self.process_menu.addAction(self.process_view.action_iterate) @QtCore.Slot() def complete_rebuild_and_check_all_databases(self): QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) for dbSettings in neuroConfig.dataPath: try: if not dbSettings.builtin: db = neuroHierarchy.databases.database( brainvisa.processes.defaultContext().write( "Updating database " + + "...") # first update before checking for missing referentials db.clear(context=brainvisa.processes.defaultContext()) db.update(context=brainvisa.processes.defaultContext()) # check referentials and transformations information, the # database will be updated after brainvisa.processes.defaultContext().write( "Checking referentials information in database " + + "...") checker = BVChecker_3_1( db, brainvisa.processes.defaultContext()) checker.findActions() checker.process() except Exception: neuroException.showException( beforeError="Error while updating database " + QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() @QtCore.Slot() def current_workflow_changed(self): if self.model.current_wf_id == self.workflow_id and \ self.model.current_resource_id == self.resource_id: self.action_monitor_workflow.setChecked(True) self.workflow_tool_bar.setEnabled(True) self.workflow_menu.setEnabled(True) else: self.action_monitor_workflow.setChecked(False) self.workflow_tool_bar.setEnabled(False) self.workflow_menu.setEnabled(False)
_aboutWidget = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class AboutWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) if name: self.setObjectName(name) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Base) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) hb = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hb) layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) self.setWindowTitle(_t_('About')) if getattr(AboutWidget, 'pixIcon', None) is None: setattr(AboutWidget, 'pixIcon', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'icon.png'))) self.setWindowIcon(self.pixIcon) def buildImageWidget(parent, fileName, desiredHeight=0): widget = QLabel(parent) # widget.setBackgroundRole( QPalette.Base ) widget.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) pixmap = QPixmap(os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, fileName)) if desiredHeight: stretch = float(desiredHeight) / pixmap.height() matrix = QTransform() matrix.scale(stretch, stretch) pixmap = pixmap.transformed(matrix) widget.setPixmap(pixmap) return widget widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'brainvisa.png') hb.addWidget(widget) label = QLabel(neuroConfig.versionText()) hb.addWidget(label) # label.setBackgroundRole( QPalette.Base ) label.setContentsMargins(4, 4, 4, 4) font = QFont() font.setPointSize(30) label.setFont(font) vb = QVBoxLayout() hb.addLayout(vb) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'ifr49.png', desiredHeight=60) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'neurospin.png', desiredHeight=40) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'shfj.png', desiredHeight=40) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'mircen.png', desiredHeight=40) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'inserm.png', desiredHeight=40) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'cnrs.png', desiredHeight=60) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'chups.png', desiredHeight=40) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) widget = buildImageWidget(None, 'parietal.png', desiredHeight=40) vb.addWidget(widget) widget.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) if parent is None: if hasattr(self, 'screen'): screen = self.screen() else: screen = QApplication.primaryScreen() px = int((screen.size().width() - self.sizeHint().width()) / 2) py = int((screen.size().height() - self.sizeHint().height()) / 2) self.setGeometry( px, py, self.sizeHint().width(), self.sizeHint().height()) self.btnClose = QPushButton(_t_('Close')) layout.addWidget(self.btnClose) self.btnClose.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.btnClose.setFocus() self.btnClose.clicked.connect(self.close)
def aboutRequest(): global _aboutWidget if _aboutWidget is None: _aboutWidget = AboutWidget() _aboutWidget.raise_() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def logRequest(): neuroLogGUI.LogViewer(neuroConfig.logFileName).show() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addAction(parent, text=None, callback=None, shortcut=None): # this 'strange' function is only here to avoid a memory leak in PyQt: # it apparently does the same as QMenu.addAction() / addSeparator(), # but if the former are called, the returned QAction is created in the # C++ layer, and has a strange ownership side effect: the python part # of the QAction is never destroyed. # Creating the QAction from Python side seems to work around the problem. # Seen in PyQt 4.9.3 if text is None: ac = QAction(parent) ac.setSeparator(True) else: ac = QAction(text, parent) if callback is not None: ac.triggered.connect(callback) if shortcut is not None: ac.setShortcut(shortcut) parent.addAction(ac) return ac def _addSeparator(menu): return _addAction(menu) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def addBrainVISAMenu(widget, menuBar): bvMenu = QMenu("&BrainVISA", menuBar) # avoid creating the menu in addMenu menuBar.addMenu(bvMenu) # same problem as addAction() _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("&Help"), helpRequest, QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_H)) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("About"), aboutRequest) _addAction(bvMenu) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("&Preferences"), neuroConfigGUI.editConfiguration, QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_P)) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("Show &Log"), logRequest, QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_L)) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("&Open process..."),, QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_O)) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("Load process setups"), loadProcessSetupsGUI) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("Reload toolboxes"), reloadToolboxesGUI) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("Start &Shell"), startShell, QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_S)) _addAction(bvMenu) if not isinstance(widget, ProcessSelectionWidget): _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("Close"), widget.close, QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_W)) _addAction(bvMenu, _t_("&Quit"), quitRequest, QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_Q)) return bvMenu #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class HTMLBrowser(QWidget):
[docs] class BVTextBrowser(WebBrowserWithSearch): def __init__(self, parent, name=None): WebBrowserWithSearch.__init__(self, parent) if name: self.setObjectName(name) # self.mimeSourceFactory().setExtensionType("py", "text/plain") self.openWebAction = QAction(_t_('Open in a web browser'), self) self.openWebAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_W)) self.openWebAction.triggered.connect(self.openWeb) self.openLinkWebAction = QAction( _t_('Open link in a web browser'), self) self.openLinkWebAction.triggered.connect(self.openLinkWeb) self.openLinkInTextEditorAction = QAction( _t_('Open link in a text editor'), self) self.openLinkInTextEditorAction.triggered.connect( self.openSourceLink) self.copyLinkAction = QAction(_t_('Copy link URL'), self) self.copyLinkAction.triggered.connect(self.copyLinkUrl) self.linkUrl = None def setSource(self, url): text = url.toString() bvp = six.text_type(text) if bvp.startswith('bvshowprocess://'): bvp = bvp[16:] # remove tailing '/' if bvp[-1] == '/': bvp = bvp[: -1] proc = brainvisa.processes.getProcess(bvp) if proc is None: print('No process of name', bvp) else: win = ProcessView(proc()) elif bvp.startswith('file://') and bvp.endswith('.py'): WebBrowserWithSearch.setSource(self, url) try: self.setHtml('<html><body><pre>' + htmlEscape( open(url.toLocalFile()).read()) + '</pre></body></html>') except FileNotFoundError: self.setHtml('<font color="#a00000">Documentation file "<tt>%s</tt>" cannot be read</font>' % url.toLocalFile()) else: WebBrowserWithSearch.setSource(self, url) if not use_webengine: QWebEnginePage.DelegateAllLinks)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): rel_pos = event.pos() if use_webengine: hit_url = None if QtCore.QT_VERSION >= 0x060000: hit_url = QtCore.QUrl(self.current_link) else: cmdata = if not cmdata.isValid(): return hit_url = cmdata.linkUrl() if hit_url is not None \ and (not hit_url.isValid() or hit_url.isEmpty()): hit_url = None else: main_frame = hit_test = main_frame.hitTestContent(rel_pos) hit_url = hit_test.linkUrl() if hit_url.isEmpty(): hit_url = None menu = self.customMenu(hit_url) menu.exec(event.globalPos())
def customMenu(self, hit_url=None): menu = WebBrowserWithSearch.customMenu(self) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.openWebAction) self.linkUrl = hit_url if hit_url: menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.openLinkWebAction) if six.text_type(hit_url.toString()).endswith('.py'): menu.addAction(self.openLinkInTextEditorAction) menu.addAction(self.copyLinkAction) return menu def copyLinkUrl(self, dummy): QApplication.clipboard().setText(self.linkUrl.toString()) def openLinkWeb(self, dummy): openWeb(self.linkUrl.toString()) def openSourceLink(self, dummy): configuration = Application().configuration textEditor = configuration.brainvisa.textEditor if textEditor is not None: textEditor = distutils.spawn.find_executable(textEditor) if textEditor: env = os.environ.copy() if not textEditor.startswith(os.path.dirname(neuroConfig.mainPath)): # external command if neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv: env.update( neuroConfig.brainvisaSysEnv.getVariables()) os.spawnle( os.P_NOWAIT, textEditor, textEditor, six.text_type(self.linkUrl.toString()), env) def openWeb(self): openWeb(self.url().toString())
def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None, fl=Qt.WindowType(0)): QWidget.__init__(self, parent, fl) if name: self.setObjectName(name) vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(vbox) vbox.setSpacing(2) vbox.setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3) if getattr(HTMLBrowser, 'pixHome', None) is None: setattr(HTMLBrowser, 'pixIcon', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'icon_help.png'))) setattr(HTMLBrowser, 'pixHome', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'top.png'))) self.setWindowIcon(HTMLBrowser.pixIcon) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.setSpacing(6) hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.homeAction = QAction(_t_('Home'), self) self.homeAction.setIcon(self.pixHome) btnHome = QToolButton() btnHome.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum)) hbox.addWidget(btnHome) btnBackward = QToolButton() btnBackward.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum)) hbox.addWidget(btnBackward) btnForward = QToolButton() btnForward.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum)) hbox.addWidget(btnForward) btnReload = QToolButton() btnReload.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum)) hbox.addWidget(btnReload) vbox.addLayout(hbox) browser = self.BVTextBrowser(self) browser.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) vbox.addWidget(browser) self.homeAction.triggered.connect(self.home) btnHome.setDefaultAction(self.homeAction) btnForward.setDefaultAction(browser.pageAction(QWebEnginePage.Forward)) btnBackward.setDefaultAction(browser.pageAction(QWebEnginePage.Back)) a = browser.pageAction(QWebEnginePage.Reload) a.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Refresh) btnReload.setDefaultAction(a) browser.linkClicked.connect(browser.setSource) self.browser = browser neuroConfig.registerObject(self) hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_t_('Search site:'))) self._siteSearch = QLineEdit() hbox.addWidget(self._siteSearch) self._siteSearch.returnPressed.connect(self.siteSearch) def setSource(self, source): if not isinstance(source, QUrl): if os.path.exists(source): source = QUrl.fromLocalFile(source) else: source = QUrl(source) self.browser.setSource(source) def reload(self): self.browser.reload() def setText(self, text): self.browser.setHtml(text) def openWeb(self): self.browser.openWeb()
[docs] def showCategoryDocumentation(self, category): """ Searches for a documentation file associated to this category and opens it in this browser. Documentation files are in docPath/processes/categories/category. Category is a relative path, so if no documentation is found with the entire path, it removes the first item and retries. For example, if "t1 mri/viewers" doesn't exists, tries "viewers". If there is no documentation file, the browser page is empty. """ categoryPath = category.lower().split("/") found = False while ((len(categoryPath) > 0) and not found): html = neuroConfig.getDocFile( os.path.join(os.path.join('processes', 'categories', *categoryPath), 'category_documentation.html')) if os.path.exists(html): self.setSource(html) found = True categoryPath = categoryPath[1:] if not found: self.browser.setHtml('')
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): neuroConfig.unregisterObject(self) QWidget.closeEvent(self, event)
def home(self, void=None): newver = checkbrainvisaupdates.checkUpdates() if newver: text = '''<html><div style="background-color: #ffe8e8"> <hr/> <h2>A newer BrainVISA version is available</h2> <p>Version ''' + '.'.join( [ str(x) for x in newver[0] ] ) + ''' is available on the BrainVISA web site.<br/> Download it on <a href="">the BrainVISA download page</a>.</p> <hr/> </div> <iframe src="file://''' + neuroConfig.getDocFile(os.path.join( 'help', 'index.html' ) ) + '''" align="center" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe> </html>''' tmp = brainvisa.processes.defaultContext().temporary('HTML') open(tmp.fullPath(), 'w').write(text) self.setSource(tmp.fullPath()) else: self.setSource(neuroConfig.getDocFile( os.path.join('help', 'index.html')))
[docs] def siteSearch(self): '''Search the website using google search''' if self._siteSearch.text(): if not hasattr(self, '_currentNonSearchPage'): self._currentNonSearchPage = self.browser.url() #url = '' + \ #six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(self._siteSearch.text()) url = '!' + \ six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(self._siteSearch.text()) self.setSource(QUrl.fromEncoded(QtCore.QByteArray(url.encode( 'utf-8')))) else: # get back to the previous non-search page url = self._currentNonSearchPage del self._currentNonSearchPage self.setSource(url)
[docs]class NamedPushButton(QPushButton): def __init__(self, parent, name): QPushButton.__init__(self, parent, name) self.clicked.connect(self._pyClicked) def _pyClicked(self): self.clicked.emit(six.text_type(
[docs]class WidgetScrollV(QScrollArea): # class VBox( QWidget ): # def __init__( self, parent, ws ): # QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) # layout=QVBoxLayout() # self.setLayout(layout) # layout.setSpacing( 5 ) # = ws # def sizeHint( self ): # return QSize(, QWidget.sizeHint( self # ).height() ) def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None): # = None QScrollArea.__init__(self, parent) if name: self.setObjectName(name) # self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff ) self.setFrameStyle(self.NoFrame) # = self.VBox( None, self ) # self.setWidget( ) self.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.setWidgetResizable(True)
# self.visibleWidth(), ) # def show( self ): # self.setMaximumSize( self.maximumWidth(), ) # return self ) # def resizeEvent( self, e ): # result = QScrollArea.resizeEvent( self, e ) # if self.widget(): # self.widget().resize( self.visibleWidth(), ) # self.updateGeometry() # self.setMaximumSize( self.maximumWidth(), ) # if != self.visibleWidth(): # self.visibleWidth(), ) # self.updateGeometry() # return result # def sizeHint( self ): # if # return QWidget.sizeHint( ) # else: # return QScrollArea.sizeHint( self ) # def visibleWidth(self): # return self.viewport().width() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ExecutionContextGUI(brainvisa.processes.ExecutionContext): def __init__(self): brainvisa.processes.ExecutionContext.__init__(self)
[docs] def ask(self, message, *buttons, **kwargs): modal = kwargs.get("modal", 1) dlg = self.dialog(modal, message, None, *buttons) return mainThreadActions().call(
[docs] def dialog(self, parentOrFirstArgument, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance( parentOrFirstArgument, QWidget ) or \ parentOrFirstArgument is None: return self._dialog(parentOrFirstArgument, *args, **kwargs) else: return self._dialog(*((None, parentOrFirstArgument) + args), **kwargs)
def _dialog(self, parent, modal, message, signature, *buttons): return mainThreadActions().call(UserDialog, parent, modal, message, signature, buttons)
[docs] def mainThreadActions(self): '''Returns an object which allows to pass actions to be executed in the main thread. Its implementation may differ according to the presence of a running graphics event loop, thus the returned object may be an instance of different classes: :py:class:`soma.qtgui.api.QtThreadCall`, :py:class:`soma.qtgui.api.FakeQtThreadCall`, or even something else. In any case the returned *mainthreadactions* object has 2 methods, *call()* and *push()*: :: result =, *args, **kwargs) #or mainthreadactions.push(function, *args, **kwargs) ''' return mainThreadActions()
[docs] def showProgress(self, value, maxval=None): def setProgress(self, value, maxval): if not maxval: maxval = 100 if not hasattr(self, '_progressBar'): if not hasattr(self, 'inlineGUI'): # no GUI: fallback to text mode brainvisa.processes.ExecutionContext.showProgress( self, value, maxval) return layout = self.inlineGUI.parentWidget().layout() self._progressBar = QProgressBar(None) layout.addWidget(self._progressBar) if self._progressBar.maximum() != maxval: self._progressBar.setRange(0, maxval) self._progressBar.setValue(int(round(value))) mainThreadActions().push(setProgress, self, value, maxval)
@staticmethod def createContext(): return ExecutionContextGUI()
[docs]class ExecutionNodeGUI(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent, parameterized, read_only=False): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) layout.setSpacing(4) self.setLayout(layout) self.parameterizedWidget = ParameterizedWidget(parameterized, None) if read_only: self.parameterizedWidget.set_read_only(True) layout.addWidget(self.parameterizedWidget)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): self.parameterizedWidget.close() QWidget.closeEvent(self, event)
def _checkReadable(self): if self.parameterizedWidget is not None: self.parameterizedWidget.checkReadable()
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class VoidClass(object): pass #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class RadioItem(QWidget): """An custom item to replace a QTreeWidgetItem for the representation of a SelectionExecutionNode item with a radio button. QTreeWidgetItem enables only check box items.""" def __init__(self, text, group, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(layout) = QRadioButton(), QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout.addWidget( group.addButton( self.icon = QLabel() layout.addWidget(self.icon) self.label = QLabel(text) layout.addWidget(self.label) layout.addStretch(1) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) # def setChecked(self, checked): def isChecked(self): return def setIcon(self, icon): self.icon.setPixmap(icon.pixmap(*defaultIconSize))
[docs]class NodeCheckListItem(QTreeWidgetItem): def __init__(self, node, parent, index=None, text=None, itemType=None, read_only=False): if not index is None and index < parent.childCount(): QTreeWidgetItem.__init__(self) parent.insertChild(index, self) else: QTreeWidgetItem.__init__(self, parent) self._node = node self.itemType = itemType # the following flag is needed to block itemChanged signal processing # before the item is completely setup, otherwise it will trigger a # node selection change instead of the contrary self.creating = True self.read_only = read_only if itemType == "radio" and not self.read_only: # if the item type is radio, create a custom item RadioItem to replace the current QTreeWidgetItem at display # the radio button is included in a button group that is registred # in the parent item buttonGroup = getattr(self.parent(), "buttonGroup", None) if not buttonGroup: buttonGroup = QButtonGroup() self.parent().buttonGroup = buttonGroup self.widget = RadioItem(text, buttonGroup) self.treeWidget().setItemWidget(self, 0, self.widget) else: # not a radio button or read only, show text directly in the qtreeWidgetItem if text: self.setText(0, text) self.setOn(node._selected) node._selectionChange.add(self.nodeStateChanged) self.creating = False def radioClicked(self, checked): self.treeWidget().setCurrentItem(self) def radioToggled(self, checked): self.stateChange(checked) def itemClicked(self): if self.itemType == "check": self.stateChange(self.isOn())
[docs] def setIcon(self, col, icon): if self.itemType == "radio": self.widget.setIcon(icon) else: QTreeWidgetItem.setIcon(self, col, icon)
def stateChange(self, selected): self._node.setSelected(selected) def nodeStateChanged(self, node): self.setOn(node._selected) def cleanup(self): self._node._selectionChange.remove(self.nodeStateChanged) self._node = None def setOn(self, b): if self.read_only: if b: self.setFlags( Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) else: self.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) elif self.itemType == "radio": self.widget.setChecked(b) elif self.itemType == "check": if b: self.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked) else: self.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) def isOn(self): if self.read_only: return int(self.flags() & Qt.ItemIsEnabled) > 0 elif self.itemType == "radio": return self.widget.isChecked() elif self.itemType == "check": return self.checkState(0) == Qt.Checked return True
[docs] def check(self, b): """ This method is used to check or uncheck a checkable item and warn the underlying model of the state change. It is useful for the feature select/unselect before/after/all in pipelines and iterations. """ if self.itemType == "check" and not self.read_only: if b: self.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked) else: self.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) self.stateChange(b)
[docs] def currentItemChanged(self, current): """ This function is called when the item gains or lose the status of current item of the tree widget. In case the item is a radio button, its background and foreground colors are changed to follow the tree item widget policy. :param current: indicates if the item is the current item or not. boolean. """ if self.itemType == "radio" and not self.read_only: if current: self.widget.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Highlight) self.widget.setForegroundRole(QPalette.HighlightedText) else: self.widget.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Base) self.widget.setForegroundRole(QPalette.Text)
[docs]class ParameterLabel(QLabel): '''A QLabel that emits signal 'contextMenuEvent' whenever a contextMenuEvent occurs''' toggleDefault = QtCore.Signal(str) lock_system = QtCore.Signal(str) unlock_system = QtCore.Signal(str) def __init__(self, parameterName, mandatory, parent, userLevel=0): if mandatory: printParameterName = '<b>' + parameterName + ':</b>' else: printParameterName = parameterName + ':' from soma.wip.application.api import Application if Application().configuration.brainvisa.showParamUserLevel: if userLevel == 1: printParameterName = '<sup style="color:orange;">1</sup> ' + \ printParameterName elif userLevel == 2: printParameterName = '<sup style="color:red;">2</sup> ' + \ printParameterName elif userLevel >= 3: printParameterName = '<sup style="color:blue;">*</sup> ' + \ printParameterName QLabel.__init__(self, printParameterName, parent) # Save parameter name self.parameterName = parameterName self.printParameterName = printParameterName # Create popup menu self.contextMenu = QMenu(self) # self.contextMenu.setCheckable( True ) self.default_id = _addAction(self.contextMenu, _t_('default value'), self.defaultChanged) self.default_id.setCheckable(True) self.default_id.setChecked(True) self.addMenuLock() self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Window) def set_read_only(self, read_only): self.default_id.setEnabled(not read_only)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, e): self.contextMenu.exec(e.globalPos()) e.accept()
def paramLabelText(self, val_default_id, val_lock_id): # CAS : val_default_id / val_lock_id # val_default_id = 0 pas valeur par defaut donc icone # val_default_id = 1 valeur par defaut donc pas icone text = '' # cas 0 / 0 # if # 1 / 0 # if 1 / 1 # else 0 / 1 if val_default_id: if val_lock_id: text = text + '<img src="' + \ os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'lock.png') + '" height="16"/> ' else: text = '<img src="' + \ os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'modified.png') + '" height="16"/> ' if val_lock_id: text = text + '<img src="' + \ os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'lock.png') + '" height="16"/> ' return(text) def addMenuLock(self): self.lock_id = _addAction(self.contextMenu, _t_('lock'), self.lockChanged) self.lock_id.setCheckable(False) self.lock_id.setChecked(False)
[docs] def readText(self, txt): """ Function to return the value of text without value of tag for images """ if six.text_type(txt).startswith('<img src='): x = txt.find('/> ') txt = txt[x + 3:] return txt return txt
[docs] def lockChanged(self, checked=False): """ This function is to lock or unlock data if a user click on the lock menu """ if checked: self.lock_system.emit(self.parameterName) # warning the value of lock_id can be become false if we can't write the lock file. # For example, if you try to lock a file which doesn't exist else: self.unlock_system.emit(self.parameterName) # txt = self.paramLabelText(self.default_id.isChecked(), False) # on remet a jour en fonction du resultat du unlock du fichier self.setlock(self.lock_id.isChecked())
# label update is performed by setlock
[docs] def setlock(self, default): """ This function is to set lock or unlock data """ self.lock_id.setChecked(default) txt = self.paramLabelText( self.default_id.isChecked(), self.lock_id.isChecked()) txt += self.printParameterName self.setText(six.text_type(txt))
def defaultChanged(self, checked=False): # print("-- FUNCTION defaultChanged : neuroProcessesGUI / # ParameterLabel --", checked) self.toggleDefault.emit(self.parameterName) txt = self.paramLabelText( self.default_id.isChecked(), self.lock_id.isChecked()) txt += self.printParameterName self.setText(six.text_type(txt)) def setDefault(self, default): # print("-- FUNCTION setDefault : neuroProcessesGUI / ParameterLabel # --") self.default_id.setChecked(default) # self.lockChanged() txt = self.paramLabelText( self.default_id.isChecked(), self.lock_id.isChecked()) txt += self.printParameterName self.setText(six.text_type(txt))
# def defaultChanged( self, checked=False ): # self.default_id.toggle() # self.toggleDefault.emit(self.parameterName) # if self.default_id.isChecked(): # txt = unicode( self.text() ) # if txt.startswith( '<img src=' ): # x = txt.find( '/> ' ) # txt = txt[ x+3 : ] # self.setText( txt ) # else: # if not unicode( self.text() ).startswith( '<img src=' ): # self.setText( '<img src="' \ #+ os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'modified.png' ) \ #+ '" height="16"/> ' + self.text() ) # def setDefault( self, default ): # self.default_id.setChecked( default ) # if default: # txt = unicode( self.text() ) # if txt.startswith( '<img src=' ): # x = txt.find( '/> ' ) # txt = txt[ x+3 : ] # self.setText( txt ) # else: # if not unicode( self.text() ).startswith( '<img src=' ): # self.setText( '<img src="' \ #+ os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'modified.png' ) \ #+ '" height="16"/> ' + self.text() ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ParameterizedWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parameterized, parent): # lock# if getattr( ParameterizedWidget, 'pixDefault', None ) is None: # lock# setattr( ParameterizedWidget, 'pixDefault', QPixmap( os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'lock.png' ) ) ) # lock# setattr( ParameterizedWidget, 'pixCustom', QPixmap( # os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'unlock.png' ) ) ) QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.destroyed.connect(self.cleanup) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(4) self.setLayout(layout) # the scroll widget will contain parameters widgets self.scrollWidget = WidgetScrollV() layout.addWidget(self.scrollWidget) # spacer = QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding ) # layout.addItem( spacer ) # Using weakref here because self.parameterized may contain a reference # to self.parameterChanged (see below) which is a bound method that contains # a reference to self. If nothing is done self is never destroyed. self.parameterized = weakref.proxy(parameterized) self.parameterized.deleteCallbacks.append(self.parameterizedDeleted) self.labels = {} self.editors = {} # lock# self.btnLock={} self._currentDirectory = None self._doUpdateParameterValue = False first = None documentation = {} id = getattr(parameterized, '_id', None) if id is not None: procdoc = brainvisa.processes.readProcdoc(id) if procdoc: documentation = procdoc.get(neuroConfig.language) if documentation is None: documentation = procdoc.get('en', {}) # the widget that will contain parameters, it will be put in the scroll # widget parametersWidget = QWidget() # QGridLayout : a label and an editor for each parameter, in 2 columns parametersWidgetLayout = QFormLayout() parametersWidgetLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) if sys.platform == 'darwin' and QtCore.qVersion() == '4.6.2': # is this layout problem a bug in qt/Mac 4.6.2 ? parametersWidgetLayout.setSpacing(0) else: parametersWidgetLayout.setSpacing(2) parametersWidget.setLayout(parametersWidgetLayout) # create a widget for each parameter # sort signature item by section title sectionTitleList = [] # useful to keep signature order sectionTitleSortedDict = {} for key, parameter in list(self.parameterized.signature.items()): if neuroConfig.userLevel >= parameter.userLevel and parameter.visible: sectionTitle = parameter.getSectionTitleIfDefined() sectionTitleList.append(sectionTitle) if sectionTitle in list(sectionTitleSortedDict.keys()): sectionTitleSortedDict[ sectionTitle].append((key, parameter)) else: sectionTitleSortedDict[sectionTitle] = [(key, parameter)] # sectionTitleList = list( set( sectionTitleList ) )#this command do # not keep the list order uniqueSectionTitleList = [] for sectionTitle in sectionTitleList: if not sectionTitle in uniqueSectionTitleList: uniqueSectionTitleList.append(sectionTitle) else: pass visible_sections = getattr( self.parameterized, 'visible_sections', None) # the parameters not grouped will be added first if None in uniqueSectionTitleList: uniqueSectionTitleList.insert( 0, uniqueSectionTitleList.pop(uniqueSectionTitleList.index(None))) for sectionTitle in uniqueSectionTitleList: currentSectionTitle = None if len(uniqueSectionTitleList) > 1 and sectionTitle is not None: currentSectionTitle = SectionTitle( sectionTitle, collapsed=(visible_sections is not None and sectionTitle not in visible_sections)) parametersWidgetLayout.addRow(currentSectionTitle) for k, p in sectionTitleSortedDict[sectionTitle]: l = ParameterLabel( k, p.mandatory, None, userLevel=p.userLevel) l.setDefault(self.parameterized.isDefault(k)) l.toggleDefault.connect(self._toggleDefault) if isinstance(p, ReadDiskItem): l.lock_id.setCheckable(True) l.setlock(self._setlock_system(k)) # ini la valeur de lock du parametre # l.setlock_system.connect(self._setlock_system) l.lock_system.connect(self._lock_system) l.unlock_system.connect(self._unlock_system) l.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.labels[k] = l e = p.editor(None, k, weakref.proxy(self)) if isinstance(e, neuroDataGUI.DataEditor): # Complete popup menu with specific actions of the editor e.createPopupMenu(l.contextMenu) # if p.getSectionTitleIfDefined() is not None: # parametersWidgetLayout.addRow( SectionTitle( # p.getSectionTitleIfDefined() ) ) parametersWidgetLayout.addRow(l, e) if currentSectionTitle is not None: currentSectionTitle.addSectionWidgets(l, e) self.parameterized.addParameterObserver( k, self.parameterChanged) self.editors[k] = e if first is None: first = e v = getattr(self.parameterized, k, None) if v is not None: self.setValue(k, v, 1) e.valuePropertiesChanged(self.parameterized.isDefault(k)) e.noDefault.connect(self.removeDefault) e.newValidValue.connect(self.updateParameterValue) # lock# btn = NamedPushButton( hb, k ) # lock# btn.setPixmap( self.pixCustom ) # lock# btn.setFocusPolicy( QWidget.NoFocus ) # lock# btn.setToggleButton( 1 ) # lock# btn.hide() # lock# btn.clicked.connect(self._toggleDefault) # lock# self.btnLock[ k ] = btn if documentation is not None: self.setParameterToolTip(k, XHTML.html( documentation.get('parameters', {}).get(k, '')) + '<br/><img src="' + os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'modified.png') + '"/><em>: ' + _t_( 'value has been manually changed and is not modified by ' 'links anymore') + '</em>') parametersWidget.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Maximum)) self.scrollWidget.setWidget(parametersWidget) if first: first.setFocus() self._doUpdateParameterValue = True # self.scrollWidget.widget().resize(600, 200) # def set_read_only(self, read_only): for x in self.editors.keys(): self.editors[x].set_read_only(read_only) for x in self.labels.keys(): self.labels[x].set_read_only(read_only) def parameterizedDeleted(self, parameterized): try: signature = parameterized.signature for k, p in list(parameterized.signature.items()): try: parameterized.removeParameterObserver( k, self.parameterChanged) except ValueError: pass except ReferenceError: # parameterized is a weak proxy and, here, it has already been # deleted. return self.parameterized = None for x in self.editors.keys(): self.editors[x].releaseCallbacks() def __del__(self): if self.parameterized is not None: self.parameterizedDeleted(self.parameterized) # QWidget.__del__( self ) def cleanup(self): for x in self.editors.keys(): self.editors[x].releaseCallbacks()
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): for k, p in list(self.parameterized.signature.items()): try: self.parameterized.removeParameterObserver( k, self.parameterChanged) except ValueError: pass self.cleanup() QWidget.closeEvent(self, event)
def setParameterToolTip(self, parameterName, text): self.labels[parameterName].setToolTip(html_with_local_images( self.parameterized.signature[parameterName].toolTipText( parameterName, text)))
[docs] def parameterChanged(self, parameterized, parameterName, value): """This method is called when an attribute has changed in the model. A parameter can change in the model because it is links to another parameter that has changed or because the user changed it in the GUI.""" # It is necessary to read user values before applying changes, # otherwise selected data are reset self.readUserValues() self._doUpdateParameterValue = False default = parameterized.isDefault(parameterName) self.setValue(parameterName, value, default=default) self.labels[parameterName].setDefault(default) self.editors[parameterName].valuePropertiesChanged(default) # lock system self.labels[parameterName].setlock(self._setlock_system(parameterName)) self._doUpdateParameterValue = True
def updateParameterValue(self, name, value): try: # lock system self.labels[name].setlock(self._setlock_system(name)) if self._doUpdateParameterValue: setattr(self.parameterized, name, value) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def removeDefault(self, name): # lock system self.labels[name].setlock(self._setlock_system(name)) self.parameterized.setDefault(name, False) self.labels[name].setDefault(False) self.editors[name].valuePropertiesChanged(False) # lock# self.btnLock[ name ].setPixmap( self.pixDefault ) # lock# self.btnLock[ name ].setOn( 1 ) # lock# self.btnLock[ name ].show() def _toggleDefault(self, name): isdefault = not self.parameterized.isDefault(name) value = getattr(self.parameterized, name) # trick to force links update (there is likely a more efficient way) self.parameterized.setValue( name, self.parameterized.signature[name].defaultValue(), isdefault) # TODO: if isdefault, we should look if a link can provide a linked value # rather than the current one. self.parameterized.setValue(name, value, isdefault) self.editors[name].valuePropertiesChanged(isdefault) def _lock_system(self, name): """function for lock system : lock a diskItem if the file exists""" # print("-- FUNCTION _lock_system : neuroProcessesGUI / ParameterizedWidget-- ") # value = self.parameterized.__getattribute__(name) value = getattr(self.parameterized, name, None) if value is not None: try: isLock = value.lockData() if isLock: self.labels[name].lock_id.setChecked(True) else: self.labels[name].lock_id.setChecked(False) except Exception: self.labels[name].lock_id.setChecked(False) print('Could not change lock for', name, ':') import traceback traceback.print_exc() def _unlock_system(self, name): """function for lock system : unlock a file""" # print("-- FUNCTION _unlock_system : neuroProcessesGUI / ParameterizedWidget-- ") # value = self.parameterized.__getattribute__(name) value = getattr(self.parameterized, name, None) if value is not None: value.unlockData() def _setlock_system(self, name): """function for lock system : lock a diskItem if the file exists""" # from import DiskItem # print("-- FUNCTION _setlock_system : neuroProcessesGUI / ParameterizedWidget-- ") # value = self.parameterized.__getattribute__(name) value = getattr(self.parameterized, name, None) if value is not None and isinstance(value, DiskItem): valueToSet = value.isLockData() return valueToSet else: return (False) def checkReadable(self): for (n, p) in list(self.parameterized.signature.items()): if p.checkReadable(getattr(self.parameterized, n, None)): e = self.editors.get(n) if e is not None: e.checkReadable()
[docs] def readUserValues(self): 'Ensure that values typed by the user are taken into account' for n in self.parameterized.signature.keys(): e = self.editors.get(n) if e is not None: e.checkValue()
[docs] def setValue(self, parameterName, value, default=0): 'Set the value of a parameter' oldValue = self.editors[parameterName].getValue() self.editors[parameterName].setValue(value, default=default) # use signals-slots to update the parameter label gui if the lock status of the matching value changes. # DiskItems now inherit from QObject and emit lockChanged signal when # the lock changes if isinstance(oldValue, QObject) and hasattr(value, 'lockChanged'): try: oldValue.lockChanged.disconnect( self.labels[parameterName].setlock) except Exception: pass try: oldValue.lockChanged.disconnect( self.editors[parameterName].lockChanged) except Exception: pass if isinstance(value, QObject) and hasattr(value, 'lockChanged'): value.lockChanged.connect(self.labels[parameterName].setlock) value.lockChanged.connect(self.editors[parameterName].lockChanged)
[docs]class BrainVISAAnimation(QLabel): def __init__(self, parent=None): QLabel.__init__(self, parent) self.mmovie = QMovie( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'rotatingBrainVISA.gif')) # , 1024*10 ) self.setMovie(self.mmovie) # self.mmovie.setSpeed( 500 ) # QApplication.instance().processEvents() self.mmovie.stop() def start(self): self.mmovie.start() def stop(self): self.mmovie.start() QApplication.instance().processEvents() self.mmovie.stop()
[docs]class SectionTitle(QLabel): """ This widget is used to create a virtual signature separation, called implicitly by "section" argument. All parameters will be grouped by section in signature with this label text as title. **Examples** 'bool_field', Boolean(section='Section title'), or 'image', WriteDiskItem( '4D Volume', 'NIFTI-1 image', section='Output images' ), """ def __init__(self, section_title, section_widgets=[], collapsed=False): if collapsed: printSectionTitle = '<span style="font-size:smaller;">&#9654;</span> ' + \ section_title else: printSectionTitle = '<span style="font-size:smaller;">&#9660;</span> ' + \ section_title QLabel.__init__(self, printSectionTitle) font = QFont() # font.setCapitalization(QFont.Capitalize) # font.setUnderline(True) font.setItalic(True) self.setFont(font) self.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) styleSheet = """ SectionTitle { border-top: 1px solid #6c6c6c; border-top-style: double; border-top-color: silver; }""" self.setStyleSheet(styleSheet) self.section_title = section_title self.section_widgets = [w for w in section_widgets] self.collapsed = collapsed
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev): self.changeVisibility()
def changeVisibility(self): self.setCollapsed(not self.collapsed) def setCollapsed(self, collapsed): self.collapsed = collapsed if self.collapsed: printSectionTitle = '<span style="font-size:smaller;">&#9654;</span> ' + \ self.section_title else: printSectionTitle = '<span style="font-size:smaller;">&#9660;</span> ' + \ self.section_title self.setText(printSectionTitle) for widget in self.section_widgets: if self.collapsed: action = 'hide' widget.hide() else: action = 'show' def addSectionWidgets(self, *args): for w in args: self.section_widgets.append(w) if self.collapsed: w.hide() else:
[docs]class ProcessView(QWidget, ExecutionContextGUI): # actions: action_save_process = None action_clone_process = None action_create_workflow = None action_run = None action_interupt = None action_interupt_step = None action_run_with_sw = None action_iterate = None action_show_doc = None eTreeWidget = None menu = None parameterizedWidget = None read_only = None closed = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, processId, parent=None, externalInfo=None, read_only=False): ExecutionContextGUI.__init__(self) QWidget.__init__(self, parent) if getattr(ProcessView, 'pixIcon', None) is None: setattr(ProcessView, 'pixIcon', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'icon_process.png'))) setattr(ProcessView, 'pixDefault', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'lock.png'))) setattr(ProcessView, 'pixInProcess', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'forward.png'))) setattr(ProcessView, 'pixProcessFinished', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'ok.png'))) setattr(ProcessView, 'pixProcessError', QIcon( os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'abort.png'))) setattr(ProcessView, 'pixNone', QIcon()) self.read_only = read_only # ProcessView cannot be a QMainWindow because it have to be included in a QStackedWidget in pipelines. # centralWidget=QWidget() # self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) centralWidgetLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(centralWidgetLayout) centralWidgetLayout.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) centralWidgetLayout.setSpacing(4) self.setWindowIcon(self.pixIcon) self.workflowEnabled = False self.action_save_process = QAction(_t_('&Save...'), self) self.action_save_process.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_S)) self.action_save_process.triggered.connect(self.saveAs) self.action_clone_process = QAction(_t_('&Clone...'), self) self.action_clone_process.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_C)) self.action_clone_process.triggered.connect(self.clone) self.action_create_workflow = QAction(_t_('Create &Workflow...'), self) self.action_create_workflow.setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_D)) self.action_create_workflow.triggered.connect(self.createWorkflow) self.action_run = QAction(_t_('Run'), self) self.action_run.triggered.connect(self._run) self.action_run_with_sw = QAction(_t_('Run in parallel'), self) self.action_run_with_sw.setToolTip( 'Run in parallel using Soma-workflow') self.action_run_with_sw.triggered.connect( self._run_with_soma_workflow_button) self.action_interupt = QAction(_t_('Interrupt'), self) self.action_interupt.triggered.connect(self._interruptButton) self.action_interupt.setVisible(False) self.action_interupt_step = QAction( _t_('Interrupt current step'), self) self.action_interupt_step.triggered.connect(self._interruptStepButton) self.action_interupt_step.setVisible(False) self.action_iterate = QAction(_t_('Iterate'), self) self.action_iterate.triggered.connect(self._iterateButton) self.action_lock_all = QAction(_t_('Lock all files'), self) self.action_lock_all.triggered.connect(self.menuLockAllFiles) self.action_unlock_all = QAction(_t_('Unlock all files'), self) self.action_unlock_all.triggered.connect(self.menuUnlockAllfiles) self.action_manage_process_setups = QAction( _t_('Save process setups'), self) self.action_manage_process_setups.triggered.connect( self.saveProcessSetupsGUI) self.action_show_doc = QAction(_t_('Show process documentation'), self) self.action_show_doc.setShortcut(Qt.Key_F1) self.action_show_doc.triggered.connect(self.show_process_doc) if parent is None: neuroConfig.registerObject(self) # menu bar = QMenuBar(self) addBrainVISAMenu(self, # warning: don't create the menu using addMenu() in PyQt processMenu = QMenu(_t_("&Process"), processMenu.addAction(self.action_save_process) processMenu.addAction(self.action_clone_process) processMenu.addAction(self.action_manage_process_setups) processMenu.addAction(self.action_iterate) _addSeparator(processMenu) processMenu.addAction(self.action_create_workflow) _addSeparator(processMenu) processMenu.addAction(self.action_run) processMenu.addAction(self.action_interupt) processMenu.addAction(self.action_interupt_step) _addSeparator(processMenu) processMenu.addAction(self.action_run_with_sw) _addSeparator(processMenu) processMenu.addAction(self.action_lock_all) processMenu.addAction(self.action_unlock_all) # warning: don't create the menu using addMenu() in PyQt view_menu = QMenu(_t_("&View"), view_menu.addAction(close_viewers_action(self)) view_menu.addAction(self.action_show_doc) try: import soma_workflow self.workflowEnabled = True except ImportError: pass if not self.workflowEnabled: self.action_create_workflow.setEnabled(False) centralWidgetLayout.addWidget( self.destroyed.connect(self.cleanup) process = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstance(processId) if process is None: raise RuntimeError(neuroException.HTMLMessage( _t_('Cannot open process <em>%s</em>') % (str(processId), ))) self.process = process self.process.guiContext = weakref.proxy(self) self._runningProcess = 0 self.process.signatureChangeNotifier.add(self.signatureChanged) self.btnRun = None self.btnRunSomaWorkflow = None self.btnInterrupt = None self.btnInterruptStep = None self._running = False if self.process.__class__ == brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess: self.action_iterate.setVisible(False) procdoc = brainvisa.processes.readProcdoc(process) documentation = procdoc.get(neuroConfig.language) if documentation is None: documentation = procdoc.get('en', {}) t = _t_( + ' ' + six.text_type(process.instance) self.setWindowTitle(t) if process.showMaximized: self.showMaximized() # title of the process : label + rotating icon when it's running titleLayout = QHBoxLayout() centralWidgetLayout.addLayout(titleLayout) if not parent: self.labName = QLabel(t, self) else: self.labName = QLabel(_t_(, self) titleLayout.addWidget(self.labName) self.labName.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel | QFrame.Raised) self.labName.setLineWidth(1) self.labName.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) self.labName.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.labName.setWordWrap(True) font = self.labName.font() font.setPointSize(QFontInfo(font).pointSize() + 4) self.labName.setFont(font) self.labName.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) doc = XHTML.html(documentation.get('short', '')) if doc: self.labName.setToolTip(html_with_local_images( '<center><b>' + _t_( + '</b></center><hr><b>' + _t_('Description') + ':</b><br/>' + doc)) if externalInfo is None: = BrainVISAAnimation() titleLayout.addWidget( titleLayout.setSpacing(3) # vertical splitter : parameters, log text widget splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) centralWidgetLayout.addWidget(splitter) # at the top of the splitter : the parameters self.parametersWidget = QWidget(splitter) parametersWidgetLayout = QVBoxLayout() parametersWidgetLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.parametersWidget.setLayout(parametersWidgetLayout) # at the bottom of the splitter : the text widget to log # information about process execution = QTextEdit(splitter) sizePolicy = QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(50) self.infoCounter = None # splitter.setResizeMode(, splitter.Stretch ) # splitter.setResizeMode( self.parametersWidget, QSplitter.FollowSizeHint ) # splitter.setResizeMode( self.parametersWidget, QSplitter.Auto ) container = self.parametersWidget self.isMainWindow = True else: = None splitter = None self.parametersWidget = self container = self self.isMainWindow = False = externalInfo self.splitter = splitter self._widgetStack = None eNode = getattr(process, '_executionNode', None) self._executionNodeLVItems = {} # process composed of several processes if eNode is not None and self.isMainWindow: self.parameterizedWidget = None # vb = QVBoxLayout( ) # container.layout().addLayout(vb) vb = container.layout() # splitter that shows the composition of the process on the left # and the parameters of each step on the right self.eTreeWidget = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal) vb.addWidget(self.eTreeWidget) # Run and iterate buttons self.inlineGUI = self.process.inlineGUI(self.process, self, None, externalRunButton=True) if self.inlineGUI is None and externalInfo is None: self.inlineGUI = self.defaultInlineGUI(None) vb.addWidget(self.inlineGUI) # composition of the pipeline self.executionTree = QTreeWidget(self.eTreeWidget) self.executionTree.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) self.executionTree.setColumnCount(1) self.executionTree.setHeaderLabels(['Name']) self.executionTree.setAllColumnsShowFocus(1) self.executionTree.setRootIsDecorated(1) self.executionTree.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) # Popup Menu for toolboxes self.executionTreeMenu = QMenu(self) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_( "Unselect before"), self.menuUnselectBefore) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_( "Unselect after"), self.menuUnselectAfter) # self.executionTreeMenu.addAction( _t_("Unselect all"), # self.menuUnselectAll ) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_( "Select before"), self.menuSelectBefore) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_( "Select after"), self.menuSelectAfter) # self.executionTreeMenu.addAction( _t_("Select all"), # self.menuSelectAll ) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_( "Unselect steps writing locked files"), self.menuUnselectLocked) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_( "Unselect steps upstream of locked files"), self.menuUnselectLockedUpstream) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu) self.executionTreeMenu._opennodeaction = _addAction( self.executionTreeMenu, _t_("Open this step separately"), self.menuDetachExecutionNode) self.executionTreeMenu._showdocaction \ = _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_("Show documentation"), self.menuShowDocumentation) _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu) _addAction( self.executionTreeMenu, _t_("Lock files under this node"), self.menuLockStep) _addAction( self.executionTreeMenu, _t_("Unlock files under this node"), self.menuUnlockStep) self.executionTreeMenu._nodeactionseparator \ = _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu) self.executionTreeMenu._addnodeaction \ = _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_("Add node"), self.menuAddExecutionNode) self.executionTreeMenu._removenodeaction \ = _addAction(self.executionTreeMenu, _t_("Remove node"), self.menuRemoveExecutionNode) self.executionTree.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self.openContextMenu) # self.executionTree.setSortingEnabled( -1 ) # self.eTreeWidget.setResizeMode( self.executionTree, # QSplitter.KeepSize ) if self.read_only: self.executionTreeMenu.setEnabled(False) # parameters of a each step of the pipeline self._widgetStack = QStackedWidget(self.eTreeWidget) self._widgetStack.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) self._widgetStack._children = [] # set splitter sizes to avoid the widget stack to be hidden in case # it is currently empty self.eTreeWidget.setSizes([150, 250]) self._guiId = 0 self._executionNodeExpanded(self.executionTree, (eNode, (eNode,))) self.executionTree.itemExpanded.connect( self._executionNodeExpanded) self.executionTree.currentItemChanged.connect( self.executionNodeSelected) # don't listen to clicks, but to item changes instead # because stats check can be triggered via the keyboard, not only # mouse clicks # self.executionTree.itemClicked.connect(self.executionNodeClicked) self.executionTree.itemChanged.connect(self.executionNodeChanged) # Select and open the first item item = self.executionTree.topLevelItem(0) if item is not None: item.setExpanded(True) self.executionTree.setCurrentItem(item) # simple process : only a signature, no sub-processes else: self.executionTree = None self.createSignatureWidgets(documentation) self._iterationDialog = None self._logDialog = None # It is necessary to call show() before resize() to have a correct layout. # Otherwize, vertical sliders may be superimposed to widgets. But some # window managers compute the window location according to its size during # show(). If the window become larger after show() call, part of it will be # off screen. Therefore set the widget size before show() ensure that # window location is correct and changing size after show() ensure that # layout is correct. if parent is None: self.resize(600, 801) # QApplication.instance().processEvents() initGUI = getattr(self.process, 'initializationGUI', None) if initGUI is not None: initGUI(self) if self.read_only and self.parameterizedWidget != None: self.parameterizedWidget.set_read_only(True) def createSignatureWidgets(self, documentation=None): eNode = getattr(self.process, '_executionNode', None) signatureWidget = None # if the process has a signature, creates a widget for the parameters : # ParameterizedWidget if eNode and self.isMainWindow: parent = self._widgetStack if self.process.signature: signatureWidget = eNode.gui(parent, processView=self) else: parent = self.parametersWidget.layout() if self.process.signature: signatureWidget = ParameterizedWidget(self.process, None) parent.addWidget(signatureWidget) self.parameterizedWidget = signatureWidget if eNode is None or not self.isMainWindow: self.inlineGUI = self.process.inlineGUI(self.process, self, None) if self.inlineGUI is None and self.isMainWindow: self.inlineGUI = self.defaultInlineGUI(None) if self.inlineGUI is not None: parent.addWidget(self.inlineGUI) else: self._widgetStack.removeWidget(self._widgetStack._children[0]) self._widgetStack._children[0].close() self._widgetStack._children[0].deleteLater() if signatureWidget is not None: self._widgetStack.insertWidget(0, signatureWidget) self._widgetStack._children[0] = signatureWidget self._widgetStack.setCurrentIndex(0) # if self.parameterizedWidget is not None: # if documentation is not None: # for ( k, p ) in list(self.process.signature.items()): # if neuroConfig.userLevel >= p.userLevel: # self.parameterizedWidget.setParameterToolTip( k, # XHTML.html( documentation.get( 'parameters', {} ).get( k, '' ) ) \ # + '<br/><img src="' \ # + os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'lock.png' )+ '"/><em>: ' \ # + _t_( \ # 'value has been manually changed and is not linked anymore' ) \ # + '</em>' ) # # if self.inlineGUI is not None: # if self.parameterizedWidget != None: self.parameterizedWidget.set_read_only(self.read_only) def eraseSignatureWidgets(self): if self.parameterizedWidget is not None: self.parameterizedWidget.close() self.parameterizedWidget.deleteLater() eNode = getattr(self.process, '_executionNode', None) if eNode is None and self.inlineGUI is not None: self.inlineGUI.close() self.inlineGUI.deleteLater() def signatureChanged(self, process): self.eraseSignatureWidgets() self.createSignatureWidgets(None) # Execution tree menu
[docs] def openContextMenu(self, point): """ Called on contextMenuRequested signal. It opens the popup menu at cursor position. """ item = self.executionTree.currentItem() if item: enode = item._executionNode parent = item.parent() if parent: pnode = parent._executionNode else: pnode = None if hasattr(enode, '_process'): self.executionTreeMenu._showdocaction.setEnabled(True) else: self.executionTreeMenu._showdocaction.setEnabled(False) # Show/Hide node actions if isinstance(enode, brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode): enode = enode._executionNode if isinstance( enode, brainvisa.processes.ParallelExecutionNode ) \ and enode.possibleChildrenProcesses: self.executionTreeMenu._addnodeaction.setVisible(True) else: self.executionTreeMenu._addnodeaction.setVisible(False) if isinstance(pnode, brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode): pnode = pnode._executionNode if isinstance( pnode, brainvisa.processes.ParallelExecutionNode ) \ and pnode.possibleChildrenProcesses: self.executionTreeMenu._removenodeaction.setVisible(True) else: self.executionTreeMenu._removenodeaction.setVisible(False) self.executionTreeMenu._nodeactionseparator.setVisible( self.executionTreeMenu._addnodeaction.isVisible() or self.executionTreeMenu._removenodeaction.isVisible()) self.executionTreeMenu.exec(QCursor.pos())
def changeItemSelection(self, select=True, all=True, before=False): item = self.executionTree.currentItem() if item: parent = item.parent() if parent: if all: r = range(parent.childCount()) elif before: r = range(parent.indexOfChild(item)) else: # after r = range( parent.indexOfChild(item) + 1, parent.childCount()) for i in r: parent.child(i).check(select) else: parent = item.treeWidget() if all: r = range(parent.topLevelItemCount()) elif before: r = range(parent.indexOfTopLevelItem(item)) else: # after r = range(parent.indexOfTopLevelItem( item) + 1, parent.topLevelItemCount()) for i in r: parent.topLevelItem(i).check(select) def menuUnselectBefore(self): self.changeItemSelection(select=False, all=False, before=True) def menuUnselectAfter(self): self.changeItemSelection(select=False, all=False, before=False) # def menuUnselectAll(self): # self.changeItemSelection(select=False, all=True, before=False) def menuSelectBefore(self): self.changeItemSelection(select=True, all=False, before=True) def menuSelectAfter(self): self.changeItemSelection(select=True, all=False, before=False) # def menuSelectAll(self): # self.changeItemSelection(select=True, all=True, before=False) def lockedSteps(self, useUnselected=False): items = [self.process.executionNode()] locked = [] while items: item = items.pop() if not useUnselected and not item.isSelected(): continue children = list(item.children()) if len(children) == 0: # terminal node process = item._process for n, p in six.iteritems(process.signature): if isinstance(p, WriteDiskItem): v = getattr(item._process, n) # test if data is locked if v is not None and v.isLockData(): locked.append(item) else: if useUnselected: items += list(item.children()) else: items += [x for x in item.children() if x.isSelected()] return locked def parentNodes(self, enode): items = [[self.process.executionNode()]] chain = [] # walk the tree "vertically" getting deep in branches first while items: iteml = items[-1] if len(iteml) == 0: items.pop() chain.pop() continue item = iteml.pop() if item is enode: return chain children = list(item.children()) if len(children) != 0: chain.append(item) items.append(list(item.children())) def menuUnselectLocked(self): locked = self.lockedSteps() for item in locked: if item._optional: item.setSelected(False) else: parents = [x for x in self.parentNodes(item) if x._optional] if parents: parents[-1].setSelected(False) def menuUnselectLockedUpstream(self): items = self.lockedSteps(useUnselected=True) while items: item = items.pop() if item._optional: item.setSelected(False) else: parents = [x for x in self.parentNodes(item) if x._optional] if parents: parents[-1].setSelected(False) items.append(parents[-1]) continue parents = self.parentNodes(item) parents.reverse() for p in parents: if p.isSelected(): if p.__class__ is brainvisa.processes.SerialExecutionNode: for sp in p.children(): if sp is item: break if sp._optional: sp.setSelected(False) else: sparents = [ x for x in self.parentNodes(sp) if x._optional] if sparents: sparents[-1].setSelected(False) item = p def _changeAllLockedFiles(self, procOrNode, setLock): files = procOrNode.allParameterFiles() # filter out non-existing files and already locked ones if setLock: files = [ f for f in files if f.isWriteable() and not f.isLockData()] else: files = [f for f in files if f.isWriteable() and f.isLockData()] # show and confirm dialog = lockFilesGUI.LockedFilesListEditor(self, files, setLock) if dialog.exec(): files = dialog.selectedDiskItems() if files: if setLock: print('Locking...') for f in files: try: f.lockData() except IOError: pass # probably not writeable print('done.') else: print('Unlocking...') for f in files: try: f.unlockData() except IOError: pass print('done.') def menuLockAllFiles(self): self._changeAllLockedFiles(self.process, True) def menuUnlockAllfiles(self): self._changeAllLockedFiles(self.process, False) def menuDetachExecutionNode(self): item = self.executionTree.currentItem() if item: proc = item._executionNode self.readUserValues() event = ProcessExecutionEvent() event.setProcess(brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstance(proc)) clone = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstanceFromProcessEvent( event) return showProcess(clone) def menuShowDocumentation(self): try: global _mainWindow item = self.executionTree.currentItem() if item: enode = item._executionNode if hasattr(enode, '_process'): proc = enode._process doc = brainvisa.processes.getHTMLFileName(proc) if doc is not None and os.path.exists(doc): except Exception: showException() def menuLockStep(self): global _mainWindow item = self.executionTree.currentItem() if item: enode = item._executionNode self._changeAllLockedFiles(enode, True) def menuUnlockStep(self): global _mainWindow item = self.executionTree.currentItem() if item: enode = item._executionNode self._changeAllLockedFiles(enode, False) def menuAddExecutionNode(self): item = self.executionTree.currentItem() if item: enode = item._executionNode if isinstance(enode, brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode): enode = enode._executionNode if isinstance( enode, brainvisa.processes.SerialExecutionNode ) \ and enode.possibleChildrenProcesses: defaultProcess = list(enode.possibleChildrenProcesses.keys())[0] defaultProcessOptions = enode.possibleChildrenProcesses[ defaultProcess] child = brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode( defaultProcess, optional=defaultProcessOptions.get( 'optional', True), selected=defaultProcessOptions.get( 'selected', True), expandedInGui=defaultProcessOptions.get( 'expandedInGui', False) ) enode.addChild(node=child) def menuRemoveExecutionNode(self): item = self.executionTree.currentItem() parent = item.parent() if parent: pnode = parent._executionNode if isinstance(pnode, brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode): pnode = pnode._executionNode if isinstance( pnode, brainvisa.processes.SerialExecutionNode ) \ and pnode.possibleChildrenProcesses: n = pnode.childrenNames() for k in n: c = pnode._children[k] if c and ((c is item._executionNode) or (weakref.proxy(c) is item._executionNode)): pnode.removeChild(k) def defaultInlineGUI(self, parent, externalRunButton=False, container=None): if container is None: container = QWidget() layout = QHBoxLayout() container.setLayout(layout) layout.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) else: layout = container.layout() if not externalRunButton: self.btnRun = QToolButton(self) self.btnRun.setDefaultAction(self.action_run) self.btnRun.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly) layout.addWidget(self.btnRun) self.btnRun.setMinimumWidth(90) self.btnRun.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.btnInterrupt = QToolButton(self) self.btnInterrupt.setDefaultAction(self.action_interupt) self.btnInterrupt.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly) layout.addWidget(self.btnInterrupt) self.btnInterrupt.setMinimumWidth(90) self.btnInterrupt.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.btnInterrupt.setVisible(False) self.btnInterruptStep = QToolButton(self) self.btnInterruptStep.setDefaultAction(self.action_interupt_step) self.btnInterruptStep.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly) layout.addWidget(self.btnInterruptStep) self.btnInterruptStep.setMinimumWidth(90) self.btnInterruptStep.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.btnInterruptStep.setVisible(False) self.btnIterate = QToolButton(self) self.btnIterate.setDefaultAction(self.action_iterate) self.btnIterate.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly) layout.addWidget(self.btnIterate) self.btnIterate.setMinimumWidth(90) self.btnIterate.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) if self.process.__class__ == brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess: self.btnIterate.setVisible(False) if self.process.executionNode() != None and _workflow_application_model != None: self.btnRunSomaWorkflow = QToolButton(self) self.btnRunSomaWorkflow.setDefaultAction(self.action_run_with_sw) self.btnRunSomaWorkflow.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly) layout.addWidget(self.btnRunSomaWorkflow) self.btnRunSomaWorkflow.setMinimumWidth(90) self.btnRunSomaWorkflow.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) else: self.action_run_with_sw.setVisible(False) container.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) container.setMaximumHeight(container.sizeHint().height()) return container def getEditor(self, parameterName): if self.parameterizedWidget is not None: return self.parameterizedWidget.editors.get(parameterName) return None
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): self.cleanup() self.closed.emit() QWidget.closeEvent(self, event)
def cleanup(self): self.process.cleanup() if self.parameterizedWidget is not None: self.parameterizedWidget.cleanup() if self._widgetStack is not None: for gui in self._widgetStack._children: cleanup = getattr(gui, 'cleanup', None) if cleanup is not None: cleanup() if gui is not None and sip is not None and not sip.isdeleted(gui): gui.deleteLater() self._widgetStack = None if self.executionTree is not None and QTreeWidgetItemIterator: it = QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self.executionTree) while it.value(): cleanup = getattr(it.value(), 'cleanup', None) if cleanup is not None: cleanup() it += 1 self.executionTree = None if neuroConfig: neuroConfig.unregisterObject(self) self.process.signatureChangeNotifier.remove(self.signatureChanged) self._executionNodeLVItems.clear() self.parametersWidget = None = None self.process._lastResult = None def _run(self): self._runButton() def _runButton(self, executionFunction=None): try: try: # disable run button when clicked to avoid several successive clicks # it is enabled when the process starts, the label of the # button switch to interrupt self.action_run.setEnabled(False) processView = self._checkReloadProcess() if processView is None: processView = self'') else:'') processView.warning( _t_('processes %s updated') % _t_( if hasattr(self.process, 'executionWorkflow'): return self._run_with_soma_workflow( executionFunction=executionFunction) else: processView._runningProcess = 0 processView._startCurrentProcess(executionFunction) except Exception: neuroException.showException() finally: self.action_run.setEnabled(True) def _run_with_soma_workflow(self, executionFunction=None): from brainvisa.workflow import ProcessToSomaWorkflow submission_dlg = WorkflowSubmissionDlg(self) if submission_dlg.exec() != QtGui.QDialog.Accepted: return resource_id = submission_dlg.combo_resource.currentText() if resource_id != _workflow_application_model.current_resource_id: _workflow_application_model.set_current_connection(resource_id) qtdt = submission_dlg.dateTimeEdit_expiration.dateTime() date = datetime(,,, qtdt.time().hour(), qtdt.time().minute(), qtdt.time().second()) queue = six.ensure_str(six.text_type(submission_dlg.combo_queue.currentText()), 'utf-8') if queue == "default queue": queue = None input_file_processing = submission_dlg.combo_in_files.currentText() output_file_processing = submission_dlg.combo_out_files.currentText() brainvisa_cmd = [os.path.basename(sys.executable), '-m', 'brainvisa.axon.runprocess'] self.readUserValues() builtin_db = [] if input_file_processing == ProcessToSomaWorkflow.BV_DB_SHARED_PATH: for db_setting in neuroConfig.dataPath: if db_setting.builtin: uuid = db_setting.expert_settings.uuid if uuid: builtin_db.append(uuid) else: print("warning ! db " + repr( + " has no uuid.") ptowf = ProcessToSomaWorkflow( self.process, input_file_processing=input_file_processing, output_file_processing=output_file_processing, brainvisa_cmd=brainvisa_cmd, brainvisa_db=builtin_db, context=self) workflow = ptowf.doIt() name = six.text_type(submission_dlg.lineedit_wf_name.text()) if name == "": if != None: name = # brainvisa_code is already included else: name = SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code else: name = SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code + name # store the process in workflow.user_storage serialized_process = StringIO() event = self.createProcessExecutionEvent() to_store = [ SomaWorkflowWidget.brainvisa_code, serialized_process.getvalue()] workflow.user_storage = to_store serialized_process.close() _workflow_application_model.add_workflow( soma_workflow.gui.workflowGui.NOT_SUBMITTED_WF_ID, + timedelta(days=5), name, soma_workflow.constants.WORKFLOW_NOT_STARTED, workflow) (wf_id, resource_id) = _mainWindow.sw_widget.submit_workflow(date, name, queue) if wf_id == None: return view = SomaWorkflowProcessView( _workflow_application_model, wf_id, resource_id, process=self.process, parent=_mainWindow) view.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) def _run_with_soma_workflow_button(self, executionFunction=None): try: self._run_with_soma_workflow(executionFunction=executionFunction) except Exception: neuroException.showException() finally: self.action_run_with_sw.setEnabled(True) def _interruptButton(self): if self._running: try: self._setInterruptionRequest( brainvisa.processes.ExecutionContext.UserInterruption()) except Exception: neuroException.showException() def _interruptStepButton(self, executionFunction=None): if self._running: self._setInterruptionRequest( brainvisa.processes.ExecutionContext.UserInterruptionStep()) def _checkReloadProcess(self): self.readUserValues() reload = False for p in self.process.allProcesses(): pp = brainvisa.processes.getProcess(p) if pp is not None and pp is not p and pp is not p.__class__: reload = True break result = None if reload: eNode = getattr(self.process, '_executionNode', None) if eNode is None: # Get current process arguments values event = ProcessExecutionEvent() event.setProcess(self.process) # Forget about old process self.process.signatureChangeNotifier.remove( self.signatureChanged) self.eraseSignatureWidgets() # Care about new process self.process = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstanceFromProcessEvent( event) self.process.signatureChangeNotifier.add( self.signatureChanged) procdoc = brainvisa.processes.readProcdoc(self.process) documentation = procdoc.get(neuroConfig.language) if documentation is None: documentation = procdoc.get('en', {}) self.createSignatureWidgets(documentation) result = self else: result = self.clone() self.deleteLater() return result def _startCurrentProcess(self, executionFunction): # Remove icon from all ListView items for item in self._executionNodeLVItems.values(): item.setIcon(0, self.pixNone) self._lastProcessRaisedException = None try: self._startProcess(self.process, executionFunction) self._running = True except Exception as e: self._lastProcessRaisedException = e neuroException.showException() def _write(self, html): mainThreadActions().push(self._appendInfo, html) def _appendInfo(self, msg): # the tags font are here just to avoid display problems in QTextEdit # with non html content (color staying red after an error for example) if not is None:"<font>" + msg + "</font>") def _processStarted(self): if self._depth() == 1: if is not None: mainThreadActions().push( mainThreadActions().push(self.action_run.setEnabled, False) mainThreadActions().push(self.action_interupt.setVisible, True) if self.process.__class__ == brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess: mainThreadActions().push( self.action_interupt_step.setVisible, True) if self.btnRun != None: mainThreadActions().push(self.btnRun.setVisible, False) mainThreadActions().push(self.btnInterrupt.setVisible, True) if self.process.__class__ == brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess: mainThreadActions().push( self.btnInterruptStep.setVisible, True) # Adds an icon on the ListViewItem corresponding to the current process # if any p = self._currentProcess() eNodeItem = self._executionNodeLVItems.get(p) if eNodeItem is not None: mainThreadActions().push(eNodeItem.setIcon, 0, self.pixInProcess) ExecutionContextGUI._processStarted(self) def _processFinished(self, result): self.process._lastResult = result ExecutionContextGUI._processFinished(self, result) # Remove icon from the ListViewItem corresponding to the current process # if any p = self._currentProcess() eNodeItem = self._executionNodeLVItems.get(p) if eNodeItem is not None: if self._lastProcessRaisedException: mainThreadActions().push( eNodeItem.setIcon, 0, self.pixProcessError) else: mainThreadActions().push(eNodeItem.setIcon, 0, self.pixProcessFinished) if self._depth() == 1: if is not None: mainThreadActions().push( mainThreadActions().push(self.action_run.setEnabled, True) mainThreadActions().push(self.action_interupt.setVisible, False) if self.process.__class__ == brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess: mainThreadActions().push( self.action_interupt_step.setVisible, False) if self.btnRun != None: mainThreadActions().push(self.btnRun.setVisible, True) mainThreadActions().push(self.btnInterrupt.setVisible, False) if self.process.__class__ == brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess: mainThreadActions().push( self.btnInterruptStep.setVisible, False) mainThreadActions().push(self._checkReadable) self._running = False else: mainThreadActions().push(self._checkReadable)
[docs] def system(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = ExecutionContextGUI.system(self, *args, **kwargs) mainThreadActions().push(self._checkReadable) return ret
def _checkReadable(self): if self.parameterizedWidget is not None: self.parameterizedWidget.checkReadable() if self.executionTree is not None: for gui in self._widgetStack._children: checkReadable = getattr(gui, '_checkReadable', None) if checkReadable is not None: checkReadable()
[docs] def dialog(self, modal, message, signature, *buttons): return mainThreadActions().call(UserDialog, self, modal, message, signature, buttons)
# def showCallScript( self ): # text = "defaultContext().runProcess( '" + + "'" # text2 = '' # for n in self.process.signature.keys(): # if not self.process.isDefault( n ): # text2 += ' ' + n + ' = ' + repr( self.editors[ n ].getValue() ) + ',\n' # if text2: # text += ',\n' + text2 # text += ')\n' # txt = TextEditor( text ) # txt.resize( 800, 600 ) # def executionNodeRemoveChild(self, item, eNode, key=None, childNode=None): childItem = getattr(childNode, '_guiItem', None) if childItem: # Remove matching child item for i in range(item.childCount()): c = item.child(i) if (childItem == c) or (childItem is weakref.proxy(c)): item.takeChild(i) break func = getattr(item, 'hasChildren', None) # Update children indicator for the current item if func and func(): item.setChildIndicatorPolicy(item.DontShowIndicator) def executionNodeAddChild(self, item, eNode, key=None, childNode=None, previous=None): # 10-02-2014 : added possibility to hide nodes in GUI if isinstance(item, QTreeWidgetItem) and not item.isExpanded(): item.setChildIndicatorPolicy(item.ShowIndicator) return item newItem = None oldItem = getattr(childNode, '_guiItem', None) if oldItem: # WARNING: an execution node has *one* _guiItem, so the current design # only allows to have one widget view to the process tree. Thus this # forbids displaying in a workflow window the pipeline if it is already # displayed in a ProcessView. Even more problematic, it prevents # displaying in a workflow window if it happened to have a GUI once in # the past, since _guiItem is not cleared when the widget is # closed. oldItem.setHidden(getattr(childNode, '_hidden', False)) newItem = oldItem else: if isinstance(childNode, brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode): en = childNode._executionNode if en is None: en = childNode else: en = childNode if eNode is not childNode \ and (isinstance(eNode, brainvisa.processes.SelectionExecutionNode) or (isinstance(eNode, brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode) and isinstance(eNode._executionNode, brainvisa.processes.SelectionExecutionNode))): itemType = "radio" elif childNode._optional: itemType = "check" else: itemType = None # Try to insert node at the matching index if key: index = eNode._children.index(key) else: index = None name = newItem = NodeCheckListItem(childNode, item, index, _t_(name), itemType, read_only=self.read_only) newItem.setHidden(getattr(childNode, '_hidden', False)) if isinstance(childNode, weakref.ProxyType): newItem._executionNode = childNode else: newItem._executionNode = weakref.proxy(childNode) if isinstance(newItem, weakref.ProxyType): childNode._guiItem = newItem else: childNode._guiItem = weakref.proxy(newItem) # Add callback to warn about child add and remove beforeChildRemovedCallback = getattr( en, 'beforeChildRemoved', None) if beforeChildRemovedCallback: beforeChildRemovedCallback.add( soma.functiontools.partial( self.__class__.executionNodeRemoveChild, weakref.proxy( self), newItem)) afterChildAddedCallback = getattr(en, 'afterChildAdded', None) if afterChildAddedCallback: afterChildAddedCallback.add( soma.functiontools.partial( self.__class__.executionNodeAddChild, weakref.proxy( self), newItem)) # set children indicator for the new item hiddens = [getattr(c, '_hidden', False) for c in en.children()] hasvisiblechildren = (len([x for x in hiddens if not x]) > 0) if en.hasChildren() and hasvisiblechildren: newItem.setChildIndicatorPolicy(newItem.ShowIndicator) # newItem.setExpandable( en.hasChildren() ) if isinstance(childNode, brainvisa.processes.ProcessExecutionNode): self._executionNodeLVItems[childNode._process] = newItem # Update children indicator for the current item hiddens = [getattr(c, '_hidden', False) for c in eNode.children()] hasvisiblechildren = (len([x for x in hiddens if not x]) > 0) func = getattr(item, 'hasChildren', None) if func and func() \ and hasvisiblechildren: item.setChildIndicatorPolicy(item.ShowIndicator) if self._depth(): p = self._currentProcess() eNodeItem = self._executionNodeLVItems.get(p) if eNodeItem is not None: eNodeItem.setIcon(0, self.pixInProcess) return newItem def executionNodeSelected(self, item, previous): if item is not None: if (getattr(item, "_guiId", None)) is not None: self._widgetStack.setCurrentIndex(item._guiId) else: gui = item._executionNode.gui( self._widgetStack, processView=self) if gui is not None: item._guiId = self._widgetStack.addWidget(gui) self._widgetStack._children.append(gui) self._guiId += 1 else: self._emptyWidget = QWidget(self._widgetStack) item._guiId = self._widgetStack.addWidget( self._emptyWidget) self._widgetStack.setCurrentIndex(item._guiId) item.currentItemChanged(True) if previous is not None: previous.currentItemChanged(False) # Trick to have correct slider # size = self.size() # self.resize( size.width()+1, size.height() ) # QApplication.instance().processEvents() # self.resize( size ) # def executionNodeClicked( self, item, column ): # item.itemClicked() def executionNodeChanged(self, item, column): if hasattr(item, '_node') and item._node._selected != item.isOn() \ and (not hasattr(item, 'creating') or not item.creating): item.itemClicked() def _executionNodeExpanded(self, item, eNodeAndChildren=None): if item is not None and getattr(item, '_notExpandedYet', True): item._notExpandedYet = False previous = None if eNodeAndChildren is None: eNode = item._executionNode eNodeChildren = (eNode.child(k) for k in eNode.childrenNames()) else: eNode, eNodeChildren = eNodeAndChildren for childNode in eNodeChildren: previous = self.executionNodeAddChild(item, eNode, childNode=childNode) if childNode._expandedInGui and previous is not None: previous.setExpanded(True) def _executionNodeActivated(self, item): if getattr(item, "activate", None): item.activate() def createWorkflow(self): from brainvisa.workflow import ProcessToSomaWorkflow class Options(HasSignature): signature = SomaSignature( 'output', SomaFileName, dict(doc='Name of the output workflow file.'), 'input_file_processing', SomaChoice((_t_(ProcessToSomaWorkflow.NO_FILE_PROCESSING), 0), (_t_( ProcessToSomaWorkflow.FILE_TRANSFER), 1), (_t_( ProcessToSomaWorkflow.SHARED_RESOURCE_PATH), 2), (_t_(ProcessToSomaWorkflow.BV_DB_SHARED_PATH), 3)), dict(defaultValue=0), 'output_file_processing', SomaChoice((_t_(ProcessToSomaWorkflow.NO_FILE_PROCESSING), 0), (_t_( ProcessToSomaWorkflow.FILE_TRANSFER), 1), (_t_(ProcessToSomaWorkflow.SHARED_RESOURCE_PATH), 2)), dict(defaultValue=0) ) options = Options() if ApplicationQt4GUI().edit(options): input_file_processing = ProcessToSomaWorkflow.NO_FILE_PROCESSING if options.input_file_processing == 1: input_file_processing = ProcessToSomaWorkflow.FILE_TRANSFER if options.input_file_processing == 2: input_file_processing = ProcessToSomaWorkflow.SHARED_RESOURCE_PATH if options.input_file_processing == 3: input_file_processing = ProcessToSomaWorkflow.BV_DB_SHARED_PATH output_file_processing = ProcessToSomaWorkflow.NO_FILE_PROCESSING if options.output_file_processing == 1: output_file_processing = ProcessToSomaWorkflow.FILE_TRANSFER if options.output_file_processing == 2: output_file_processing = ProcessToSomaWorkflow.SHARED_RESOURCE_PATH builtin_db = [] if input_file_processing == ProcessToSomaWorkflow.BV_DB_SHARED_PATH: for db_setting in neuroConfig.dataPath: if db_setting.builtin: uuid = db_setting.expert_settings.uuid if uuid: builtin_db.append(uuid) else: print("warning ! db " + repr( + " has no uuid.") ptowf = ProcessToSomaWorkflow( self.process, options.output, input_file_processing=input_file_processing, output_file_processing=output_file_processing, brainvisa_db=builtin_db, context=self) ptowf.doIt() def _iterateButton(self): # if the process has a method custom_iteration(), then it is used to # obtain an iterated pipeline (Capsul processes...) without using the # interactive iteration dialog. if hasattr(self.process, 'custom_iteration'): iterated_process = self.process.custom_iteration() showProcess(iterated_process) else: self.readUserValues() self._iterationDialog = IterationDialog(self, self.process, self) # make it window modal to avoid user changes in the parent process # window self._iterationDialog.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) self._iterationDialog.accepted.connect(self._iterateAccept) def _iterateAccept(self): try: params = self._iterationDialog.getLists() processes = self.process._iterate(**params) iterationProcess = brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess( + " iteration", processes, showProcess(iterationProcess) except Exception: neuroException.showException() def setValue(self, name, value): setattr(self.process, name, value) def readUserValues(self): if self.parameterizedWidget is not None: self.parameterizedWidget.readUserValues() if self._widgetStack is not None: for pw in self._widgetStack._children: ruv = getattr(pw, 'readUserValues', None) if ruv is None: ruv = getattr( getattr(pw, 'parameterizedWidget', None), 'readUserValues', None) if ruv is not None: ruv() def createProcessExecutionEvent(self): event = super(ProcessView, self).createProcessExecutionEvent() mainThreadActions().call(event.setWindow, self) return event def saveAs(self): minf = getattr(self.process, '_savedAs', '') # workaround a bug in PyQt ? Param 5 doesn't work; try to use kwargs import sipconfig if sipconfig.Configuration().sip_version >= 0x040a00: minf = six.text_type(qt_backend.getSaveFileName( None, 'Save a process file', minf, 'BrainVISA process (*.bvproc);;All files (*)', options=QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)) else: minf = six.text_type( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, 'Save a process file', minf, 'BrainVISA process (*.bvproc);;All files (*)', None, QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)) if minf: if not minf.endswith('.bvproc'): minf += '.bvproc' self.readUserValues() event = self.createProcessExecutionEvent() self.process._savedAs = minf def saveProcessSetupsGUI(self): from brainvisa.processing.qt4gui.ProcessSetupsGUI import SaveProcessSetupsGUI save_process_setups_GUI = SaveProcessSetupsGUI(self) save_process_setups_GUI.exec() def clone(self): try: self.readUserValues() clone = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstanceFromProcessEvent( self.createProcessExecutionEvent()) return showProcess(clone) except Exception: showException() def show_process_doc(self): global _mainWindow doc = brainvisa.processes.getHTMLFileName(self.process) if os.path.exists(doc): @staticmethod @catch_gui_exception def open(): import sipconfig if sipconfig.Configuration().sip_version >= 0x040a00: minf = six.text_type(qt_backend.getOpenFileName( None, _t_('Open a process file'), '', 'BrainVISA process (*.bvproc);;All files (*)', options=QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)) else: minf = six.text_type(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, _t_('Open a process file'), '', 'BrainVISA process (*.bvproc);;All files (*)', None, QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)) if minf: showProcess(brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstance(minf))
[docs]def showProcess(process_id, *args, **kwargs): '''Opens a process window and set the corresponding arguments''' global _mainWindow view = None try: process = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstance(process_id) if process is None: raise RuntimeError(neuroException.HTMLMessage( _t_('Invalid process <em>%s</em>') % (str(process_id), ))) for i in range(len(args)): k, p = list(process.signature.items())[i] process.setValue(k, args[i]) for k, v in kwargs.items(): process.setValue(k, v) gui = getattr(process, 'overrideGUI', None) if gui is None: view = ProcessView(process) else: view = gui() windowGeometry = getattr(process, '_windowGeometry', None) if windowGeometry is not None: view.move(*windowGeometry['position']) view.resize(*windowGeometry['size']) except Exception: # an exception can occur if the process is reloaded and an error has been introduced in its code. neuroException.showException() return view
[docs]class IterationDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent, parameterized, context): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) self.setWindowTitle(_t_('%s iteration') % six.text_type(parent.windowTitle())) params = [] for (n, p) in parameterized.signature.items(): if neuroConfig.userLevel >= p.userLevel: params += [n, neuroData.ListOf(p)] self.parameterized = brainvisa.processes.Parameterized( neuroData.Signature(*params)) for n in self.parameterized.signature.keys(): setattr(self.parameterized, n, None) self.parameterizedWidget = ParameterizedWidget( self.parameterized, None) layout.addWidget(self.parameterizedWidget) w = QWidget() hb = QHBoxLayout() w.setLayout(hb) layout.addWidget(w) hb.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) w.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) btn = QPushButton(_t_('Ok')) hb.addWidget(btn) btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) btn.clicked.connect(self.accept) btn = QPushButton(_t_('Cancel')) hb.addWidget(btn) btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) btn.clicked.connect(self.reject) def getLists(self): result = {} for n in self.parameterized.signature.keys(): result[n] = getattr(self.parameterized, n, None) return result
[docs] def accept(self): self.parameterizedWidget.readUserValues() QDialog.accept(self)
[docs]class UserDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent, modal, message, signature, buttons): flags = Qt.Window | Qt.Dialog QDialog.__init__(self, parent, flags) if modal: self.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) layout.setSpacing(5) self.condition = None self.signature = signature self._currentDirectory = None if message is not None: lab = QLabel(six.text_type(message)) lab.setWordWrap(True) layout.addWidget(lab) lab.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.editors = {} if signature is not None: sv = WidgetScrollV() layout.addWidget(sv) first = None svWidget = QWidget() svWidgetLayout = QVBoxLayout() svWidget.setLayout(svWidgetLayout) for (k, p) in self.signature.items(): hb = QHBoxLayout() svWidgetLayout.addLayout(hb) l = QLabel(k + ': ') hb.addWidget(l) e = p.editor(None, k, self) hb.addWidget(e) self.editors[k] = e if first is None: first = e sv.setWidget(svWidget) self.group1 = QButtonGroup() group1Widget = QWidget() group1Layout = QHBoxLayout() group1Widget.setLayout(group1Layout) layout.addWidget(group1Widget) self._actions = {} self.group2 = QButtonGroup() group2Widget = QWidget() group2Layout = QHBoxLayout() group2Widget.setLayout(group2Layout) layout.addWidget(group2Widget) deleteGroup1 = 1 i = 0 for b in buttons: if type(b) in (tuple, list): caption, action = b btn = QPushButton(six.text_type(caption)) group1Layout.addWidget(btn) self.group1.addButton(btn, i) btn.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self._actions[] = action deleteGroup1 = 0 else: btn = QPushButton(six.text_type(b)) group2Layout.addWidget(btn) self.group2.addButton(btn, i) btn.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) i += 1 if deleteGroup1: group1Widget.close() else: group1Widget.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.group1.buttonClicked[int].connect(self._doAction) group2Widget.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.group2.buttonClicked[int].connect( def select(self, value): for e in self.editors.values(): e.checkValue() self._result = value self.done(1) def setValue(self, name, value): mainThreadActions().push(self.editors[name].setValue, value) def getValue(self, name): return mainThreadActions().call(self.editors[name].getValue) def _doAction(self, index): self._actions[index](self) def call(self): if neuroConfig.gui: self._result = None mainThreadActions().call( mainThreadActions().call(self.exec) result = self._result del self._result return result return -1
[docs]class ProcessEdit(QDialog): def __init__(self, process): QDialog.__init__(self, None) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) layout.setSpacing(5) neuroConfig.registerObject(self) self.process = process t = _t_( self.setWindowTitle(t) spl = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) layout.addWidget(spl) w = QWidget(spl) vb = QVBoxLayout() w.setLayout(vb) self.labName = QLabel('<center><h3>' + t + '</h3></center>', spl) vb.addWidget(self.labName) hb = QHBoxLayout() vb.addLayout(hb) l = QLabel(_t_('HTML Path') + ': ') hb.addWidget(l) self.leHTMLPath = QLineEdit() hb.addWidget(self.leHTMLPath) hb = QHBoxLayout() vb.addLayout(hb) l = QLabel(_t_('Language') + ': ') hb.addWidget(l) self.cmbLanguage = QComboBox() self.cmbLanguage.setEditable(False) hb.addWidget(self.cmbLanguage) for i in neuroConfig._languages: self.cmbLanguage.addItem(i) if i == neuroConfig.language: self.cmbLanguage.setCurrentIndex(self.cmbLanguage.count() - 1) self.cmbLanguage.activated.connect(self.changeLanguage) l = QLabel(_t_('Short description') + ':') vb.addWidget(l) self.mleShort = QPlainTextEdit() vb.addWidget(self.mleShort) w = QWidget(spl) vb = QVBoxLayout() w.setLayout(vb) # spl.setLayout(vb) hb = QHBoxLayout() vb.addLayout(hb) l = QLabel(_t_('Parameter') + ': ') hb.addWidget(l) self.cmbParameter = QComboBox() self.cmbParameter.setEditable(False) hb.addWidget(self.cmbParameter) stack = QStackedWidget() vb.addWidget(stack) self.mleParameters = {} for n in self.process.signature.keys(): mle = QPlainTextEdit() vb.addWidget(mle) stack.addWidget(mle) self.mleParameters[self.cmbParameter.count()] = mle self.cmbParameter.addItem(n) self.cmbParameter.activated.connect(stack.setCurrentIndex) stack.setCurrentIndex(0) w = QWidget(spl) vb = QVBoxLayout() w.setLayout(vb) l = QLabel(_t_('Long description') + ':') vb.addWidget(l) self.mleLong = QPlainTextEdit() vb.addWidget(self.mleLong) try: self.readDocumentation() self.setLanguage(six.text_type(self.cmbLanguage.currentText())) except Exception: showException() w = QWidget() hb = QHBoxLayout() w.setLayout(hb) vb.addWidget(w) hb.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) w.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) btn = QPushButton(_t_('apply')) hb.addWidget(btn) btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) btn.clicked.connect(self.applyChanges) btn = QPushButton(_t_('Ok')) hb.addWidget(btn) btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) btn.clicked.connect(self.accept) btn = QPushButton(_t_('Cancel')) hb.addWidget(btn) btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) btn.clicked.connect(self.reject) self.resize(800, 600)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): neuroConfig.unregisterObject(self) QWidget.closeEvent(self, event)
def readDocumentation(self): try: self.documentation = brainvisa.processes.readProcdoc(self.process) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def writeDocumentation(self): brainvisa.processes.procdocToXHTML(self.documentation) self.setLanguage(self.language) brainvisa.processes.writeProcdoc(self.process, self.documentation) def setLanguage(self, lang): self.leHTMLPath.setText( XHTML.html(self.documentation.get('htmlPath', ''))) self.language = lang d = self.documentation.get(lang, {}) self.mleShort.setPlainText(XHTML.html(d.get('short', ''))) self.mleLong.setPlainText(XHTML.html(d.get('long', ''))) p = d.get('parameters', {}) for i, j in self.mleParameters.items(): j.setPlainText( XHTML.html(p.get(six.text_type(self.cmbParameter.itemText(i)), ''))) def saveLanguage(self): d = {} d['short'] = self.escapeXMLEntities( six.text_type(self.mleShort.toPlainText())) d['long'] = self.escapeXMLEntities( six.text_type(self.mleLong.toPlainText())) d['parameters'] = p = {} for i, j in self.mleParameters.items(): param_name = six.text_type(self.cmbParameter.itemText(i)) if j.toPlainText(): p[param_name] = self.escapeXMLEntities( six.text_type(j.toPlainText())) else: if param_name in p: del p[param_name] self.documentation[self.language] = d htmlPath = six.text_type(self.leHTMLPath.text()) if htmlPath: self.documentation['htmlPath'] = htmlPath else: try: del self.documentation['htmlPath'] except KeyError: pass @staticmethod def escapeXMLEntities(s): return re.sub(r'&(?![a-z]+;)', '&amp;', s) def changeLanguage(self): self.saveLanguage() self.setLanguage(six.text_type(self.cmbLanguage.currentText())) def applyChanges(self): try: self.saveLanguage() self.writeDocumentation() brainvisa.processes.generateHTMLProcessesDocumentation( self.process) mainWindow().info.reload() except Exception: neuroException.showException()
[docs] def accept(self): self.applyChanges() QDialog.accept(self)
[docs]class ProcessSelectionWidget(QMainWindow): """ This widget is the main window in brainvisa. Provides navigation among processes. """ # Soma-Workflow widget for workflow execution on various computing resources # SomaWorkflowWidget sw_widget = None sw_mini_widget = None def __init__(self): QMainWindow.__init__(self) if getattr(ProcessSelectionWidget, '_pixmapCache', None) is None: ProcessSelectionWidget._pixmapCache = {} for file in ('icon_process_0.png', 'icon_process_1.png', 'icon_process_2.png', 'icon_process_3.png', 'folder.png'): fullPath = os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, file) ProcessSelectionWidget._pixmapCache[ fullPath] = QIcon(fullPath) centralWidget = QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.dock_doc = QDockWidget("Documentation", self) self.dock_doc.setObjectName("documentation_dock") self.dock_doc.toggleViewAction().setText(_t_("Documentation")) self.dock_doc.setAllowedAreas( QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) self.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.dock_doc) self.dock_sw = QDockWidget("Execution", self) self.dock_sw.setObjectName("execution_dock") self.dock_sw.toggleViewAction().setText(_t_("Workflow execution")) self.dock_sw.setAllowedAreas( QtCore.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea | QtCore.Qt.TopDockWidgetArea) if _workflow_application_model is not None: self.sw_widget = SomaWorkflowWidget(_workflow_application_model, computing_resource=None, parent=None) self.sw_widget.setWindowTitle(_t_("Workflow execution")) self.sw_mini_widget = SomaWorkflowMiniWidget( _workflow_application_model, self.sw_widget, self.dock_sw) self.dock_sw.hide() self.dock_sw.setWidget(self.sw_mini_widget) self.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self.dock_sw) else: self.dock_sw.hide() self.dock_sw.toggleViewAction().setVisible(False) self.sw_widget = None self.setCorner( QtCore.Qt.BottomRightCorner, QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) self.setCorner( QtCore.Qt.BottomLeftCorner, QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea) self.setCorner(QtCore.Qt.TopLeftCorner, QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea) self.setCorner(QtCore.Qt.TopRightCorner, QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) # Menu setup menu = self.menuBar() addBrainVISAMenu(self, menu) neuroConfigGUI.addSupportMenu(self, menu) view_menu = menu.addMenu(_t_("&View")) view_menu.addAction(self.dock_doc.toggleViewAction()) view_menu.addAction(self.dock_sw.toggleViewAction()) view_menu.addAction(close_viewers_action(self)) # central widget layout layout = QVBoxLayout() centralWidget.setLayout(layout) layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) # processTrees and the search box w = QWidget(self) layout.addWidget(w) vb = QVBoxLayout() vb.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) w.setLayout(vb) self.currentProcessId = None self.processTrees = ProcessTreesWidget() self.processTrees.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) self.processTrees.selectionChanged.connect(self.itemSelected) self.processTrees.doubleClicked.connect(self.openProcess) self.processTrees.openProcess.connect(self.openProcess) self.processTrees.editProcess.connect(self.editProcess) self.processTrees.iterateProcess.connect(self.iterateProcess) # the hacked search box p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'searchbox.ui') self.searchbox = QWidget() # for PySide/PyQt compat self.searchbox = loadUi(p, self.searchbox) self.searchboxSearchB = self.searchbox.BV_search self.matchedProcs = [] self.searchboxResetSearchB = self.searchbox.BV_resetsearch self.searchboxLineEdit = self.searchbox.BV_searchlineedit self._continueSearching = 0 self.searchboxSearchB.clicked.connect(self.buttonSearch) self.searchboxResetSearchB.clicked.connect(self.resetSearch) vb.addWidget(self.processTrees) vb.addWidget(self.searchbox) # right dock : documentation panel = HTMLBrowser(self), QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.dock_doc.setWidget( self.btnOpen = QPushButton(_t_('Open')) self.btnEdit = None self.updateList() # try to start with a doc opened if hasattr(self, 'screen'): screen = self.screen() else: screen = QApplication.primaryScreen() ds = screen.size() self.resize(min(1200, ds.width()), min(800, ds.height())) state_path = os.path.join( neuroConfig.homeBrainVISADir, "main_window_state.bin") if os.path.exists(state_path): state_file = QtCore.QFile(state_path) state = state_file.readAll() state_file.close() self.restoreState(state, 1)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent): if (keyEvent.matches(QKeySequence.Find) or keyEvent.matches(QKeySequence.FindNext)): if (self.searchboxLineEdit.text() == ""): else: self.buttonSearch() elif ((keyEvent.key() == Qt.Key_W) and (keyEvent.modifiers() == Qt.ControlModifier)): else: QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent)
[docs] def buttonSearch(self): """ Called when user click on search / next button. The text written in the search box is searched in tree leaves names (processes). The first item found which name contains the searched string becomes selected. If the user click another time on the search / next button, next item is searched... """ # new search if not self.matchedProcs: # searched string s = six.text_type(self.searchboxLineEdit.text()).lower() if s == "": self.matchedProcs = None else: # search for items which name contains the string -> # generator self.matchedProcs = self.processTrees.findItem(s) # next search if self.matchedProcs: try: # an exception will occur when there is no more items item = next(self.matchedProcs) self.searchboxLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.searchboxSearchB.setText('next') # self.searchboxSearchB.setShortcut( QKeySequence.FindNext ) except Exception: self.resetSearch()
[docs] def resetSearch(self): """ Called at the end of a search or when the user click on reset button. """ self.matchedProcs = None self.searchboxSearchB.setText('search') # self.searchboxSearchB.setShortcut( QKeySequence.Find ) self.searchboxLineEdit.setEnabled(True) self.searchboxLineEdit.setText("")
[docs] def itemSelected(self, item): """ Called when a tree item becomes selected. currentProcessId is updated and associated documentation is shown. :param item: the newly selected item :py:class:`ProcessTree.Item` """ if item: if item.isLeaf(): processId = self.currentProcessId = processId self.btnOpen.setEnabled(1) try: documentation = brainvisa.processes.readProcdoc( self.currentProcessId) source = brainvisa.processes.getHTMLFileName( self.currentProcessId) if os.path.exists(source): else:'') except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if self.btnEdit is not None: self.btnEdit.setEnabled(1) else: self.currentProcessId = None self.btnOpen.setEnabled(0) if self.btnEdit is not None: self.btnEdit.setEnabled(0) # Construct categroy HTML documentation file name else:'')
[docs] def openProcess(self, item=None): """ Called to open current process. If the process is not given, selected process in current tree is opened. :param item: the process to open. :py:class:`ProcessTree.Item` """ processId = None if item is not None: # open given item if item.isLeaf(): processId = showProcess(processId) else: # if it is not given (open button), open selected item in current process tree item = self.processTrees.treeStack.currentWidget().currentItem() if item is not None: item = item.model if item.isLeaf(): processId = showProcess(processId) if processId != self.currentProcessId: self.itemSelected(item)
def editProcess(self, item=None): processId = None if item is not None: if item.isLeaf(): processId = else: processId = self.currentProcessId win = ProcessEdit(brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstance(processId)) def iterateProcess(self, item=None): processId = None if item is not None: if item.isLeaf(): processId = else: processId = self.currentProcessId self.currentProcess = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstance(processId) # print("iterate process", processId) # if the process has a method custom_iteration(), then it is used to # obtain an iterated pipeline (Capsul processes...) without using the # interactive iteration dialog. if hasattr(self.currentProcess, 'custom_iteration'): iterated_process = self.currentProcess.custom_iteration() showProcess(iterated_process) else: self._iterationDialog = IterationDialog( self, self.currentProcess, self) self._iterationDialog.accepted.connect(self._iterateAccept) def _iterateAccept(self): """ Call back when accepting iteration dialog. Iterates the selected process. """ try: params = self._iterationDialog.getLists() processes = self.currentProcess._iterate(**params) iterationProcess = brainvisa.processes.IterationProcess( + " iteration", processes, # iterationProcess.possibleChildrenProcesses = showProcess(iterationProcess) except Exception: neuroException.showException()
[docs] def updateList(self): """ Reloads the list of process trees. """ self.processTrees.setModel( brainvisa.processes.updatedMainProcessTree())
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): state = self.saveState(1) state_file = QtCore.QFile( os.path.join(neuroConfig.homeBrainVISADir, "main_window_state.bin")) state_file.write(state) state_file.close() quitRequest() event.ignore()
[docs]class ProcessTreesWidget(QSplitter): """ A widget that shows a list of :py:class:`ProcessTree`. Each process tree presents a sub group of existing processes. It's composed of two parts : * the list of process trees (use profiles) * a view of currently selected tree Each process tree can be opened in another window in order to enable drag and drop from one tree to another. .. py:attribute:: treeIndex Widget containing items representing each process tree. TreeListWidget. .. py:attribute:: treeStack A stack of EditableTreeWidget, representing the content of each processTree. QWidgetStack. .. py:attribute:: treeStackIdentifiers dict associating a processTree to an unique integer identifier used with the widget stack. Only the selected processTree widget of the stack is visible. .. py:attribute:: widgets list of EditableTreeWidget currently in the stack. Useful because QWidgetStack doesn't provide iterator on its content. .. py:attribute:: openedTreeWidget Currently opened process tree. It is in a window independant from the main window. EditableTreeWidget .. py:attribute:: model list of ProcessTree which this widget represents. ProcessTrees .. py:attribute:: popupMenu QPopupMenu contextual menu associated to the list of process trees. .. py:attribute:: savesTimer QTimer started when the model has changed. When the timer times out, the model is saved. Used to delay model saves : it speeds up execution when there is several modification at the same time (drag&drop several elements). """ selectionChanged = QtCore.Signal(soma.notification.ObservableAttributes) doubleClicked = QtCore.Signal(soma.notification.ObservableAttributes) openProcess = QtCore.Signal(soma.notification.ObservableAttributes) editProcess = QtCore.Signal(soma.notification.ObservableAttributes) iterateProcess = QtCore.Signal(soma.notification.ObservableAttributes) def __init__(self, processTrees=None, parent=None): """ :param processTrees: ProcessTrees, the list of process trees which this widget represents :param parent: QWidget, container of this widget """ QSplitter.__init__(self, parent) self.treeIndex = TreeListWidget(None, self, iconSize=bigIconSize) self.treeIndex.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) # signals self.treeIndex.currentItemChanged.connect(self.setCurrentTree) # on clicking on a tree, emit a pysignal for transmitting the signal to # the parent. The shown documentation may need to be changed. (clicked # instead of selectionChanged because the documentation may need to be # changed event if the item was already selected) self.treeIndex.itemClicked.connect(self.selectionChanged_slot) self.treeIndex.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.openContextMenu) # help tooltip self.treeIndex.setToolTip( _t_("Create your own lists of processes choosing new in contextual menu.<br>To add items in a list, open an existing list and move items in the new list.<br>If you set a list as default, it will selected the next time you run brainvisa.")) self.treeStack = QStackedWidget(self) self.treeStackIdentifiers = {} self.treeStack.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) # self.setResizeMode( self.treeIndex, QSplitter.FollowSizeHint ) self.widgets = [] self.openedTreeWidget = None # Popup Menu for toolboxes self.popupMenu = QMenu(self) _addAction(self.popupMenu, _t_("New"), self.menuNewTabEvent) _addAction(self.popupMenu, _t_("Delete"), self.menuDelTabEvent) _addAction(self.popupMenu, _t_("Open"), self.menuOpenTabEvent) _addAction(self.popupMenu, _t_("Set as default list"), self.menuSetDefaultEvent) # Popup Menu for processes self.processMenu = QMenu(self) _addAction(self.processMenu, _t_("Open"), self.menuOpenProcessEvent) _addAction(self.processMenu, _t_( "Edit documentation"), self.menuEditProcessEvent) _addAction(self.processMenu, _t_( "Iterate"), self.menuIterateProcessEvent) self.setStretchFactor(0, 2) self.setStretchFactor(1, 3) if processTrees: self.setModel(processTrees)
[docs] def setModel(self, processTrees): """ The widget is initialized with the given list of process tree. For each process tree, an item is added in treeIndex. A widget is created to represent each process tree and added to treeStack. :param processTrees: the list of process trees which this widget represents """ # clear widgets self.treeIndex.clear() for w in self.widgets: self.treeStack.removeWidget(w) self.treeStackIdentifiers = {} self.widgets = [] # register model and add listener self.model = processTrees self.model.addListener(self.updateContent) # listens the change of selectedTree attribute in model self.model.onAttributeChange("selectedTree", self.updateSelectedTree) self.model.onAttributeChange("selectedTree", self.modelChanged) self.model.addListener(self.modelChanged) # for each processTree, create an EditableTreeWidget which is added to the widget stack # and add an element to the list index of trees for processTree in processTrees.values(): self.addProcessTree(processTree) self.treeIndex.setModel(processTrees) # if there's a selected tree by default, the corresponding item in # widget is selected if self.model.selectedTree != None: found = False i = 0 while i < self.treeIndex.topLevelItemCount() and not found: # search selected tree corresponding item in treeIndex widget item = self.treeIndex.topLevelItem(i) i += 1 if item.model == self.model.selectedTree: found = True self.treeIndex.setCurrentItem(item) # Create a timer to delay model saves in minf file : it speeds up # execution when there is several modification at the same time # (drag&drop several elements) self.savesTimer = QTimer() self.savesTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.savesTimer.timeout.connect(
[docs] def addProcessTree(self, processTree): """ Add elements in the widget to add a representation of this process tree. :param processTree: new process tree for which the widget must be completed. """ treeWidget = EditableTreeWidget(processTree, self.treeStack) if processTree.modifiable: treeWidget.setToolTip( _t_("This list is customizable. You can :<br>- move items by drag and drop,<br>- delete item with del key,<br>- copy items by drag and drop and ctrl key,<br>- create new category with contextual menu.")) # signals # selectionChanged doesn't work with multiple selection # currentChanged isn't emited when click on an item that has already keyboeard focus and is not emited when click on an already selected item altought it may be necessary to update documentation because several items can be selected at the same time # -> so use clicked signal instead treeWidget.itemClicked.connect(self.selectionChanged_slot) treeWidget.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.doubleClicked_slot) treeWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda p: self.openProcessMenu(treeWidget, p)) # the new widget representing the process tree is added in treeStack # and in widgets stackIdentifier = self.treeStack.addWidget(treeWidget) self.treeStackIdentifiers.setdefault( object.__hash__(processTree), stackIdentifier) self.widgets.append(treeWidget) # listens changes in the process tree (for saving each change in minf # file) processTree.addListenerRec(self.modelChanged) processTree.onAttributeChangeRec("name", self.modelChanged)
def showTreeIndex(self): if self.treeIndex.isHidden(): else: self.treeIndex.hide()
[docs] def openContextMenu(self, point): """ Called on contextMenuRequested signal. It opens the popup menu at cursor position. """ self.popupMenu.exec(QCursor.pos())
[docs] def openProcessMenu(self, listView, point): """ Called on contextMenuRequested signal on the list of processes of a toolbox. It opens the process menu at cursor position if the current item represents a process. """ item = listView.itemAt(point) if item and item.model and item.model.isLeaf(): self.processMenu.exec(QCursor.pos()) else: listView.openContextMenu(point)
[docs] def updateContent(self, action=None, items=None, position=None): """ Called on model change (list of process trees). The widget must update itself to reflect the change. """ # treeIndex is a TreeListWidget and has already a listener which update the view on model changes # but some changes imply modification of treeStack -> add a widget in # the stack or remove a widget if action == ObservableList.INSERT_ACTION: # add a new process tree in the list for processTree in items: self.addProcessTree(processTree) elif action == ObservableList.REMOVE_ACTION: # remove a process tree for processTree in items: w = self.treeStack.widget( self.treeStackIdentifiers.get(object.__hash__(processTree))) self.treeStack.removeWidget(w) self.widgets.remove(w)
[docs] def updateSelectedTree(self, newSelection): """ Called when the selected tree changes. """ pass # maybe set a graphical element to show it is the default list...
[docs] def modelChanged(self, action=None, items=None, position=None): """ Method registred to be called when a process tree has changed or when the list of tree has changed. New ProcessTree list must be saved in a minf file. If change is insertion of a new item in a tree, registers listeners on this new item. """ # print("model changed", action, "write to minf file # processTrees.minf") if action == ObservableList.INSERT_ACTION: for item in items: # on insertion in a tree, listen changes of the new element # on insertion of a tree in the tree list, nothing to do, # listeners are already registred if not issubclass(item.__class__, brainvisa.processes.ProcessTree): if not item.isLeaf(): item.addListenerRec(self.modelChanged) item.onAttributeChangeRec("name", self.modelChanged) else: item.onAttributeChange("name", self.modelChanged) # instead of systematic model save for each change, start a timer wich will timeout when current event is finished # So if there is several modification due to the same event (drag and # drop several elements), the model will be saved only one time when # all changes are done. (speedier) if not self.savesTimer.isActive(): # if the timer is already started nothing to do, the change will be save anyway self.savesTimer.start(0)
[docs] def selectionChanged_slot(self, item, col=0): """ Called when selected item has changed in current process tree. This method emits a signal that must be caught by parent widget. """ if item is not None: self.selectionChanged.emit(item.model)
[docs] def doubleClicked_slot(self, item, col): """ Called on double click on an item of current process tree. This method emits a signal that must be caught by parent widget. """ self.doubleClicked.emit(item.model)
[docs] def setCurrentTree(self, item, previous=None): """ Changes the visible widget in the stack. """ if item: self.treeStack.setCurrentIndex( self.treeStackIdentifiers.get(object.__hash__(item.model)))
[docs] def findItem(self, name): """ Find items that contain the string given in parameters in their name. Each found item is selected and yield (and replace previous selection). Wide search. :param name: string searched in items names. :rtype: generator """ for widget in self.widgets: # for all process trees widgets it = QTreeWidgetItemIterator(widget) lastSelection = None while it.value(): item = it.value() if not item.isHidden(): if item.model.isLeaf(): # for a leaf (process) search string in name keep = False if > -1 \ or > -1: keep = True else: # also try to find the untranslated process name try: proc = brainvisa.processes.getProcess( pname = if pname.lower().find(name) > -1: keep = True except Exception: pass if keep:, item, lastSelection) lastSelection = (widget, item) yield item it += 1
[docs] def select(self, widget, item, lastSelection): """ Select a process tree and an item in it. Undo last selection. :param widget: EditableTreeWidget, the tree widget that contains the item to select. :param item: EditableTreeItem, the item (process) to select :param lastSelection: tuple(EditableTreeWidget, EditableTreeItem), previous selected item and its container, to be unselected. """ self.selectIndex(widget.model) # select in left panel (toolbox name) self.setCurrentTree(widget) # raise widget of toolbox content item.setHidden(False) # widget.ensureItemVisible( item ) # show item (open parents...) widget.setCurrentItem(item) # select item if lastSelection: # undo last selection lastSelection[1].setSelected(False)
# lastSelection[0].setSelected(lastSelection[1], 0)
[docs] def selectIndex(self, model): """ Select a process tree in the left panel (toolboxes). :param model: the process tree to select """ i = 0 found = False while i < self.treeIndex.topLevelItemCount() and not found: # search selected tree corresponding item in treeIndex widget item = self.treeIndex.topLevelItem(i) if item.model == model: found = True self.treeIndex.setCurrentItem(item) i += 1
#------ context menu events ------
[docs] def menuNewTabEvent(self): """ Called on click on new option in contextual menu. Adds a new empty tree in the model. """ processTree = brainvisa.processes.ProcessTree( name='Personal Bookmarks') = True self.model.add(processTree)
[docs] def menuDelTabEvent(self): """ Called on click on del option in contextual menu. Removes the selected tree from the model. """ item = self.treeIndex.currentItem() if item: if item.model.modifiable: del self.model[]
[docs] def menuOpenTabEvent(self): """ Called on click on open option in contextual menu. Opens selected tree in a new window. """ item = self.treeIndex.currentItem() if item: self.openedTreeWidget = EditableTreeWidget(item.model) self.openedTreeWidget.resize(400, 600)
[docs] def menuSetDefaultEvent(self): """ Called on click on set default option in contextual menu. Sets the selected tree as the default selected tree. So on next run of brainvisa, this tree will be selected. """ item = self.treeIndex.currentItem() if item: self.model.selectedTree = item.model
[docs] def menuOpenProcessEvent(self): """ Called on click on open option in process menu. Emits a signal for the parent window which will open the process. """ item = self.treeStack.currentWidget().currentItem() if item: print('item.model:', type(item.model)) self.openProcess.emit(item.model)
[docs] def menuEditProcessEvent(self): """ Called on click on edit option in process menu. Emits a signal for the parent window which will edit the process. """ item = self.treeStack.currentWidget().currentItem() if item: self.editProcess.emit(item.model)
[docs] def menuIterateProcessEvent(self): """ Called on click on iterate option in process menu. Emits a signal for the parent window which will iterate the process. """ item = self.treeStack.currentWidget().currentItem() if item: self.iterateProcess.emit(item.model)
[docs]class MainWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self): QWidget.__init__(self) self.myLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(self.myLayout) self.mainModules = [] self.subLayouts = [] neuroConfig.registerObject(self)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): neuroConfig.unregisterObject(self) QWidget.closeEvent(self, event)
def addMainModule(self, identifier, name, image, description): # Create main module widget w = QWidget(self) layout = QVBoxLayout(w) w.setLayout(layout) l = QLabel(_t_(name), self) layout.addWidget(l) hb = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hb) l = QLabel() hb.addWidget(l) l.setIcon( QIcon( os.path.join( neuroConfig.mainPath, 'doc', 'images', image))), l.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) l.resize(320, 200) l = QTextEdit() hb.addWidget(l) l.setText(description) l.setReadOnly(True) if (len(self.mainModules) % 2 == 0): self.subLayouts.append(QHBoxLayout(self.layout())) self.subLayouts[-1].addWidget(w) self.mainModules.append(w)
[docs]class RemoteContextGUI(QTreeWidgetItem): """ Specific GUI to display messages returned by processes executed remotely. """ def __init__(self, parent, name='Remote Hosts:'): """ The specific GUI is a QListView. It is composed of an arborescence of QListViewItems that sorts the messages according to the process and the host they belong to:: Remote Hosts: | --host | --process | --message --message --process | --message :param parent: the QListView. :param name: name """ remoteView = QTreeWidget(parent) remoteView.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) remoteView.setWindowTitle('Remote messages') remoteView.setColumnCount(4) remoteView.setHeaderLabels(['IP', 'ID', 'Status', 'Messages']) QTreeWidgetItem.__init__(self, remoteView) self.setText(0, name) self.setExpanded(True) self.processList = {} self.ipList = {} def addIP(self, ip): i_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self, [ip]) self.ipList[str(ip)] = i_item i_item.setExpanded(True) def addProcess(self, ip, pid, status=' Starting...', message=''): p_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.ipList[str(ip)], ['Process', '%03d' % pid, status, message]) # p_item.setText( 0, 'Process' ) # p_item.setText( 1, '%03d'%pid ) # p_item.setText( 2, status ) # p_item.setText( 3, message ) self.processList[str(pid)] = p_item # self.ipList[str(ip)].insertItem(p_item) def addMessage(self, pid, message): m_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.processList[str(pid)], ['Message', '', '', message]) # m_item.setText( 0, 'Message' ) # m_item.setText( 1, '' ) # m_item.setText( 2, '' ) # m_item.setText( 3, message ) # self.processList[str(pid)].insertItem(m_item) def setProcessStatus(self, pid, status): self.processList[str(pid)].setText(2, status) def setCurrentMessage(self, pid, message): self.processList[str(pid)].setText(3, message) def clear(self): for item in self.ipList.values(): self.takeChild(self.indexOfChild(item)) del(item) self.processList = {} self.ipList = {} def sort(self): pass def sortChildItems(self, col, asc): pass
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mainWindow(): global _mainWindow return _mainWindow def showMainWindow(): global _mainWindow if neuroConfig.openMainWindow: #_mainWindow = ProcessSelection() # window with customizable lists of processes _mainWindow = ProcessSelectionWidget() for w in QApplication.instance().topLevelWidgets(): if w is not _mainWindow: w.raise_() else: _mainWindow = None def close_viewers_action(parent): action = QAction(parent) action.setText(_t_("Close all viewers")) action.triggered.connect(close_viewers_slot) return action def close_viewers_slot(): close_viewers(warn=True) def close_viewers(warn=False): if not warn: a = QMessageBox.Yes else: a = QMessageBox.warning( None, _t_('Quit'), _t_('Close all viewers and unload all viewed objects ?\n' '(unsaved modified objects will be lost)'), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.No) if a == QMessageBox.Yes: from import DiskItemEditor from import HierarchyBrowser for w in QApplication.instance().allWidgets(): if isinstance(w, DiskItemEditor): w.close_viewer() elif isinstance(w, ProcessView): process_info \ = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInfo( if process_info is not None and "viewer" in process_info.roles: w.close() elif isinstance(w, HierarchyBrowser): w.close_viewers() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def updateProcessList(): _mainWindow.updateList()
[docs]def reloadToolboxesGUI(): """ Calls :py:func:`brainvisa.processes.reloadToolboxes` and updates the main window (list of toolboxes or processes may have changed). If some databases should be updated, the user is warned. """ QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) # close all processes windows because processes will be reinstantiated saved = save_and_close_all_processes() brainvisa.processes.reloadToolboxes() updateProcessList() from import warnUserAboutDatabasesToUpdate warnUserAboutDatabasesToUpdate() # reopen processes restore_all_processes(saved) QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def loadProcessSetupsGUI(): from brainvisa.processing.qt4gui.ProcessSetupsGUI import LoadProcessSetupsGUI load_process_setups_GUI = LoadProcessSetupsGUI() load_process_setups_GUI.exec() def save_and_close_all_processes(): close_viewers() saved = [] for w in QApplication.instance().allWidgets(): if isinstance(w, ProcessView): # dont' remember updateDatabases process, it will be shown # again if needed after reload. if != 'updateDatabases': w.readUserValues() clone = w.createProcessExecutionEvent() saved.append(clone) w.close() return saved def restore_all_processes(saved): uis = [] for event in saved: proc = brainvisa.processes.getProcessInstanceFromProcessEvent(event) procui = showProcess(proc) uis.append(procui) return uis #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initializeProcessesGUI(): global _computing_resource_pool, _workflow_application_model import brainvisa.processes brainvisa.processes.setMainThreadActionsMethod(QtThreadCall()) _computing_resource_pool = None _workflow_application_model = None if neuroConfig.gui: if _soma_workflow: _computing_resource_pool = ComputingResourcePool() _computing_resource_pool.add_default_connection() _workflow_application_model = WorkflowApplicationModel( _computing_resource_pool) six.exec_( 'from brainvisa.processing.qt4gui.neuroProcessesGUI import *', brainvisa.processes.__dict__) brainvisa.processes._defaultContext = ExecutionContextGUI() def html_with_local_images(html): images_basepath = neuroConfig.getDocPath('images', project='axon') \ + '-' + neuroConfig.shortVersion html_repl = html.replace(' src="../../../../', ' src="%s/' % images_basepath) html_repl = html_repl.replace(' SRC="../../../../', ' src="%s/' % images_basepath) html_repl = html_repl.replace(' src="../../', ' src="%s/' % images_basepath) html_repl = html_repl.replace(' SRC="../../', ' src="%s/' % images_basepath) return html_repl