Parameters completion

Completion model

Using completion

Process parameters completion for filenames is working using attributes assigned to a process or to its parameters. For instance a given data organization may organize data by study, center, subject, … These study, center, subject elements can be seen as attributes.

Using an existing completion model is a matter of configuration in StudyConfig. One must use the AttributesModule of StudyConfig, then specify which organization schemas to use.

from capsul.api import StudyConfig

study_config = StudyConfig('test_study', modules=['AttributesConfig'])
study_config.input_directory = '/tmp/in'
study_config.output_directory = '/tmp/out'
study_config.attributes_schemas['input'] = 'custom_ex'
study_config.attributes_schemas['output'] = 'custom_ex'
study_config.path_completion = 'custom_ex'

In this example, the example schemas are defined in the test example test_attributed_process. Completion involves several modular elements:

  • data directories: study_config.input_directory, study_config.output_directory, study_config.shared_directory
  • schema elements module paths: these are a list of python modules, and must be specified in study_config.attributes_schema_paths
  • Naming the attributes schemas to use for the different data directories (input, output, shared): study_config.attributes_schemas['input'] = 'custom_ex' etc. Each defines the set of attributes used in the data files organization.
  • Naming the path completion system: study_config.path_completion = 'custom_ex'. It is responsible for building file names from the attributes set.

Once configured, using completion on a process works as in this example:

process = study_config.get_process_instance(
compl_engine = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(process)
attributes = compl_engine.get_attribute_values() = 'jojo'
attributes.subject = 'barbapapa'

After the call to compl_engine.complete_parameters(), the file parameters of process should be built.

It is possible to make completion run automatically when attributes change, using a notification callback:

>>> attributes.subject = 'casimir'
>>> process.truc

Note that completion will also take place inside iterations in an iterative process, when generating a workflow.

Graphical interface

Once PyQt4 or PySide QApplication is created:

from capsul.qt_gui.widgets.attributed_process_widget \
    import AttributedProcessWidget

cwid = AttributedProcessWidget(process, enable_attr_from_filename=True,

Defining a custom completion system

It may require to define a few classes to handle the different aspects.

Path building from attributes

class MyPathCompletion(PathCompletionEngineFactory, PathCompletionEngine):
    factory_id = 'custom_ex'

    def __init__(self):
        super(MyPathCompletion, self).__init__()

    def get_path_completion_engine(self, process):
        return self

    def attributes_to_path(self, process, parameter, attributes):
        study_config = process.get_study_config()
        att_dict = attributes.get_parameters_attributes()[parameter]
        elements = [, parameter]
        # get attributes sorted by user_traits
        for key in attributes.user_traits().keys():
            val = att_dict.get(key)
            if val and val is not Undefined:
        if 'generated_by_parameter' in att_dict:
            directory = study_config.output_directory
            directory = study_config.input_directory
        return os.path.join(directory, '_'.join(elements))

Note the factory_id class variable: it is used to register the classes in a factory managed in the study config AttributesConfig module. Its value may be named in the study_config.attributes_schemas dictionary, as a value for a given directory organization.

Declaring attributes sets

class CustomAttributesSchema(AttributesSchema):
    factory_id = 'custom_ex'

    class Acquisition(EditableAttributes):
        center = String()
        subject = String()

    class Group(EditableAttributes):
        group = String()

    class Processing(EditableAttributes):
        analysis = String()

The classes Acquisition, Group and Processing will be available for association to process attributes.

Declaring process and parameters attributes

class DummyProcessAttributes(ProcessAttributes):
    factory_id = 'DummyProcess'

    def __init__(self, process, schema_dict):
        super(DummyProcessAttributes, self).__init__(process, schema_dict)
        self.set_parameter_attributes('truc', 'input', 'Acquisition',
        self.set_parameter_attributes('bidule', 'output', 'Acquisition',

In this example, the parameters truc and bidule will inherit the attributes declared for Acquisition: namely, center and subject.

Putting things together

The modules containing these definitions must be registered in study_config.attributes_schema_paths, and their names have to be used in study_config.attributes_schemas and study_config.path_completion

File Organization Model (FOM)

FOMs are defined in the Soma-base library as an independent system, and used in Capsul as a files completion implementation.

Using FOMs

FOMs are integrated in the completion system. It is activated using the FomConfig module of StudyConfig:

from capsul.api import StudyConfig

study_config = StudyConfig('test_study', modules=['FomConfig'])
study_config.inpupt_fom = 'morphologist-auto-1.0'
study_config.output_fom = 'morphologist-auto-1.0'

The FOM module (throught the AttributesConfig module) sets up the attributes schema:

>>> study_config.attributes_schema_paths
>>> study_config.process_completion

The rest works just as the above completion system.

Defining FOMs

FOMs are JSON files placed in a FOM path defined somewhere in the application - generally <brainvisa_dir>/share/fom. They define how a set of attributes are used to build paths for processes parameters.

In Capsul a StudyConfig option, StudyConfig.fom_path is defined in the FomConfig module to handle the FOM search path.


    "fom_name": "morphologist-auto-nonoverlap-1.0",

    "fom_import": ["formats-brainvisa-1.0", "brainvisa-formats-3.2.0",

    "attribute_definitions" : {
      "acquisition" : {"default_value" : "default_acquisition"},
      "analysis" : {"default_value" : "default_analysis"},
      "sulci_recognition_session" :  {"default_value" : "default_session"},
      "graph_version": {"default_value": "3.1"},

    "shared_patterns": {
      "acquisition": "<center>/<subject>/t1mri/<acquisition>",
      "analysis": "{acquisition}/<analysis>",
      "recognition_analysis": "{analysis}/folds/<graph_version>/<sulci_recognition_session>_auto",

    "processes" : {
        "Morphologist" : {
                [["input:{acquisition}/<subject>", "images"]],
                [["output:{acquisition}/<subject>", "images"]],
                [["output:{acquisition}/registration/RawT1-<subject>_<acquisition>", "Referential"]],
                [["output:{acquisition}/<subject>", "images"]],
                [["output:{analysis}/nobias_<subject>", "images" ]],
                    "Graph and data",
                    {"side": "L", "labelled": "No"}]],
                    "Graph and data", {"side": "L"}]],
                    "Graph and data", {"side":"R","labelled":"No"}]],
                    "Graph and data", {"side": "R"}]],
                    "Transformation matrix"]]

Iterating processing over multiple data

Iterating is done by creating a small pipeline containing an iterative node. This can be done using the utility method get_iteration_pipeline() of StudyConfig:

from capsul.api import Pipeline, StudyConfig
from capsul.attributes.completion_engine import ProcessCompletionEngine

study_config = StudyConfig('test_study', modules=['FomConfig'])
study_config.input_fom = 'morphologist-auto-nonoverlap-1.0'
study_config.output_fom = 'morphologist-auto-nonoverlap-1.0'

pipeline = study_config.get_iteration_pipeline(
    'iter', 'morpho', 'morphologist.capsul.morphologist',

cm = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(pipeline)
cm.get_attribute_values().subject = ['s1', 's2', 's3']

Note that get_iteration_pipeline() is the equivalent of:

pipeline = Pipeline()