Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Implementation of :class:`~capsul.engine.CapsulEngine` processing methods.
They have been moved to this file for clarity.

Running is always using `Soma-Workflow <>`_.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from capsul.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline
from capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes import ProcessNode
from traits.api import Undefined
import six
import tempfile
import os
import io

[docs]class WorkflowExecutionError(Exception): ''' Exception class raised when a workflow execution fails. It holds references to the :class:`~soma_workflow.client.WorkflowController` and the workflow id ''' def __init__(self, controller, workflow_id, status=None, workflow_kept=True, verbose=True): wk = '' wc = '' precisions = '' if workflow_kept: wk = 'not ' wc = ' from soma_workflow and must be deleted manually' if workflow_kept: self.controller = controller self.workflow_id = workflow_id if verbose: import soma_workflow.client as swclient failed_jobs = swclient.Helper.list_failed_jobs( workflow_id, controller) precisions_list = ['\nFailed jobs: %s' % repr(failed_jobs)] from soma_workflow import constants as swc aborted_statuses = set( [swc.EXIT_UNDETERMINED, swc.EXIT_ABORTED, swc.FINISHED_TERM_SIG, swc.FINISHED_UNCLEAR_CONDITIONS, swc.USER_KILLED]) aborted_jobs = swclient.Helper.list_failed_jobs( workflow_id, controller, include_statuses=aborted_statuses) aborted_jobs = [job for job in aborted_jobs if job not in failed_jobs] precisions_list.append('Aborted/killed jobs: %s' % repr(aborted_jobs)) tmp1 = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='capsul_swf_job_stdout') tmp2 = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='capsul_swf_job_stderr') os.close(tmp1[0]) os.close(tmp2[0]) fileio = io.StringIO() try: controller.log_failed_workflow(workflow_id, file=fileio) precisions_list.append(fileio.getvalue()) #jobs = failed_jobs + aborted_jobs #cmds = #workflow = controller.workflow(workflow_id) #for job_id in jobs: #jinfo = cmds[job_id] #if job_id in failed_jobs: #has_run = True #else: #has_run = False #status = controller.job_termination_status(job_id) #controller.retrieve_job_stdouterr(job_id, tmp1[1], tmp2[1]) #with open(tmp1[1]) as f: #stdout = #with open(tmp2[1]) as f: #stderr = #full_job = [j for j in #if workflow.job_mapping[j].job_id == job_id][0] #precisions_list += [ #'============================================', #'---- failed job info ---', #'* job: %d: %s' % (job_id, jinfo[0]), #'* exit status: %s' % status[0], #'* commandline:', #jinfo[1], #'* exit value: %s' % str(status[1]), #'* term signal: %s' % str(status[2]), #'---- env ----', #repr(full_job.env), #'---- configuration ----', #repr(full_job.configuration), #'---- stdout ----', #stdout, #'---- stderr ----', #stderr, ##'---- full host env ----', ##repr(os.environ) #] finally: if os.path.exists(tmp1[1]): os.unlink(tmp1[1]) if os.path.exists(tmp2[1]): os.unlink(tmp2[1]) precisions = '\n'.join(precisions_list) super(WorkflowExecutionError, self).__init__('Error during ' 'workflow execution. Status=%s.\n' 'The workflow has %sbeen removed%s. %s' % (status, wk, wc, precisions))
[docs]def start(engine, process, workflow=None, history=True, get_pipeline=False, **kwargs): ''' Asynchronously start the execution of a process or pipeline in the connected computing environment. Returns an identifier of the process execution and can be used to get the status of the execution or wait for its termination. TODO: if history is True, an entry of the process execution is stored in the database. The content of this entry is to be defined but it will contain the process parameters (to restart the process) and will be updated on process termination (for instance to store execution time if possible). Parameters ---------- engine: CapsulEngine process: Process or Pipeline instance workflow: Workflow instance (optional - if already defined before call) history: bool (optional) TODO: not implemented yet. get_pipeline: bool (optional) if True, start() will return a tuple (execution_id, pipeline). The pipeline is normally the input pipeline (process) if it is actually a pipeline. But if the input process is a "single process", it will be inserted into a small pipeline for execution. This pipeline will be the one actually run, and may be passed to :meth:`wait` to set output parameters. Returns ------- execution_id: int execution identifier (actually a soma-workflow id) pipeline: Pipeline instance (optional) only returned if get_pipeline is True. ''' # set parameters values for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(process, k, v) missing = process.get_missing_mandatory_parameters() if len(missing) != 0: ptype = 'process' if isinstance(process, Pipeline): ptype = 'pipeline' raise ValueError('In %s %s: missing mandatory parameters: %s' % (ptype,, ', '.join(missing))) # Use soma workflow to execute the pipeline or process in parallel # on the local machine # Create soma workflow pipeline from capsul.pipeline.pipeline_workflow import workflow_from_pipeline import soma_workflow.client as swclient swf_config = engine.settings.select_configurations( 'global', {'somaworkflow': 'config_id=="somaworkflow"'}) swm = engine.study_config.modules['SomaWorkflowConfig'] swm.connect_resource(engine.connected_to()) controller = swm.get_workflow_controller() resource_id = swm.get_resource_id() resource_config_d = engine.settings.select_configurations( resource_id, {'somaworkflow': 'config_id=="somaworkflow"'}) resource_config = resource_config_d.get( 'capsul.engine.module.somaworkflow', {}) has_resource_config = ('capsul.engine.module.somaworkflow' in resource_config_d) if has_resource_config: environment = resource_id else: environment = 'global' if workflow is None: workflow = workflow_from_pipeline(process, environment=environment) queue = getattr(resource_config, 'queue', None) #if hasattr(engine.study_config.somaworkflow_computing_resources_config, #resource_id): #res_conf = getattr( #engine.study_config.somaworkflow_computing_resources_config, #resource_id) #queue = res_conf.queue #if queue is Undefined: #queue = None workflow_name = wf_id = controller.submit_workflow(workflow=workflow, name=workflow_name, queue=queue) swclient.Helper.transfer_input_files(wf_id, controller) if get_pipeline: return wf_id, workflow.pipeline() # else forget the pipeline return wf_id
[docs]def wait(engine, execution_id, timeout=-1, pipeline=None): ''' Wait for the end of a process execution (either normal termination, interruption or error). ''' import soma_workflow.client as swclient from soma_workflow import constants swm = engine.study_config.modules['SomaWorkflowConfig'] swm.connect_resource(engine.connected_to()) controller = swm.get_workflow_controller() wf_id = execution_id controller.wait_workflow(wf_id, timeout=timeout) workflow_status = controller.workflow_status(wf_id) if workflow_status != constants.WORKFLOW_DONE: # not finished return workflow_status # get output values if pipeline: proc_map = {} todo = [pipeline] while todo: process = todo.pop(0) if isinstance(process, Pipeline): todo += [n.process for n in process.nodes.values() if n is not process.pipeline_node and isinstance(n, ProcessNode)] else: proc_map[id(process)] = process eng_wf = controller.workflow(wf_id) for job in if job.has_outputs: out_params = controller.get_job_output_params( eng_wf.job_mapping[job].job_id) if out_params: process = proc_map.get(job.process_hash) if process is None: # iteration or non-process job continue for param in list(out_params.keys()): if process.trait(param) is None: del out_params[param] try: process.import_from_dict(out_params) except Exception as e: print('error while importing outputs in', print('outputs:', out_params) print(e) # TODO: should we transfer if the WF fails ? swclient.Helper.transfer_output_files(wf_id, controller) return status(engine, execution_id)
[docs]def interrupt(engine, execution_id): ''' Try to stop the execution of a process. Does not wait for the process to be terminated. ''' swm = engine.study_config.modules['SomaWorkflowConfig'] swm.connect_resource(engine.connected_to()) controller = swm.get_workflow_controller() controller.stop_workflow(execution_id)
[docs]def status(engine, execution_id): ''' Return a simple value with the status of an execution (queued, running, terminated, error, etc.) ''' from soma_workflow import constants swm = engine.study_config.modules['SomaWorkflowConfig'] swm.connect_resource(engine.connected_to()) controller = swm.get_workflow_controller() workflow_status = controller.workflow_status(execution_id) if workflow_status == constants.WORKFLOW_DONE: # finished, but in which state ? elements_status = controller.workflow_elements_status(execution_id) failed_jobs = [element for element in elements_status[0] if element[1] == constants.FAILED or (element[1] == constants.DONE and (element[3][0] not in (constants.FINISHED_REGULARLY, None) or element[3][1] != 0))] if len(failed_jobs) != 0: workflow_status = 'workflow_failed' return workflow_status
[docs]def detailed_information(engine, execution_id): ''' Return complete (and possibly big) information about a process execution. ''' swm = engine.study_config.modules['SomaWorkflowConfig'] swm.connect_resource(engine.connected_to()) controller = swm.get_workflow_controller() elements_status = controller.workflow_elements_status(execution_id) return elements_status
[docs]def dispose(engine, execution_id, conditional=False): ''' Update the database with the current state of a process execution and free the resources used in the computing resource (i.e. remove the workflow from SomaWorkflow). If ``conditional`` is set to True, then dispose is only done if the configuration does not specify to keep succeeded / failed workflows. ''' keep = False if conditional: if not engine.study_config.somaworkflow_keep_succeeded_workflows: keep = False if engine.study_config.somaworkflow_keep_failed_workflows: # must see it it failed or not from soma_workflow import constants status = engine.status(execution_id) if status != constants.WORKFLOW_DONE: keep = True if not keep: swm = engine.study_config.modules['SomaWorkflowConfig'] swm.connect_resource(engine.connected_to()) controller = swm.get_workflow_controller() controller.delete_workflow(execution_id)
# TODO: update engine DB def call(engine, process, history=True, **kwargs): eid, pipeline = engine.start(process, workflow=None, history=history, get_pipeline=True, **kwargs) status = engine.wait(eid, pipeline=pipeline) engine.dispose(eid, conditional=True) return status def check_call(engine, process, history=True, **kwargs): eid, pipeline = engine.start(process, workflow=None, history=history, get_pipeline=True, **kwargs) status = engine.wait(eid, pipeline=pipeline) try: engine.raise_for_status(status, eid) finally: engine.dispose(eid, conditional=True)
[docs]def raise_for_status(engine, status, execution_id=None): ''' Raise an exception if a process execution failed ''' from soma_workflow import constants if status != constants.WORKFLOW_DONE: swm = engine.study_config.modules['SomaWorkflowConfig'] swm.connect_resource(engine.connected_to()) controller = swm.get_workflow_controller() raise WorkflowExecutionError( controller, execution_id, status, engine.study_config.somaworkflow_keep_failed_workflows)