Source code for capsul.study_config.study_config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Main :class:`StudyConfig` class for configuration of Capsul software, directories etc.



# System import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import logging
import json
import sys
import six
import weakref
import threading
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 7):
    from collections import OrderedDict
    from soma.sorted_dictionary import SortedDictionary as OrderedDict

# Define the logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Trait import
from traits.api import File, Directory, Bool, String, Undefined, Int

# Soma import
from soma.controller import Controller

# Capsul import
from capsul.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline
from capsul.process.process import Process
from import run_process
from capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes import Node
from capsul.study_config.process_instance import get_process_instance

[docs]class StudyConfig(Controller): """ Class to store the study parameters and processing options. StudyConfig is deprecated and will probably be removed in Capsul 3. Please use :class:`~capsul.engine.CapsulEngine` instead and its construction function, :func:`~capsul.engine.capsul_engine` when possible. This in turn is used to evaluate a Process instance or a Pipeline. StudyConfig has modules (see BrainVISAConfig, AFNIConfig, FSLConfig, MatlabConfig, ANTSConfig, SmartCachingConfig, SomaWorkflowConfig, SPMConfig, FOMConfig). Modules are initialized in the constructor, so their list has to be setup before instantiating StudyConfig. A default modules list is used when no modules are specified: StudyConfig.default_modules StudyConfig configuration is loaded from a global file and then from a study specific file (based on study_name parameter). The global configuration file name is either in os.environ['CAPSUL_CONFIG'] or in "~/.config/capsul/config.json". The study specific configuration file name is either defined in the global configuration or in "~/.config/capsul/<study_name>/config.json". :: from capsul.api import StudyConfig study_config = StudyConfig(modules=['SPMConfig', 'FomConfig']) # or: study_config = StudyConfig(modules=StudyConfig.default_modules + ['FomConfig']) Attributes ---------- input_directory : str parameter to set the study input directory output_directory : str parameter to set the study output directory generate_logging : bool (default False) parameter to control the log generation create_output_directories : bool (default True) Create parent directories of all output File or Directory before running a process process_output_directory : bool (default False) Create a process specific output_directory by appending a subdirectory to output_directory. This subdirectory is named '<count>-<name>' where <count> if self.process_counter and <name> is the name of the process. Methods ------- run reset_process_counter set_trait_value get_trait get_trait_value update_study_configuration set_study_configuration """ default_modules = ['AFNIConfig', 'ANTSConfig', 'FSLConfig', 'MatlabConfig', 'SmartCachingConfig', 'SomaWorkflowConfig', 'SPMConfig'] _user_config_directory = os.path.join("~", ".config", "capsul") study_name = String( None, desc="Name of the study to configure", # traits with transient=True will not be saved in configuration # see # traits_user_manual/advanced.html#pickling-hastraits-objects transient=True, groups=['study']) user_level = Int( 0, desc="0: basic, 1: advanced, 2: expert... used to display or hide " "some advanced features or process parameters that would be " "confusing to a novice user", groups=['study']) input_directory = Directory( Undefined, desc="Parameter to set the study input directory", groups=['study']) output_directory = Directory( Undefined, desc="Parameter to set the study output directory", groups=['study']) generate_logging = Bool( False, desc="Parameter to control the log generation", groups=['study']) create_output_directories = Bool( True, desc="Create parent directories of all output File or Directory before running a process", groups=['study']) process_output_directory = Bool( False, desc="Create a process specific output_directory by appending a " "subdirectory to output_directory. This subdirectory is named " "'<count>-<name>' where <count> if self.process_counter and " "<name> is the name of the process.", groups=['study']) def __init__(self, study_name=None, init_config=None, modules=None, engine=None, **override_config): """ Initialize the StudyConfig class Parameters ---------- study_name: Name of the study to configure. This name is used to identify specific configuration for a study. init_config: if not None, must contain a dictionary that will be used to configure this StudyConfig (instead of reading configuration from configuration files). modules: list of string (default self.default_modules). the names of configuration module classes that will be included in this study configuration. engine: CapsulEngine this parameter is temporary, it just helps to handle the transition to :class:`capsul.engine.CapsulEngine`. Don't use it in client code. override_config: dictionary The content of these keyword parameters will be set on the configuration after it has been initialized from configuration files (or from init_config). """ super(StudyConfig, self).__init__() if study_name: self.study_name = study_name if engine is None: from capsul.engine import capsul_engine self.engine = capsul_engine() self.engine.study_config = weakref.proxy(self) else: self.engine = weakref.proxy(engine) # Read the configuration for the given study if init_config is None: config = self.read_configuration() config.update(override_config) else: self.global_config_file = None self.study_config_file = None if override_config: config = init_config.copy() config.update(override_config) else: config = init_config self.visible_groups = set(['study']) # Create modules if modules is None: # Make it possible for a study to define its own set of modules modules = config.pop('config_modules', self.default_modules) # 'modules_data' is a container for modules-specific internal data # each module is encouraged to prefix its variables there by its # module name self.modules_data = Controller() self.modules = {} for module in modules: self.load_module(module, config) # Set self attributes according to configuration values for k, v in six.iteritems(config): setattr(self, k, v) self.initialize_modules() self.run_lock = threading.RLock() self.run_interruption_request = False
[docs] def initialize_modules(self): """ Modules initialization, calls initialize_module on each config module. This is not done during module instantiation to allow interactions between modules (e.g. Matlab configuration can influence Nipype configuration). Modules dependencies are taken into account in initialization. """ already_initialized = set() # Use a stack to allow to manage module dependencies stack = list(self.modules.keys()) while stack: module_name = stack.pop(0) if module_name in already_initialized: continue module = self.modules.get(module_name) if not module: raise EnvironmentError('Required StudyConfig module %s is ' 'missing' % module_name) # Check if there are dependent modules that must be initilaized # before the current one initialize_first = [m for m in module.dependencies if m not in already_initialized] if initialize_first: stack = initialize_first + [module_name] + stack continue # Initialize a module module.initialize_module() module.initialize_callbacks() already_initialized.add(module_name) # Intern identifier = self.__class__.__name__ # Parameter that is incremented at each process execution self.process_counter = 1
#################################################################### # Methods ####################################################################
[docs] def load_module(self, config_module_name, config): """ Load an optional StudyConfig module. Parameters ---------- config_module_name: Name of the module to load (e.g. "FSLConfig"). config: dictionary containing the configuration of the study. """ if config_module_name not in self.modules: python_module = ( "capsul.study_config.config_modules.{0}_config".format( config_module_name[:-6].lower())) python_module = __import__(python_module, fromlist=[config_module_name]) config_module_class = getattr(python_module, config_module_name) module = config_module_class(self, config) self.modules[config_module_name] = module # load dependencies for dep_module_name in module.dependencies: if dep_module_name not in self.modules: self.load_module(dep_module_name, config) return module
[docs] def run(self, process_or_pipeline, output_directory=None, execute_qc_nodes=True, verbose=0, configuration_dict=None, **kwargs): """Method to execute a process or a pipline in a study configuration environment. Depending on the studies_config settings, it may be a sequential run, or a parallel run, which can involve remote execution (through soma- workflow). Only pipeline nodes can be filtered on the 'execute_qc_nodes' attribute. A valid output directory is expected to execute the process or the pepeline without soma-workflow. Parameters ---------- process_or_pipeline: Process or Pipeline instance (mandatory) the process or pipeline we want to execute output_directory: Directory name (optional) the output directory to use for process execution. This replaces self.output_directory but left it unchanged. execute_qc_nodes: bool (optional, default False) if True execute process nodes that are tagged as qualtity control process nodes. verbose: int if different from zero, print console messages. configuration_dict: dict (optional) configuration dictionary """ # Use soma workflow to execute the pipeline or process in parallel # on the local machine. This has now moved to CapsulEngine. if self.get_trait_value("use_soma_workflow"): return self.engine.check_call(process_or_pipeline, **kwargs) # here we only deal with the (obsolete) local execution mode. with self.run_lock: self.run_interruption_request = False # set parameters values for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(process_or_pipeline, k, v) # output_directory cannot be in kwargs if output_directory not in (None, Undefined, '') \ and 'output_directory' in process_or_pipeline.traits(): process_or_pipeline.output_directory = output_directory missing = process_or_pipeline.get_missing_mandatory_parameters() if len(missing) != 0: ptype = 'process' if isinstance(process_or_pipeline, Pipeline): ptype = 'pipeline' raise ValueError('In %s %s: missing mandatory parameters: %s' % (ptype,, ', '.join(missing))) # Use the local machine to execute the pipeline or process if output_directory is None or output_directory is Undefined \ or output_directory == '': if 'output_directory' in process_or_pipeline.traits(): output_directory = getattr(process_or_pipeline, 'output_directory') if output_directory in (None, Undefined, ''): output_directory = self.output_directory # Not all processes need an output_directory defined on # StudyConfig if output_directory not in (None, Undefined, ''): # Check the output directory is valid if not isinstance(output_directory, six.string_types): raise ValueError( "'{0}' is not a valid directory. A valid output " "directory is expected to run the process or " "pipeline.".format(output_directory)) try: if not os.path.isdir(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) except OSError: raise ValueError( "Can't create folder '{0}', please investigate.".format( output_directory)) # Temporary files can be generated for pipelines temporary_files = [] result = None try: # Generate ordered execution list execution_list = [] if isinstance(process_or_pipeline, Pipeline): execution_list = \ process_or_pipeline.workflow_ordered_nodes() # Filter process nodes if necessary if not execute_qc_nodes: execution_list = [node for node in execution_list if node.node_type == "processing_node"] for node in execution_list: # check temporary outputs and allocate files process_or_pipeline._check_temporary_files_for_node( node, temporary_files) elif isinstance(process_or_pipeline, Process): execution_list.append(process_or_pipeline) else: raise Exception( "Unknown instance type. Got {0}and expect Process or " "Pipeline instances".format( process_or_pipeline.__module__.name__)) with self.run_lock: if self.run_interruption_request: self.run_interruption_request = False raise RuntimeError('Execution interruption requested') # Execute each process node element for process_node in execution_list: # Execute the process instance contained in the node if isinstance(process_node, Node): result, log_file = run_process( output_directory, process_node.process, generate_logging=self.generate_logging, verbose=verbose, configuration_dict=configuration_dict) # Execute the process instance else: result, log_file = run_process( output_directory, process_node, generate_logging=self.generate_logging, verbose=verbose, configuration_dict=configuration_dict) with self.run_lock: if self.run_interruption_request: self.run_interruption_request = False raise RuntimeError('Execution interruption requested') finally: # Destroy temporary files if temporary_files: # If temporary files have been created, we are sure that # process_or_pipeline is a pipeline with a method # _free_temporary_files. process_or_pipeline._free_temporary_files(temporary_files) return result
[docs] def reset_process_counter(self): """ Method to reset the process counter to one. """ self.process_counter = 1
[docs] def read_configuration(self): """Find the configuration for the current study (whose name is defined in self study_name) and returns a dictionary that is a merge between global options and study specific options. Global option are taken from environment variable CAPSUL_CONFIG if it is defined, otherwise from "~/.config/capsul/config.json" if it exists. The configuration for a study can be defined the global configuration if it contains a dictionary in it "studies_config" option and if there is a key corresponding to self.study_name in this dictionary. If the corresponding value is a string, it must be a valid json configuration file name (either absolute or relative to the global configuration file). Otherwise, the corresponding value must be a dictionary containing study specific configuration values. If no study configuration is found from global configuration, then a file named "~/.config/capsul/%s/config.json" (where %s is self.study_name) is used if it exists. """ # First read global options global_config_file = os.environ.get("CAPSUL_CONFIG") if (isinstance(global_config_file, six.string_types) and os.path.isfile(global_config_file)): with open(global_config_file) as f: config = json.load(f) self.global_config_file = global_config_file else: global_config_file = \ os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(self._user_config_directory, "config.json")) if os.path.isfile(global_config_file): with open(global_config_file) as f: config = json.load(f) self.global_config_file = global_config_file else: config = {} self.global_config_file = None # Look for study specific configuration file study_config = \ config.pop('studies_config', {}).get(self.study_name) if isinstance(study_config, six.string_types): if self.global_config_file: study_config = \ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.global_config_file), study_config) self.study_config_file = study_config with open(study_config) as f: study_config = json.load(f) elif study_config is None: study_config_file = \ os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(self._user_config_directory, "%s", "config.json") % str(self.study_name)) if os.path.exists(study_config_file): with open(study_config_file) as f: study_config = json.load(f) self.study_config_file = study_config_file else: study_config = {} self.study_config_file = None else: self.study_config_file = self.global_config_file # Merge study configuration file with global configuration config.update(study_config) return config
[docs] def get_configuration_dict(self): """ Returns a json compatible dictionary containing current configuration. """ config = self.export_to_dict(exclude_transient=True, exclude_undefined=True, exclude_none=True) return config
[docs] def save_configuration(self, file): """ Save study configuration as json file. Parameters ---------- file: file or str (mandatory) either a writable opened file or the path to the output json file. """ # Dump the study configuration elements config = self.get_configuration_dict() if isinstance(file, six.string_types): with open(file, "w") as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")) else: json.dump(config, file, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))
[docs] def update_study_configuration(self, json_fname): """ Update the study configuration from a json file. Parameters ---------- json_fname: str (mandatory) the path to the output json file. """ # Load the json file with open(json_fname, "r") as json_data: new_config = json.load( json_data, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # Update the study configuration self.set_study_configuration(new_config)
[docs] def add_trait(self, name, *trait): """ Add a new trait. Parameters ---------- name: str (mandatory) the trait name. trait: traits.api (mandatory) a valid trait. """ # Call the controller add_trait method super(StudyConfig, self).add_trait(name, *trait) # Get the trait instance and if it is a user trait load the traits # to get it in the traits accessor method that can select traits from # trait attributes trait_instance = self.trait(name) if self.is_user_trait(trait_instance): self.trait_get(name)
#################################################################### # Accessors ####################################################################
[docs] def set_study_configuration(self, new_config): """ Method to set the new configuration of the study. If a study configuration element can't be updated properly, send an error message to the logger. Parameters ---------- new_config: ordered dict (mandatory) the structure that contain the default study configuration: see the class attributes to build this structure. """ # Go through the configuration structure, respecting the traits # declaration order for trait_name in self.user_traits(): try: trait_value = new_config[trait_name] except KeyError: # not specified in new_config continue # Try to update the 'trait_name' configuration element try: self.set_trait_value(trait_name, trait_value) except Exception: logger.debug( "Could not set value for config variable {0}: " "{1}".format(trait_name, repr(trait_value)))
[docs] def set_trait_value(self, trait_name, trait_value): """ Method to set the value of a parameter. Parameters ---------- trait_name: str (mandatory) the trait name we want to modify trait_value: object (mandatory) the trait value we want to set """ if trait_name in self.user_traits(): setattr(self, trait_name, trait_value)
[docs] def get_trait(self, trait_name): """ Method to access the 'trait_name' study configuration element. Notes ----- If the 'trait_name' element is not found, return None Parameters ---------- trait_name: str (mandatory) the trait name we want to access Returns ------- trait: trait the trait we want to access """ if trait_name in self.user_traits(): return self.trait(trait_name) else: return None
[docs] def get_trait_value(self, trait_name): """ Method to access the value of the 'trait_name' study configuration element. .. note: If the 'trait_name' element is not found, return None Parameters ---------- trait_name: str (mandatory) the trait name we want to modify Returns ------- value: object the trait value we want to access """ if trait_name in self.user_traits(): return getattr(self, trait_name) else: return None
[docs] def get_process_instance(self, process_or_id, **kwargs): """ Return a Process instance given an identifier. The identifier is either: * a derived Process class. * a derived Process class instance. * a Nipype Interface instance. * a Nipype Interface class. * a string description of the class `<module>.<class>`. * a string description of a function to warp `<module>.<function>`. * a string description of a pipeline `<module>.<fname>.xml`. * an XML filename for a pipeline Default values of the process instance are passed as additional parameters. .. note: If no process is found an ImportError is raised. .. note: If the 'process_or_id' parameter is not valid a ValueError is raised. .. note: If the function to warp does not contain a process description in its decorator or docstring ('<process>...</process>') a ValueError is raised. Parameters ---------- process_or_id: instance or class description (mandatory) a process/nipype interface instance/class or a string description. kwargs: default values of the process instance parameters. Returns ------- result: Process an initialized process instance. """ return get_process_instance(process_or_id, study_config=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_iteration_pipeline(self, pipeline_name, node_name, process_or_id, iterative_plugs=None, do_not_export=None, make_optional=None, **kwargs): """ Create a pipeline with an iteration node iterating the given process. Parameters ---------- pipeline_name: str pipeline name node_name: str iteration node name in the pipeline process_or_id: process description as in :meth:`get_process_instance` iterative_plugs: list (optional) passed to :meth:`Pipeline.add_iterative_process` do_not_export: list passed to :meth:`Pipeline.add_iterative_process` make_optional: list passed to :meth:`Pipeline.add_iterative_process` Returns ------- pipeline: :class:`Pipeline` instance """ return self.engine.get_iteration_pipeline( pipeline_name, node_name, process_or_id, iterative_plugs=iterative_plugs, do_not_export=do_not_export, make_optional=make_optional, **kwargs)
_default_study_config = None
[docs]def default_study_config(): """ On the first call create a StudyConfig instance with default configuration (eventually reading configuration files). Then returns this instance on all subsequent calls. """ global _default_study_config if _default_study_config is None: _default_study_config = StudyConfig() return _default_study_config
[docs]class StudyConfigModule(object): ''' :class:`StudyConfig` module base class (abstract) ''' @property def name(self): """The name of a module that can be used in configuration to select modules to load. """ return self.__class__.__name__ # List of modules that must be initialized before this one. It can be # overridden be derived module classes. dependencies = [] def __init__(self, study_config, configuration): self.study_config = study_config
[docs] def initialize_module(self): """Method called to initialize selected study configuration modules on startup. This method does nothing but can be overridden by modules. """
[docs] def initialize_callbacks(self): """Method called just after the first call to initialize_modules. """
if __name__ == '__main__': # Test the configuration time import timeit # Standard configuration tic = timeit.default_timer() study = StudyConfig() toc = timeit.default_timer() print("Standard configuration done in {0} s.".format(toc - tic)) # Empty configuration empty_config = OrderedDict([]) tic = timeit.default_timer() study = StudyConfig(empty_config) toc = timeit.default_timer() print("Empty configuration done in {0} s.".format(toc - tic))