Search found 2 matches

by cmacdow
Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:34 am
Forum: AIMS
Topic: Aimsgraphmesh: Extended NeighboorhoodSegmentation fault
Replies: 3
Views: 24456

Re: Aimsgraphmesh: Extended NeighboorhoodSegmentation fault

Thank you for the response, I went through the input data (multiple slices) and removed all the images where the object was close/touching the image borders - now there is no more segmentation fault issue.

Thank you for pointing that out!

- cmacdow
by cmacdow
Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:00 am
Forum: AIMS
Topic: Aimsgraphmesh: Extended NeighboorhoodSegmentation fault
Replies: 3
Views: 24456

Aimsgraphmesh: Extended NeighboorhoodSegmentation fault

Hello, I'm fairly new to this software so I apologize if this topic is covered somewhere else or if it's a simple fix. I'm having issues while using Aimsgraphmesh to create meshes from .arg files. That process initiates fine in terminal for a bit but after a little while it stops and says : "ex...