troubles to visualize DICOM data

Questions about BrainVisa usage and installation

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troubles to visualize DICOM data

Post by maria »

Hi Isa,
I've sent you an e-mail before you downloaded the data a second time telling you that the new files have been converted to DICOM using ezDICOM (having the .dcm extension). With those files there have been no problems with importation.

I've gone through the lesson 1 data set and did realize that the dataset I have is quite bad (concerning contrast). But unfortunately this is the only data I have.
Are you only working on software (like BrainVISA) or do you also have access to MR data as well (better quality)? I described you that I have the task of visualizing the brain shift so I would need a dataset of a patient before and after an operation on the brain.
OR: Is there any software you can recommend in order to change the grey values to get a better contrast (histogramm analysis)?

Thanks in advance,
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Post by Manik »

If you want to change the contrast on your screen to view the brain better - I do not know if you just want to see the brain shift or if you really need to segment the brain and launch automatic processes - you can try to change the contrast of the image in Anatomist.
When your image is open in Anatomist, right-click on it, choose color-> palette, then put your image in an axial window for example, and change the min/max settings of the palette.

This will not modify your image, only the way it is displayed on the screen.

Hope this helps,
Manik Bhattacharjee
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Jean-Francois Mangin
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Post by Jean-Francois Mangin »

I am afraid your pb is not contrast but spatial resolution leading to huge partial volume effect.
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Post by denghien »


Sorry for my lack of understanding about your last email ... I expected perhaps into an other directory.
As Jeff told you and as you saw it, your data and lesson1 are different. To use anatomical pipeline in BrainVISA and I suppose in all segmentation tool, data must have some characteristics during acquisition :
a T1 MRI with voxel size around 1x1x1 and a contrast quite good.

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