advice for Morphologist on Inversion Recovery images?

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advice for Morphologist on Inversion Recovery images?

Post by SylvainT »

Hi everybody,

We have a set of MR images acquired with an Inversion Recovery sequence (see attached example)... Before I try and mess around with them randomly, I was wondering whether anybody has already processed this kind of images, and whether you'd have any advice on how to pre-process them in order for Morphologist to perform smoothly... For example, I was thinking about masking the brain and artificially making everything that's outside the brain black...

Thanks in advance,

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Jean-Francois Mangin
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Re: advice for Morphologist on Inversion Recovery images?

Post by Jean-Francois Mangin »

What can of sequence is it? Inversion recovery is the most usual sequence we use and it is not what we get...
Anyway, everything should go fine with something as incredible, the brain is already segmented...
I assume Morphologist did not work for you to post this question?
Can you send a dataset to Clara Fisher, who is the author of Morphologist? (

Some people used to mask the brain before putting data inside brainVISA,
because the previous version was not that robust and could require some tuning.
But with Morphologist, I do not think it is still a good idea.
We processed several thousand data during the last months with very rare problems.
We are still interested in collecting problematic data to improve the system.
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