VipT1BiasCorrection access to volume denied (pointer NULL)

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VipT1BiasCorrection access to volume denied (pointer NULL)

Post by benkay86 »

This comes from the precompiled x86_64 tarball available on the BrainVISA website (running on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise). I'm not sure what to make of it and, unfortunately, there does not actually appear to be a core dump anywhere. Has anyone seen this problem before or know what might be causing it?

Code: Select all

$ VipT1BiasCorrection -i in.nii -o out-nobias.nii
3D field regularization
Computing 3D gradient x coord...
Computing 3D gradient y coord...
Computing 3D gradient z coord...
(50 percent threshold: 42) 
gradient image compression: 1
Computing 3D gradient x coord...
Computing 3D gradient y coord...
Computing 3D gradient z coord...
edge magnitude minimum: 111
Tissue/background gradient threshold: 111                                                                                                                                                                  
dist:    1.4                                                                                                                                                                                               
dist:    1.4                                                                                                                                                                                               
dist:      1                                                                                                                                                                                               
dist:      1
Corner background stats: mean: 45.349190; sigma: 28.500147
threshold for corner background/tissue: 74
dist:      1
dist:      1
Background stats: mean: 56.659180; sigma: 40.150040
global threshold background/tissue: 137
deleting last 0 slices
(95 percent threshold: 1786) 
Compressing volume (forgetting 5 bits)...
Low threshold: 4, High threshold: 100000 (after compression)
             Slice:  0

!! VIP Error:
         access to volume denied (pointer NULL)


!! VIP Error:
Execution aborted in function '(histo)ComputeVolumeHisto'.

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Update: This error also occurs using the i686 Linux binaries, on Windows, and using BrainVISA 3.2.1 (the oldest version with VipT1BiasCorrection).
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