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How to correct the Hemi_Mesh?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 2:05 pm
by sunboy4554
Merry Christmas everyone!
I have a question that How to correct the Hemi_Mesh? As I have correct the Spit Brain, while the mesh didn't be changed. I want to know why. Thank you.


Re: How to correct the Hemi_Mesh?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:31 pm
by Dominique Geffroy

after having corrected manually the split brain, you have to run again the process that generates the hemi mesh if you want the correction to be taken into account.


Re: How to correct the Hemi_Mesh?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:05 am
by sunboy4554
Thank you for the reply. And the process you mentioned referred to split brain?

Re: How to correct the Hemi_Mesh?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:30 am
by Dominique Geffroy
Yes, in the process "T1 pipeline 2007", the split brain mask "split_mask" is generated in the step "Split Brain Mask" and it is used as an input named "brain_voronoi" in the step "Ana Get Opened Hemi Surface", which generates the hemisphere meshes.
You also can find the process "Ana Get Opened Hemi Surface" outside the pipeline in "Segmentation pipeline/components04/segmentation".

Re: How to correct the Hemi_Mesh?

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:56 pm
by sunboy4554
Hi Dominique
Thank you very much for the kindly and precise reply. However, when I finished the manual correction, and then do the "Split Brain", the result had been replaced by the auto split result. It means the manual correction cannot be saved. I don't know why and how to save the manual correction. (The reason that I did the manual correction of the mask is to correct the "Cortical Fold Graph". And I just want to know how to correct the "Cortical Fold Graph". )
Thank you very much!

Re: How to correct the Hemi_Mesh?

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:51 pm
by Dominique Geffroy
Oh, I see. The step "split brain mask" automatically generates the split brain mask, so you mustn't run it *after* having corrected manually the mask, else you indeed erase your corrected mask.
If you are using the process "T1 pipeline 2007", after having corrected manually your mask, you have to unselect the step "split brain mask" and all steps before. Then you run the process and only the selected step will be executed, so your corrected split brain will not be erased.

Re: How to correct the Hemi_Mesh?

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:09 pm
by Jean-Francois Mangin
There is a safe way to protect your manual work. Somewhere in the toolbox, you can find some validation
processes. If you run the one locking the splitBrain, it will never be modified by any other brainVISA process.
I know it would be better to have a graphical feedback but we never found the time to do it.
Practically, locking the drawing corresponds to the creation of an empy "drawing.loc" file.
But this technique is not generical, it is used only for a few data produced by the T1 pipeline.