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Brainvisa on OSX 10.6 (snow leopard)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:30 pm
by synic
Dear all,

Just for users to know that on macbookpro intel
the mac version Brainvisa 3.1.6 is fully compatible 10.5 (leopard)... think I've tried almost everything with success.
However, even if the interface launched very well, all processes are systematically crashing on 10.6 (snow leopard).



Re: Brainvisa on OSX 10.6 (snow leopard)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:16 pm
by riviere
I think MacOS 10.6 is no longer compatible with PowerPC programs, or not directly, so I understand the PPC version of BrainVisa has problems.
We have built a 10.5/Intel version of our software, it is currently being tested by one of our users, but it seems to work well. We have not tried on 10.6 (Apple keeps a habit of changing the OS just after we have bought a new Mac for porting so that we are always late...).
The MacOs 10.5/i386 version will be distributed with the next release (soon... we are almost ready)

Re: Brainvisa on OSX 10.6 (snow leopard)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:18 pm
by synic
Thanks a lot !