Dear all,
I try to use segmentation pipeline and for the first time, i have a strange error message:
Process T1 Pipeline 2007 1 started on 2010/08/25 17:50
in T1 Pipeline 2007 1 uuid cannot be saved in minf file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'D:\\Mes Documents\\DataIRM\\BrainVisa DataBase\\TapFinger\\MAP_402_anat_MEG_196609_3_mrs_Anat3D_NY_051118\\t1mri\\default_acquisition\\default_analysis\\folds\\3.0\\default_session_auto\\LMAP_402_anat_MEG_196609_3_mrs_Anat3D_NY_051118_default_session_auto_Tal_TO_SPAM.trm.minf'
MinfError (1736) in _processExecution:
item.uuid() (705) in uuid:
self.setUuid( Uuid(), saveMinf=saveMinf ) (696) in setUuid:
raise MinfError( _t_( 'uuid cannot be saved in minf file' ) + ': ' + unicode( e ) )
I attach the BrainVisa log file.
My MRI is in Nifti format. I correctly imported it in BrainVisa. I'm working on Windows.
I precise that I have writing authorization on my hard disk D:/ and that this disk is not full.
I checked for my previous subjects and never, this file is present the folder appearing in the error message. So, i don't why for this subject, this file is required ???
Did somebody already experience this type of error message ?
Couls somebody help me ?
Thanks in advance !