When the BrainVISA database is located on a Windows share mounted as CIFS on Linux, shelltools.cp crashes.
The reason is that Linux cannot set properly the file access rights on a CIFS mount, and shutil.copy/shutil.copy2 crash instead of nicely handling the problem. In such configuration, I could not find any other solution than using either shutil.copyfile or the system's cp instead.
Therefore I think the function cp() in shelltools.py should be modified to handle these cases. A try/except block could capture these errors thrown by shutil.copy/shutil.copy2 and try again the copy with shutil.copyfile.
In my case, I just simply removed the test that sets "copy" to either shutil.copy or shutil.copy2, and enforce the use of shutil.copyfile. It works, but it is not a proper solution.
Hopefully we'll get this modification in the 4.6.2
