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Can BrainVISA use matlab for Windows installation ?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:08 am
by Melanie PELEGRINI
I would like to use the process "SPM to AIMS transformation converter" with a Win32 BrainVISA installation.
However, this process does not show up in the user interface, I guess it is because the matlab.validation() test fails ? Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,


Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:24 am
by riviere
Look at the log, you should see invalidated processes and the reason why they are invalidated (in "Read processes").
I must admit that I didn't test the brainvisa-matlab connection when I did the port to windows (I don't have matlab for windows on my machine) so that doesn't really surprise me... There are probably at least missing paths, and perhaps unsolvable binary compatibilities between matlab libs and our tools compiled with a different compiler.
I'll have a look at it one day... (but I also admit that neither windows nor matlab are things I like working on, so you may wait a little while...)
