High intensity dura in acquisition with surface coil
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:52 pm
I have nice Siemens Trio-MPRAGE data of more than 10 brains scanned three times each.
Although realignment & averaging of three acquisitions yields a high quality image, unfortunately, they seem not optimal for surface reconstruction.
(Those data were originally acquired for a VBM study in the rostral part of the brain.)
The main problem is that Vip Get Brain process includes the dura mater in the ccipital lobe
possibly because its intensity range is almost the same as the white matter (The histgram seems OK to me).
Consequently the hemi_cortex show erosion into the occipital dura.
I found some improvement by doing VipBiasCorrection for each of the three MPRAGE scans BEFORE realignment & averaging.
I also tried some filtering and deblurring of the images. But...
Are there any workaround other than manual editing or using volume coil?
I suspect the occipital dura has a uniform intensty enough to be eliminated automatically in good part.
Although realignment & averaging of three acquisitions yields a high quality image, unfortunately, they seem not optimal for surface reconstruction.
(Those data were originally acquired for a VBM study in the rostral part of the brain.)
The main problem is that Vip Get Brain process includes the dura mater in the ccipital lobe
possibly because its intensity range is almost the same as the white matter (The histgram seems OK to me).
Consequently the hemi_cortex show erosion into the occipital dura.
I found some improvement by doing VipBiasCorrection for each of the three MPRAGE scans BEFORE realignment & averaging.
I also tried some filtering and deblurring of the images. But...
Are there any workaround other than manual editing or using volume coil?
I suspect the occipital dura has a uniform intensty enough to be eliminated automatically in good part.