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Automate segmentation + adjust segmentation parameters

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:39 pm
by as_dub
Hello !

I would like to automate MRI segmentation for same age patients (children) and same acquisition data protocol. Is it possible ?
Are there parameters to set, and can we set them once and then process data from different patients ?

Morover, is there anybody who have written a document on the influence of segmentation parameters (a kind of "field_rigidity : we change this parameter in case we have a problem during the.... the consequences of increasing this parameter is...") I saw the description of each parameters in the documentation, but I wonder if anybody have wrote something a little more "pratical", just in case.. Thank you !

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:31 am
by denghien

I'm going to look your data today.
To use the same process with several subjects, you can use iteration mode.
This is described in BrainVISA's handbook at the section : ... index.html Handbook -> BrainVISA User Interface -> Iterative process mode

Hope that helps,


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:43 pm
by as_dub
Thank you Isabelle. I will have a look on the iterative processe mode, but I wonder if MRIs (from same acquisition protocol) should be processed with the same parameters values, or if sometimes these values have to be changed from one MRI to an another ?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:58 pm
by denghien
I suppose that it's the same acquisition protocol then you will set same parameter. For instance, if you have to choice "low grey/white contrast" for one data set, all data set will be process with the same characteristic. I think you can launch all data with same parameters (iteration mode) and you must check treatement and look if there is error message. Sometimes some data set are particular because acqusition way was different (new materials, new manipulator, mistakes ...). Then you will fit better data and parameters. Things are not completely automatic, it will be very difficult. But it works fine in the majority of cases.


PS : I will send you data on next week :)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:03 pm
by as_dub
ok ! thank you very much !