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Fedora core 5 and Brainvisa

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:39 am
by ericj

Have you tested Brainvisa on Fedora core 5 so far ?
on my laptop, anatomist was working fine but brainvisa did not lauch at all. I did not want to take much time to understand what was happening, so I switched back to FC4.
Is it a well known problem ?

kind regards
eric jouvent

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:24 pm
by Yann Cointepas
As far as I know, BrainVISA/Anatomist has not yet been tested on FC5 in our lab. We are developping with FC4 and have a few laptops and personal computers on Mandriva 2006. Therefore only FC4 and Mandriva 2006 are tested.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:12 am
by riviere

I have tried the current binary package on a FC5 distrib, and I had the same problem as you have.
I could find a solution to run brainvisa, however: the problem is due to a trick we used to switch to the old linux threading system to overcome a stability problem. Apparently the old system has disapeared, or is not working properly, and the libc complains about missing libraries.
To make it run, remove (or comment out) in the script file: <SHFJ_package>/brainvisa/brainvisa the following lines (lines 4 and 5):

Code: Select all

But anyway we used this trick to prevent some random hangups in programs startup or ending, and we do not know at all if this would not happen on FC5. We have never figured out what caused this problem (bug in python? in brainvisa ?). Well, we have to find it soon now...


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:45 am
by "i"

i'm a new user of anatomist. I first downloaded it on my mac, but after a while, I decided to install fedora core 5 in addition to MacOSX and to put anatomist on this linux partition (package 3.0.2). And neither brain visa nor anatomist are working. The script setup is not installing anything.
Is it cause of the linux partition on the mac ? is it due to fedora core 5? do you know other linux distribution that I would be able to put on my powerbook (G4 titanium not the new intel) on which there will be no pb with anatomist ?

Thank's a lot.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:26 pm
by riviere
You mean Fedora Core 5 for Mac on a G4 processor ? Well, certainly it will not work at all... Our package is built for Linux/ix86 only.
I don't know if it would run on a Mac/Intel linux, we have never tried this (does anyone have feedback on this ?), but I am sure it wil not run on a G4 or G5.

I don't know if the MacOS package (built on a G5) would run on a Mac/Intel or not (actually some people have had problems) but there are some chances things might work a little bit in this case because I think MacOS 10.4 produces binaries for both processor families. Linux does not (by default at least).


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:21 pm
by "i"
Oups, sorry, I did not pay attention...
Do you plane to adapt your packages for linux/ppc or mac/intel ?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:26 pm
by riviere
We don't have such a system and have only time to build/port on the major and most standard achitectures/systems, sorry...

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:23 am
by Manik
If you like to try things out and if you don't mind spending some time on this, you can probably compile the whole pack yourself on your system, but you will need to install a number of libraries and I am not sure it will work in the end...
If you still want to try, download the source package (same page as the binary packages) and build it using build-config utility in the "util" directory :
util/build-config --pack brainvisa anatomist aimsalgo vip

If everything goes well you should have (after a couple of hours) a binary pack compatible with your system.
Unfortunately, it won't be that easy (missing libraries...).
Denis, is there any particular reason why this would not work on a linux/powerMac ?

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:47 pm
by riviere
Actually the algorithms parts (aimsalgo, vip...) are not open-source (so far at least) so you will not be able to recompile them. But you might be able to compile aimsdata, anatomist and run brainvisa.
I don't see a good reason why it would not work since both linux and Mac/G4-G5 versions do work.
But as Manik says, you will need a number of external libraries to do it. But if the Mac version of Fedora is the same as the PC version, all needed packages and a number of optional ones are available for Fedora 5: a few yum commands should be OK. Look at the compilation page for the list of needed or useful libraries.