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A Problem about "Anatomist Show Fold Graph"

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:03 am
by asato
I operated the process and the parameters I inputed are listed as following:


graph = C:\BrainVISA\database\lesson1\graphe\Left\Llesson1.arg

nomenclature = C:\BrainVISA\SHFJ_pack-stable-win32-2.3.0\share\shfj\nomenclature\hierarchy\FCM_MNI_drawing.hie

hemi_mesh = C:\BrainVISA\database\lesson1\anatomy\Morphology\Ana get opened Hemi Surface\Left\lesson1_Lhemi.mesh

load_MRI = No

two_windows = Yes

mri_corrected = C:\BrainVISA\database\lesson1\anatomy\Correction\bias correction\bias correction\nobias_lesson1.ima

And After I pressed "Run", the window "anatomist.bat" appeared and suddenly disappeared.

Would anyone know that what's wrong with it?

Thank you so much!!

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:51 pm
by denghien

I have obtain the same thing twice (with same data), but after it was work. Perhaps it is a communication problem between Anatomist and BrainVISA on Windonws.

Note that data Llesson1.arg and FCM_MNI_drawing.hie are not compatible. FCM_MNI_drawing.hie is a hierarchy file. Hierarchy format makes link between name or label of graph nodes and one color. They are no link with FCM_MNI_drawing.hie and Llesson.arg files (no common name or label).

For instance if you choose this parameters you will have a beautiful result :

graph -> .......Llesson1Auto.arg

nomenclature -> .......sulcal_root_colors.hie //this parameter is setting by default

hemi_mesh ->......lesson1_Lhemi.mesh

load_MRI -> No or Yes

two_windows -> Yes

mri_corrected -> ......nobias_lesson1.ima


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:45 am
by asato
I tried the processing algorithm with the same parameters which "denghien" told me before ,but it still didn't work. (after I pressed "Run' , the window "anatomist.bat" appeared and suddenly disappeared.)From my experience, I think that it may be something wrong like not a beautigul inputs or bad connection between brainvisa.bat and anatomist.bat. but I have no idea about how to solve the problem.Would anyone help me,please?

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:29 am
by denghien

Do Anatomist work alone ? You can run Anatomist with ....'package'/bin/anatomist.bat
Or if you click on eye icon for lesson1_Lhemi.mesh data, can you see this image in Anatomist automatically ?


Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:01 am
by asato
When I clicked on eye icon for lesson1_Lhemi.mesh data, I can't see this image in Anatomist automatically. The window of anatomist.bat still appeared and suddenly disappeared. Not only lesson1_Lhemi.mesh data, but all of the data cannot be viewed by clicking on eye icon or viewers.
Is there something wrong in the connection between brainvisa.bat and anatomist.bat? And how can I solve the problem?Thank you so much!!

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:13 pm
by denghien

There are severals things to try :

- Anatomist alone : you can start Anatomist without BrainVISA because Anatomist is a independent software. To start Anatomist, you locate in <name_paquetage>/bin and make a double-click on anatomist.bat. You will have probably the same problem.

- Anatomist alone : you can open window MS-DOS and locate into <name_paquetage>/bin, then run anatomist by anatomist.bat

- If Anatomist start not alone, there is probably a probleme of installation. In fact, I already had a problem like this. I didn't understand this, but to resolve it I made a new installation of paketage. WARNING, if you remove old paketage and if your datas are into paketage directory, you must make a copy of datas. Otherwise datas are outside this directory, there is not a problem. The same, your configuration files are outside paketage directory, then your BrainVISA options will be not remove.
You can also rename old paketage and to test a new installation.
