You told me about the -m option... That transformation matrix format is very simple: ASCII, 4 lines of 3 columns, as follows:
Tx Ty Tz
R11 R12 R13
R21 R22 R23
R31 R32 R33
T for translation, R for the 3x3 linear matrix part. Here the R part will be identity if I want a translation...
The translation part works...
But now, I want to do a rotation of 180 degree (pi radian) around Z, and I'm trying to do that with this matrix :
0 0 0 } no translation
-1 0 0
0 -1 0
0 0 1
But It doesn't work, do you have a clue what's wrong with my matrix ?
I was pretty sure of myself and I thought it was about to work at the first shot