series of 3D files to a 4D file

AIMS library and commands usage

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Olivier Coulon
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series of 3D files to a 4D file

Post by Olivier Coulon »

Hello, I can't seem to find the Aims command that takes a series of 3D files and turns it into a single 4D file. I thought there was one... Is it AimsFileConvert ?
There is BV process in tools->converters that is called "Volume Series to single file" but it won't let me select a series of file for the input.

Olivier Coulon
Institut de Neurosciences de La Timone,
Aix-Marseille Université,
Marseille, france
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Yann Cointepas
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Re: series of 3D files to a 4D file

Post by Yann Cointepas »

AimsTCat is probably what you are looking for.
Dominique Geffroy
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Re: series of 3D files to a 4D file

Post by Dominique Geffroy »


The BV process that you mentioned "Volume series to single file" seems to work. To select a serie of images, you just have to select one file and brainvisa takes into account all the serie. Indeed, it is not very clear that the selection works as only the file you selected is visible in the input field...

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Olivier Coulon
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Re: series of 3D files to a 4D file

Post by Olivier Coulon »

Thank you ! I will try and use this.

Olivier Coulon
Institut de Neurosciences de La Timone,
Aix-Marseille Université,
Marseille, france
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