problem with AimsSubVolume

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problem with AimsSubVolume

Post by SylvainT »

Hi all!

I use AimsSubVolume on a T1 image, and the resulting cropped image seems to have a problem: when I display it in anatomist, it looks as it is "cut" (see image below)
cropped.png (25.65 KiB) Viewed 18473 times
and anatomist gives me the following message:
Warning: storage_to_memory transformation in NIFTI1 file seems to be wrong
(which does not appear on the image before cropping with AimsSubVolume)

I checked with other viewers (spm, fslview), and they do "see" the whole volume, meaning that the data is actually there...

I'm sending you (Denis & Dominique) via email a link to download the files so that you can take a look at them...

Thanks in advance for your help,

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Re: problem with AimsSubVolume

Post by riviere »

Hi sylvain,
I think this bug was found after the BrainVisa courses last november, and is fixed for the next version. It was a bug when reorienting / resampling a volume + Nifti reader.
The images seem to be displayed entirely with the future anatomist:
save1.jpg (182.58 KiB) Viewed 18455 times
You 'll have to wait a few more for the next version (we are still struggling with the last bugs).
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