AIMS 4.3 32bit / 64bit bug

AIMS library and commands usage

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AIMS 4.3 32bit / 64bit bug

Post by tizianod »

I am testing AIMS 4.3 on a 64bit machine but I dicovered something strange: the result of AimsMeshBrain with output in .ply format is different if the command AimsMeshBrain comes from the 32bit or the 64bit distribution.
Specifically, the output of the 64bit distribution seems to be wrong since any visualization software I tested (VTK, Paraview) crashes when trying to load it. I attach here an example: a mask in Nifti format and the two different outputs obtained using AimsMeshBrain 4.3.0 coming from the 32bit and the 64bit ditributions.

Thanks for your help
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Re: AIMS 4.3 32bit / 64bit bug

Post by tizianod »

I shall add that the problem occours when we use the default binary output, not if we use ascii output
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Re: AIMS 4.3 32bit / 64bit bug

Post by riviere »

Hi Tiziano,

You're right, there is a 32/64 bit issue in the PLY format IO. It is due to the use of "long" type in the underlying lib (librply), which have not been upgraded for long. Using a newer version the bug is fixed. I have included a new version of it now, so it will be fixed in the next bugfix release. But in the mean time, you will have to use the 32 bit version of Aims (unless you can recompile from sources from the svn repository, but I admit it is a long and very fastidious task, so don't try it if you don't really really need to).

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Re: AIMS 4.3 32bit / 64bit bug

Post by tizianod »

Thanks. A wolkaround I am using is to use the ascii encoding. At this regard I think it would be nice to have a -e or --ascii option in the command AimsZCat as well.
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