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Weird parsing error message from AimsApplication

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:14 pm
by oink
When compiling the following code:

Code: Select all

#include <aims/getopt/getopt2.h>
#include <aims/data/data_g.h>
#include <aims/io/io_g.h>
using namespace aims;
using namespace carto;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    int n;
    AimsApplication application( argc, argv, "weird" );
    application.addOption( n, "-n", "an integer" );
  catch( user_interruption &e ) {}
  catch( std::exception &e ) { cerr << argv[ 0 ] << ": " << e.what() << endl; } 
  return 0;
and calling it with a wrong input argument name, I get the following weird error message:

Code: Select all

% bin/AimsTemplate -m 3 -n 3
bin/AimsTemplate: -m is no a valid integer
What's more, I get the error only if the faulty parameter appears before all expected input arguments are parsed -- in the example above, no error is given if -m is set after -n. I did not fully investigate the problem, but it seems to me that the error stems from using plain type arguments -- in any case, the error message is different when Reader's are involved.


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:33 am
by riviere

Well, this behaviour is "normal" since commandline args are ambiguous: switches names are optional in Aims: for instance "AimsFileConvert -i toto.ima -o tutu.ima" is equivalent to "AimsFileConvert toto.ima tutu.ima"
For this reason, the unknown switch "-m" has been understood as the value of the first (omitted) -n switch, of expected type int, hence the error message. The parser understood it as if you had typed "AimsTemplate -n -m 3 -n 3"
Of course it could be even more clever and see that the -n switch is actually present after this argument, but parsing is done as a forward process only, so this cannot be detected at the moment.
