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FC7 and displaying meshes

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:22 pm
by joost

- system: fedora core 7, 64 bits, i am connected through a vnc connection.
- problem: anatomist does not properly display the mesh files included in the demo data (subject01_Lhemi.mesh and all other meshes as well).

- my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file says under 'devices' that i have 'nvidia' installed as a driver.

- i downloaded the drivers from

- i checked if it was the vnc connection by checking the mesh locally (the monitor connected to the workstation): it wasn´t, mesh looks bad.

- clicking 'Applications' -> 'System Tools' -> 'NVIDIA X SERVER settings' -> i get the message 'You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run nvidia-xconfig as root and restart the xserver). we did edit the the x configuration file in /etc/X11 and when starting up, i get the nvidia logo.

Anatomist is unable to display meshes correctly

any thoughts are highly appreciated!


Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:06 am
by riviere

There are sometimes problems with 3D drivers (not only on linux). I use Fedora 7 and nvidia drivers from freshrpms without any problem, but it may depend on the 3D card model. I am not using a 64 bit system anymore but I used to, it worked OK.
What does Anatomist display ? Nothing, a white or white window ? Or just crap ? Or a mesh with half of the vertices OK and the other half not displayed properly ?

First, check your nvidia driver is up to date.

Oh, and you seem to have a problem with your nvidia driver settings. That's the problem, for sure.
If the X server displays the nvidia logo, it should mean the nvidia driver is actually used, at least in 2D.
Check the files in /proc/driver/nvidia, especially try

Code: Select all

cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
I have:

Code: Select all

NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  100.14.23  Thu Oct  4 10:16:34 PDT 2007
GCC version:  version gcc 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)

Code: Select all

cat /proc/driver/nvidia/cards/0
I have:

Code: Select all

Model:           GeForce 7900 GS
IRQ:             16
Video BIOS:
Card Type:       PCI-E
DMA Size:        39 bits
DMA Mask:        0x7fffffffff
Bus Location:    01.00.0
if all of this is OK, then it might be the 3D OpenGL part (but if you are using freshrpms drivers, they should be installed correctly...)
- check that you have /usr/lib/nvidia/*
- check that libs in /usr/lib/nvidia/ are used before /usr/lib: you can check the libs used by anatomist
* first set the paths for the binary package: if $SHELL is bash,

Code: Select all

. <brainvisa_pack_dir>/bin/
if $SHELL is tcsh,

Code: Select all

source <brainvisa_pack_dir>/bin/SHFJEnvironmentVariables.csh
* then

Code: Select all

ldd <brainvisa_pack_dir>/lib/
should output a list of libs, amongst which one is:

Code: Select all => /usr/lib/nvidia/ (0x074a6000)
it should be /usr/lib/nvidia/, not /usr/lib/ Otherwise you are using the wrong OpenGL library (not the one from nvidia). In that case, you can try setting up a LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable pointing to /usr/lib/nvidia then to /usr/lib. But I did not have to do this on my computer.


Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:08 am
by riviere
Sorry, in my explanations, for 64 bit systems, /usr/lib/... shoud be replaced by /usr/lib64/...



Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:50 pm
by joost

thanks a lot for your help. it solved the problem.
