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display brain.mesh with corresponding value for each mesh pt

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:34 am
by vsmuser
I have converted the *_brain.mesh to 3D points in space and using other analysis software have calculated a value for each mesh point. Now, I would like to display these values on the brain mesh ( or inflated brain mesh) in anatomist.

As far as I understand, I can either create a .tex file or a .bck file to do this. Is this correct? If so,

(1) If I use a .tex file, is there a particular way I must write the .tex file so anatomist associates the correct value with the corresponding 3D mesh point?

(2) If I use a .bck file, how do I load/display this file? (I am not able to find enough english documentation about this) Also is there an example of a .bck file? Is there also a particular format the vectorOf<fields> of the .bck must be in?

Thank you

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:04 am
by riviere
Hi T,

You should use (1): .tex texture file. The "bucket" (.bck) is a list of voxels that contains geometry and has a mehed repesentation so it's rather similar to the mesh itself. Textures embedded in both .mesh and .bck files are not used in Anatomist, we've decided that it's better to separate them.
The .tex format is documented on our web site: see Each texture value should correspond to the mesh vertex, in the same order.

To view the texture on a mesh, you must load both (.mesh and .tex) in anatomist, then select them and click the "fusion" button to make a new "textured surface" object. This object can be put into a 3D view. You can change the texture palette to get colors and thresholds as you like.
