Just to signal a bug: when I try to open a big bundle, anatomist crash on my mac , but work well on Windows XP:) .
On the other hand when I try to track (with brainvisa v3.02) on the whole brain, the DTI pipeline crash on windows XP but work very well on my mac .
Could you describe a bit more precisely what kind of crash occured, please ? Just to know if it is related to memory consumtion or to a "classical" bug.
sorry there is no more information on my mac than "l'application anatomist a planté inopinement" but I can test something to have more information about this crash if you want, just give me the instruction.
another little thing not very important : bundles are opened in black on mac OS and not in red like on windows.
For bundles, it may be a lighting problem. The lighting is activated by default and it is not appropriate for bundles (this will change in a future release). There is a tab called "Advanced" (or something like that) in the material edition panel that allow to remove lighting. Once ligthing is off, you can change the color and transparency of bundles (do not forget to remove selection because all selected object are displayed in red instead of their own color).
Anatomist may be a little bit more verbose when crashing when it is run from a terminal: at least telling if it crashed with a segmentation fault, a memory error or something else.
The ultimate solution is to run it in a debugger, but I won't ask you to do so (especially if you don't have the developer tools installed).
On Mac, the ctrl key is replaced by the apple key by the window manager. Try <apple>-<space>. I can't test it right now: I have no Mac here.
The bundle crash may be fixed for the next update: we have found and fixed a bug here in Anatomist (not specific to Mac), maybe it's the same bug.
On our Mac (MacOS 10.5), the <apple>-<space> key is bound by the system on "spotlight search" (I don't know what it is but it actually prevents the weighless mode of Anatomist to work). In the system settings, in "keyboard and mouse", "keyboard shortcuts", I could disable the shortcut. After that, Anatomist gets properly the key combination, and the weightless mode works.
I don't know if it is the same on other versions of MacOS.