Source code for soma.aims.lazy_read_data

This module provides wrappers for Aims readable data types which lazily load when they are used, and can release memory after they are used: :class:`LazyReadData`

Specialized iterators can help parallelizing reading opertions, and perform it earlier (before they are really used) in an iteration: :class:`PreloadIterator`, :class:`PreloadList`.

A specialized version in aimsalgo handles resampling while loading: :class:`~soma.aimsalgo.lazy_resample_volume.LazyResampleVolume`.


from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
from soma import aims
import threading
import itertools
import multiprocessing
import six
from six.moves import range

[docs]class LazyReadData(object): ''' LazyReadData is a data class proxy, which loads the underlying data when used, and is also able to unload it after a given number of operations to release memory. If the data is used again after release, then it is loaded again. The aim of this proxy is to carry data references in complex expressions or formulas, while allowing to lower the amount of memory needed to process the expression. Ex: if we need to add 100 Volumes, the easy way to write it is: :: volumes = [ for f in filenames] res = sum(volumes) This expression, ``sum(volumes)`` uses a complete list of volumes, and thus needs the 100 volumes to be physically in mempry before the sum operation actually begins. However as the sum is performed sequentially, it should be possible to perform the same operation using only memory for 2 volumes. One solution would use iterators and yield to read data during the for loop, but it would not work in a more "hand-made" expression like this one: :: res = vol1 + vol2 + vol3 - vol4 * vol5 + vol6 # etc. LazyReadData offers a solution to process these expressions: :: volumes = [LazyReadData(f, nops=1) for f in filenames] res = sum(volumes).data vol1 = LazyReadData(filenames[0], nops=1) # ... vol6 = LazyReadData(filename[5], nops=1) # etc. res = vol1 + vol2 + vol3 - vol4 * vol5 + vol6 # etc. res = # get actual Volume object LazyReadData loads the underlying data from its filename whenever any attribute or method of the proxy is queried in the underlying data. Reading is done using, thus only AIMS objects are supported, but on the other hand, all kinds of AIMS objects can work this way: volumes, meshes, textures, graphs, transformations, etc. Without specifying the *nops* parameter, LazyReadData does not save so much memory: it just loads data whenever needed, but from this moment, keeps it in memory until the proxy is actually deleted. *nops* tells the proxy that, after this number of *operations*, the data will be released. *operations* in this context are arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, pow). Other method calls are not counted. Thus in order to optimize things, *nops* should be set to the number of times the object will be used in an expression. A kind of pre-parsing of the expression may be needed in order to automatize this. Loading is done in a thread-safe manner (using a lock) so that two (or more) threads accessing data will not trigger several loads. **Specializing** Subclasses may override the :meth:`_lazy_read` method to implement a different behavior or load additional data. This method should set with the loaded data. This method returns the loaded data. Another way of specializing the load behavior is to provide a Reader object which could also be a specialized version of :class:`soma.aims.Reader`. ''' def __init__(self, data_or_filename, allocator_context=None, read_options=None, nops=0, reader=None, **kwargs): ''' Parameters ---------- data_or_filename: str, Aims object, or LazyReadData a LazyReadData can be built from another one (copying its data, filename and other internals), or from a filename, or from an existing AIMS object. allocator_context: AllocatorContext passed to when data is read. read_options: dict passed to when data is read nops: int number of operations before data is unloaded. 0 means never released. reader: aims.Reader pre-built Reader instance, used when more specific reader options are needed. Otherwise a standard reader will be used. kwargs: dict if data is an AIMS object, kwargs may include an additional 'filename' argument. The rest is passed to when data is read. ''' # print('init', self) if isinstance(data_or_filename, six.types.StringTypes): self.filename = data_or_filename = None elif isinstance(data_or_filename, LazyReadData): self.filename = data_or_filename.filename = self.allocator_context = data_or_filename.allocator_context self.read_options = data_or_filename.read_options self.kwargs = data_or_filename.kwargs self.nops = data_or_filename.nops self.reader = data_or_filename.reader return else: = data_or_filename if 'filename' in kwargs: self.filename = kwargs['filename'] kwargs = dict(kwargs) del kwargs['filename'] else: self.filename = None self.allocator_context = allocator_context self.read_options = read_options self.kwargs = kwargs self.nops = nops self.reader = reader self._lock = threading.RLock() self._preload_lock = threading.RLock() self._loading = False def _lazy_read(self): ''' Implements actual data reading. The default implementation calls if a Reader instance has been provided, or otherwise. It may be called from a non-principal thread when used in a threaded context such as in :class:`PreloadIterator`. ''' if is None: if self.reader is not None: =, **self.kwargs) else: =, allocmode=self.allocator_context, options=self.read_options, **self.kwargs) # print('read', self, ':', return def _lazy_read_(self): with self._preload_lock: self._loading = True with self._lock: return self._lazy_read() def _dec_release(self): with self._preload_lock: if self.nops > 0: self.nops -= 1 if self.nops == 0: # count reach 0, erase data to free memory # print('release', self, = None # allow one additional operation self.nops = 1 self._loading = False
[docs] def preloading(self): ''' If a threaded load operation has been started ("preloading"), then this method returns True as soon as the operation has started. It still returns True as long as the data is in memory. Its goal is to tell that another load operation is not needed. ''' with self._preload_lock: return self._loading
#def write(self): #if is not None: #aims.write(, self.filename) def __getattr__(self, name): self._lazy_read_() return getattr(, name) #def __del__(self): #if is not None: #print('del', self, ':', def __add__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d d = res = LazyReadData(, filename=self.filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __radd__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d filename = d.filename d = else: filename = None res = LazyReadData(, filename=filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __iadd__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() d = if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return self def __sub__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d d = res = LazyReadData(, filename=self.filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __rsub__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d filename = d.filename d = else: filename = None res = LazyReadData(, filename=filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __isub__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() d = if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return self def __mul__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d d = res = LazyReadData(, filename=self.filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __rmul__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d filename = d.filename d = else: filename = None res = LazyReadData(, filename=filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __imul__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() d = if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return self def __div__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d d = res = LazyReadData(, filename=self.filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __rdiv__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() ld = d filename = d.filename d = else: filename = None res = LazyReadData(, filename=filename) self._dec_release() if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return res def __idiv__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None if isinstance(d, LazyReadData): d._lazy_read_() d = if ld is not None: ld._dec_release() return self def __pow__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() ld = None res = LazyReadData(, filename=self.filename) self._dec_release() return res def __ipow__(self, d): self._lazy_read_() return self def __neg__(self): self._lazy_read_() return LazyReadData(, filename=filename) def __abs__(self): self._lazy_read_() return LazyReadData(, filename=filename)
[docs]class PreloadIterator(object): ''' An iterator intended to be used to iterate over sequences of LazyReadData, which performs pre-iterations and pre-loads data before they get used in an actual iteration. **Idea:** When iterating over a list of LazyReadData, data is loaded when accessed, thus at the last moment, sequentially. As data loading can be efficiently threaded, the idea is to use threads to start preloading of a number of data which will be used later in the loop. This parallel loading idea is somewhat antinomic with the lazy loading data principle, so the PreloadIterator mixes both approaches. The number of preloaded data can be specified, the default is the number of processors in the machine. Each preload operation will run in a separate thread. :: volumes = [LazyReadData(f, nops=1) for f in filenames] res = sum(PreloadIterator(volumes, npreload=8)) In the above example, 8 threads will be used to preload the next 8 items in the list from the current iterator position. As the iterator advances, more data preloads will be triggered. ''' def __init__(self, iterable, npreload=multiprocessing.cpu_count()): ''' Parameters ---------- iterable: iterable the iterable can be a list, a generator, or an iterator. It should iterate over items which are LazyReadData instances, because it will use their lazy loading mechanism and their threading locks. npreload: number of preloaded data / number of threads used to preload ''' self.iter = iter(iterable) self.npreload = npreload self.preload() def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): self.preload() item = next(self.iter) return item def preload(self): self.iter, iter = itertools.tee(self.iter) for i in range(self.npreload): try: item = next(iter) if not item.preloading(): item._loading = True # print('preload:', item.filename) th = threading.Thread(target=item._lazy_read) th.start() except StopIteration: break
[docs]class PreloadList(list): ''' A list which provides a PreloadIterator to iterate over it. :: volumes = PreloadList((LazyReadData(f, nops=1) for f in filenames), npreload=8) res = sum(volumes) equivalent to: :: volumes = [LazyReadData(f, nops=1) for f in filenames] res = sum(PreloadIterator(volumes, npreload=8)) ''' def __init__(self, iterable=None, npreload=multiprocessing.cpu_count()): super(PreloadList, self).__init__(iterable) self.npreload = npreload def __iter__(self): return PreloadIterator(super(PreloadList, self).__iter__(), npreload=self.npreload)