Source code for soma.aims.meshSplit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
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from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy
from soma import aims

[docs]def meshSplit(mesh, tex, graph, tex_time_step=0): '''Splits a mesh into patches corresponding to a labels texture. Patches are organized into a graph. The graph must preexist, and nodes will be inserted into it. ''' labels = numpy.unique(tex[tex_time_step].arraydata()) labels = labels.tolist() labels.remove(0) num_labels = len(labels) tex2 = aims.TimeTexture_S16() tx = tex[tex_time_step] tx2 = tex2[0] tx2.reserve(tx.size()) for i in tx: tx2.push_back(round(i * num_labels)) for label in labels: v = graph.addVertex('roi') label_int = round(label * num_labels) v['name'] = str(label_int) sub_mesh = aims.SurfaceManip.meshExtract(mesh, tex2, label_int) aims.GraphManip.storeAims( graph, v._get(), 'roi_mesh', aims.rc_ptr_AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID(sub_mesh[0])) return graph
[docs]def meshSplit2(mesh, tex, graph, voxel_size=None, tex_time_step=None): """ Split mesh according to texture patches Compared to meshSplit, this version also adds buckets (voxels lists) in each graph node. Parameters ---------- mesh: cortex mesh for example tex: aims.TimeTexture_S16 texture of labels (parcellation of the mesh, labels between 1 and nb_labels, background = 0) graph: Graph the graph __syntax__ attribute should be: 'roi' voxel_size: (optional) if a voxel size is given, a bucket will be built with the specified voxel size to follow the mesh. Otherwise there will be no bucket. tex_time_step: int (optional) time step to be used in the texture for regions split. default: 0 Outputs ------- None: modify the input graph: add vertex : submeshes (one per texture label) and associated buckets add vertex "others" : void """ # filter texture time step if tex_time_step is not None and tex.size() != 0: tex_tstep = aims.TimeTexture_S16() tex_tstep[0] = tex[tex_time_step] else: tex_tstep = tex # labels in the texture labels = (numpy.unique(tex_tstep[0].arraydata())).tolist() #if 0 in labels: #labels.remove(0) # 3D resolution: replace 0 by 1 if voxel_size is not None: voxel_size = [1. if x == 0 else x for x in voxel_size] while len(voxel_size) < 3: voxel_size.append(1.) # for each label, roi_mesh and aims_roi are added in graph for label in labels: # (1) roi_mesh v = graph.addVertex('roi') v['name'] = str(label) v['roi_label'] = label # mesh corresponding to texture of label sub_mesh = aims.SurfaceManip.meshExtract(mesh, tex_tstep, label) aims.GraphManip.storeAims(graph, v._get(), 'roi_mesh', aims.rc_ptr_AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID(sub_mesh[0])) # (2) aims_roi if voxel_size is not None: bucketMap = aims.BucketMap_VOID() sub_mesh_vertex = sub_mesh[0].vertex() for vertex in sub_mesh_vertex: px = round(vertex[0] / voxel_size[0]) py = round(vertex[1] / voxel_size[1]) pz = round(vertex[2] / voxel_size[2]) p3d = aims.Point3d(px, py, pz) bucketMap[0][p3d] = 1 if len(voxel_size) >= 3: bucketMap.setSizeXYZT(voxel_size[0], voxel_size[1], voxel_size[2], 1) else: bucketMap.setSizeXYZT(1, 1, 1, 1) aims.GraphManip.storeAims(graph, v._get(), 'aims_roi', aims.rc_ptr_BucketMap_VOID(bucketMap))