Source code for soma.aims.spmnormalizationreader

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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import scipy
import numpy
import sys
from soma import uuid

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

[docs]def readSpmNormalization(matfilename, source=None, destref=None, srcref=None): ''' Read a SPM \*_sn.mat normalization file and converts it to an Aims AffineTransformation3d. The converted transformation has for source the AIMS referential of the source image, and for destination the template referential of the SPM .mat file. All coordinates are in millimeters. The source image information may be provided either as its filename, its header object, or the image itself. It should carry the needed information: source volume storage_to_memory transformation matrix, voxel_size, etc. If None is passed as source (the default), then the source image name will be built from the .mat filename and will be read if found. - matfilename: *string* file name of the \*_sn.mat normalization file to reading - source: *filename* (*string*), or *Volume* :py:class:`Volume <soma.aims.Volume_FLOAT>` or :py:class:`AimsData <soma.aims.AimsData_FLOAT>`), or *volume header* (*MappingType*) file name of the \*_sn.mat normalization file to reading - destref: *string* or *UUID* (:py:class:`Uuid <soma.uuid.Uuid>`) destination referential for the transformation. If not specified, none will be set. If provided as a symbolic name ('Talairach-MNI template-SPM'), it will be converted to an UUID string. - srcref: *string* or *UUID* source referential for the transformation. If not specified, an attempt will be made to take it from the source image, otherwise it will not be set. If provided as a symbolic name ('Talairach-MNI template-SPM'), it will be converted to an UUID string. - returns: :py:class:`AffineTransformation3d <soma.aims.AffineTransformation3d>` object the converted transformation ''' aims = sys.modules['soma.aims'] if source is None: if matfilename.endswith('_sn3d.mat'): # SPM 99 source = matfilename[:-9] elif matfilename.endswith('_sn.mat'): # SPM >= 2 source = matfilename[:-7] elif matfilename.endswith('.mat'): # unlikely to work... source = matfilename[:-4] else: # unlikely to work either... source = matfilename st = type(source) if st is type('') or st is type(u''): f = aims.Finder() if not f.check(source): raise IOError('could not read source image header for ' + source) hdr = f.header() if 'object_type' in hdr and hdr['object_type'] == 'genericobject': hdr = elif hasattr(source, 'header'): hdr = source.header() else: hdr = source try: vsA = aims.AffineTransformation3d(numpy.diag(hdr['voxel_size'][:3] + [1.])) except: raise RuntimeError('Source image header information could not be ' 'accessed.') try: s2m = aims.AffineTransformation3d(hdr['storage_to_memory']) except: s2m = aims.AffineTransformation3d() sn3d = Affine = aims.AffineTransformation3d(sn3d['Affine']) if 'VG' in sn3d: # SPM >= 2 VG = sn3d['VG'] scipyversion = [int(x) for x in scipy.version.version.split('.')[:2]] if scipyversion >= [0, 7]: VG = VG[0, 0] if scipyversion >= [0, 9]: if VG[2].shape != (4, 4): # SPM12 has this matrix in VG[4] where it was VG[2] in SPM8... MT = aims.AffineTransformation3d(VG[4]) else: MT = aims.AffineTransformation3d(VG[2]) else: MT = aims.AffineTransformation3d(VG.mat) else: # spm99 MT = aims.AffineTransformation3d(sn3d['MG']) # At is the compensation for Affine being used between Matlab arrays # indices, starting at 1, not 0 At = numpy.mat(numpy.diag([1., 1., 1., 1.])) At[:3, 3] = numpy.transpose(numpy.mat([-1., -1., -1.])) At = aims.AffineTransformation3d(At) # AtoT is Aims (mm) to Template (SPM mm) and is the output if # no normalized_volume is specified AtoT = MT * (vsA * s2m * At * Affine).inverse() ahdr = AtoT.header() if srcref is None and 'referential' in hdr: srcref = hdr['referential'] if srcref: if srcref == aims.StandardReferentials.mniTemplateReferential(): srcref = aims.StandardReferentials.mniTemplateReferentialID() elif srcref == aims.StandardReferentials.acPcReferential(): srcref = aims.StandardReferentials.acPcReferentialID() try: uuid.Uuid(srcref) ahdr['source_referential'] = srcref except: print('source referential', srcref, 'cannot be converted to a valid UUID - not setting it.', file=sys.stderr) if destref: if destref == aims.StandardReferentials.mniTemplateReferential(): destref = aims.StandardReferentials.mniTemplateReferentialID() elif destref == aims.StandardReferentials.acPcReferential(): destref = aims.StandardReferentials.acPcReferentialID() try: uuid.Uuid(destref) ahdr['destination_referential'] = destref except: print('destination referential', destref, 'cannot be converted to a valid UUID - not setting it.', file=sys.stderr) return AtoT