Source code for soma.aims.texturetools

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
from soma import aims, aimsalgo
import numpy
import os
import six
import sys
from six.moves import range

[docs]def mergeLabelsFromTexture(tex, labels_list, new_label): """ inputs: tex: labeled texture ( from FreeSurfer or an other ) labels_list, new_label: you can overwrite numbers ( labels_list ) with your own number ( new_label ) ouput: otex: labeled texture with merged regions """ otex = aims.TimeTexture_S16() tex_ar = tex[0].arraydata() otex[0].assign(tex_ar) otex_ar = otex[0].arraydata() for i in labels_list: otex_ar[otex_ar == int(i)] = new_label return otex
[docs]def extractLabelsFromTexture(tex, labels_list, new_label): """ inputs: tex: labeled texture ( from FreeSurfer or an other ) labels_list, new_label: you can overwrite numbers ( labels_list ) with your own number ( new_label ) output: otex: labeled texture with merged regions only """ otex = aims.TimeTexture_S16() otex[0].reserve(tex[0].nItem()) for i in range(tex[0].nItem()): otex[0].push_back(0) tex_ar = tex[0].arraydata() otex_ar = otex[0].arraydata() for i in labels_list: otex_ar[tex_ar == int(i)] = new_label return otex
[docs]def connectedComponents(mesh, tex, areas_mode=0): """ Parameters ---------- mesh tex: aimsTimeTexture_S16 (one time step) labeled between 1 and LabelsNb, background = 0, ignored_vertex = -1. areas_mode: if = 1: computing area measures of the connected components, if = 0: no measure (by default). Returns ------- step_cc: connectedComponentTex: aimsTimeTexture_S16 time step = LabelsNb, for each time step (label in the tex), texture of the connected components corresponding to this label (background = -1, and connected components = values between 1 and nb_cc). areas_measure: python dictionary areas_measures[label] = [16.5, 6.0] (numpy array) if label (in tex) has two connected Components 1 and 2 with area = 16.5 and 6.0 respectively, areas are in square mm """ # create a numpy array from aims object dtex = tex[0].arraydata() # number of vertices nbvert = len(mesh.vertex()) # test for homogeneity dimension if len(dtex) != nbvert: raise ValueError('mesh and texture have not the same dimension...') # list of existing labels labels = numpy.unique(dtex) # remove a specific elements if 0 in labels: numpy.delete(labels, numpy.where(labels == 0)) if -1 in labels: numpy.delete(labels, numpy.where(labels == -1)) otex = aims.TimeTexture_S16() step_cc = aims.TimeTexture_S16() if areas_mode: areas_measures = {} for label in labels: otex[0].assign((dtex == label)) label_cc = aimsalgo.AimsMeshLabelConnectedComponent(mesh, otex, 0, 0) # transform aims.TimeTexture_S16 to numpy array label_cc_np = label_cc[0].arraydata() step_cc[label-1].assign(label_cc_np) if areas_mode: nb_cc = label_cc_np.max() areas_measures[label] = numpy.zeros(nb_cc) for c in range(nb_cc): # extracts a sub-mesh defined by a texture label value (c+1) mesh_cc = aims.SurfaceManip.meshExtract(mesh, label_cc, c+1)[0] # surface area of a triangular mesh (in mm2) area_cc = aims.SurfaceManip.meshArea(mesh_cc) areas_measures[label][c] = area_cc if areas_mode: return step_cc, areas_measures else: return step_cc
[docs]def remove_non_principal_connected_components(mesh, tex, trash_label): """Keep only the largest connected component in each label, for a label texture. Parameters ---------- mesh: tex: label texture (S16, int) trash_label: value to replace non-principal components Returns ------- out_tex: label texture """ t0 = tex[0].arraydata() t0 += 1 # 0 is a real label conn_comp, areas = connectedComponents(mesh, tex, areas_mode=True) t0 -= 1 dtype = tex[0].arraydata().dtype out_tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype=dtype) out_tex[0].assign(numpy.zeros(tex[0].size(), dtype=dtype)) out_arr = out_tex[0].arraydata() out_arr[:] = trash_label for label in conn_comp.keys(): comps = conn_comp[label] largest = numpy.argmax(areas[label + 1]) + 1 comp_arr = comps.arraydata() out_arr[comp_arr==largest] = label return out_tex
[docs]def meshDiceIndex(mesh, texture1, texture2, timestep1=0, timestep2=0, labels_table1=None, labels_table2=None): """DICE index calculation between two sets of regions defined by label textures on a common mesh. texture1, texture2: aims.TimeTexture instances, should be int (labels). timestep1, timestep2: timestep to use in texture1 and texture2. labels_table1, labels_table2: optional labels translation tables (dicts or arrays) to translate values of texture1 and/or texture2. return """ tex1 = texture1[timestep1].arraydata() tex2 = texture2[timestep2].arraydata() if labels_table1 is not None: tex1 = numpy.array([labels_table1[x] for x in tex1]) if labels_table2 is not None: tex2 = numpy.array([labels_table2[x] for x in tex2]) regions = max(numpy.max(tex1), numpy.max(tex2)) + 1 areas1 = numpy.zeros((regions, )) areas2 = numpy.zeros((regions, )) inter = numpy.zeros((regions, )) vertices = mesh.vertex() polygons = mesh.polygon() for poly in polygons: p = vertices[poly[0]] u1 = vertices[poly[1]] - p u2 = vertices[poly[2]] - p area = u1.crossed(u2).norm() / 6 # 1/3 area for each vertex l1 = tex1[poly[0]] l2 = tex2[poly[0]] areas1[l1] += area areas2[l2] += area if l1 == l2: # intersection inter[l1] += area l1 = tex1[poly[1]] l2 = tex2[poly[1]] areas1[l1] += area areas2[l2] += area if l1 == l2: # intersection inter[l1] += area l1 = tex1[poly[2]] l2 = tex2[poly[2]] areas1[l1] += area areas2[l2] += area if l1 == l2: # intersection inter[l1] += area dice = inter * 2 / (areas1 + areas2) return dice, areas1, areas2, inter
[docs]def average_texture(output, inputs): """ Create average gyri texture from a group of subject. """ # read textures tex = [] for fname in inputs: tex.append( # make a 2D array from a series of textures ar = numpy.vstack([t[0].arraydata() for t in tex]) # replace the negative values by positive integers if len(ar[ar == -1]) != 0: tmp_label = numpy.max(ar) + 1 ar[ar == -1] = tmp_label # count occurrences N = numpy.max(ar) def bin_resized(x): y = numpy.bincount(x) y.resize(N + 1) # labels: 1 to 72 return y cnt = numpy.apply_along_axis(bin_resized, 0, ar) # get max of occurrences in each vertex maj = numpy.argmax(cnt, axis=0) # to keep the same labels, replace (max + 1) by -1 if tmp_label: maj[maj == tmp_label] = -1 # make an aims texture from result (numpy array) otex = aims.TimeTexture('S16') otex[0].assign(maj) otex.header().update(tex[0].header()) aims.write(otex, output)
[docs]def nomenclature_to_colormap(hierarchy, labels_list, as_float=True, default_color=[0.3, 0.6, 1., 1.]): """ Make a colormap from labels and colors of a nomenclature (hierarchy), following a labels_list order. Parameters ---------- hierarchy: Hierarchy object nomenclature labels_list: list of strings labels with order. The returned colormap will follow this ordering. as_float: bool (optional, default: True) if True, colors will be float values in the [0-1] range. If False, they will be int values in the [0-255] range. default_color: list (4 floats) (optional) Color used for labels not found in the nomenclature. It is given as floats ([0-1] range). Returns ------- colormap: numpy array array of colors (4 float values in [0-1] range) """ colors = [] for label in labels_list: try: color = hierarchy.find_color(label, default_color=default_color) color = list(color) if len(color) < 4: color.append(1.) except: color = default_color if not as_float: color = [int(c*255.9) for c in color] colors.append(list(color)) return numpy.array(colors)
[docs]def vertex_texture_to_polygon_texture(mesh, tex, allow_cut=False): """Make a "polygon texture" from a vartex-based label texture. A polygon texture has a value for each polygon. For a given polygon the value is taken as the majority of values on its vertices. If an absolute majority cannot be obtained, the mesh polygons may be cut to avoid losing precision. This is done if allow_cut is True. When allow_cut is False, the returned value is the polygon texture. It may work on meshes of any polygon size (triangles, quads, segments...) When allow_cut is True, the returned value is a tuple: * polygon texture * new mesh with possibly split triangles It only works for meshes of triangles. """ dtype = tex[list(tex.keys())[0]].arraydata().dtype poly_tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype=dtype) if allow_cut: out_mesh = mesh.__class__(mesh) for t, tex0 in six.iteritems(tex): tdata = tex0.arraydata() ptex0 = poly_tex[t] ptex0.resize(len(mesh.polygon(t))) poly_labels = ptex0.arraydata() if allow_cut: added_vert = {} vertex = out_mesh.vertex(t) polygon = out_mesh.polygon(t) for p, poly in enumerate(mesh.polygon(t)): D = len(poly) labels = [tdata[v] for v in poly] ulabels = numpy.unique(labels) ilabels = [numpy.where(labels==u)[0] for u in ulabels] nlabels = [len(u) for u in ilabels] if not allow_cut: maj = ulabels[numpy.argmax(nlabels)] poly_labels[p] = maj else: # WARNING this only works for triangles. if len(ulabels) == 1: poly_labels[p] = ulabels[0] elif len(ulabels) == 2: # cut off one vertex iother = labels.index(ulabels[numpy.argmin(nlabels)]) ikeep = [i for i in range(D) if i!=iother] iv0 = poly[iother] iv1 = poly[(iother-1) % D] ind = (min((iv0, iv1)), max((iv0, iv1))) ivn1 = added_vert.get(ind) if ivn1 is None: v1 = (vertex[iv0] + vertex[iv1]) * 0.5 ivn1 = len(vertex) vertex.append(v1) added_vert[ind] = ivn1 iv2 = poly[(iother+1) % D] ind = (min((iv0, iv2)), max((iv0, iv2))) ivn2 = added_vert.get(ind) if ivn2 is None: v2 = (vertex[iv0] + vertex[iv2]) * 0.5 ivn2 = len(vertex) vertex.append(v2) added_vert[ind] = ivn2 polygon[p][(iother-1) % D] = ivn1 polygon[p][(iother+1) % D] = ivn2 polygon.append(poly.__class__(iv1, ivn1, ivn2)) polygon.append(poly.__class__(ivn2, iv2, iv1)) poly_labels[p] = tdata[iv0] ptex0.append(tdata[iv1]) ptex0.append(tdata[iv2]) else: # cut in 3 regions bs0 = (min(poly[0], poly[1]), max(poly[0], poly[1])) bs1 = (min(poly[1], poly[2]), max(poly[1], poly[2])) bs2 = (min(poly[2], poly[0]), max(poly[2], poly[0])) bi0 = added_vert.get(bs0) if bi0 is None: v0 = (vertex[poly[0]] + vertex[poly[1]]) * 0.5 bi0 = len(vertex) added_vert[bs0] = bi0 vertex.append(v0) bi1 = added_vert.get(bs1) if bi1 is None: v1 = (vertex[poly[1]] + vertex[poly[2]]) * 0.5 bi1 = len(vertex) added_vert[bs1] = bi1 vertex.append(v1) bi2 = added_vert.get(bs2) if bi2 is None: v2 = (vertex[poly[2]] + vertex[poly[0]]) * 0.5 bi2 = len(vertex) added_vert[bs2] = bi2 vertex.append(v2) bi3 = len(vertex) v3 = (vertex[poly[0]] + vertex[poly[1]] + vertex[poly[2]]) / 3. vertex.append(v3) polygon[p][1] = bi0 polygon[p][2] = bi3 polygon.append(poly.__class__(bi3, bi2, poly[0])) polygon.append(poly.__class__(poly[1], bi1, bi3)) polygon.append(poly.__class__(poly[1], bi3, bi0)) polygon.append(poly.__class__(poly[2], bi2, bi3)) polygon.append(poly.__class__(poly[2], bi3, bi1)) poly_labels[p] = labels[0] ptex0.append(labels[0]) ptex0.append(labels[1]) ptex0.append(labels[1]) ptex0.append(labels[2]) ptex0.append(labels[2]) if allow_cut: return (poly_tex, out_mesh) else: return poly_tex
[docs]def mesh_to_polygon_textured_mesh(mesh, poly_tex): """ """ out_mesh = mesh.__class__() out_tex = poly_tex.__class__() polygons = mesh.polygon() dtype = poly_tex[list(poly_tex.keys())[0]].arraydata().dtype for t, tex0 in six.iteritems(poly_tex): print('t:', t) overt = out_mesh.vertex(t) overt.assign(mesh.vertex()) onorm = out_mesh.normal(t) onorm.assign(mesh.vertex()) opoly = out_mesh.polygon(t) opoly.assign(mesh.polygon()) otex = out_tex[t] otex.assign(numpy.zeros(mesh.vertex().size(), dtype=dtype) - 1) #otex_arr = otex.arraydata() tex_arr = tex0.arraydata() added = {} for p in range(len(mesh.polygon())): plabel = tex_arr[p] poly = opoly[p] for i, v in enumerate(poly): if otex[v] < 0: otex[v] = plabel elif otex[v] != plabel: old_new = added.get((v, plabel)) if old_new: # already added, just change triangle poly[i] = old_new else: # add a new vertex, and change triangle vb = overt.size() overt.append(overt[v]) poly[i] = vb added[(v, plabel)] = vb #otex_arr = otex.arraydata() out_mesh.updateNormals() return out_mesh, out_tex
[docs]def change_wrong_labels(cc_label, label, gyri_tex, mesh_neighbors_vector, cc_tex_label): """After a study of its neighbors, wrong label is replaced by the correct number. Parameters ---------- cc_label: label of connected component in cc_tex_label label: label of associated vertices in gyri texture gyri_tex (aims time texture S16): gyri texture mesh_neighbors_vector : aims.SurfaceManip.surfaceNeighbours(mesh) cc_tex_label : texture representing connected components of label Returns ------- gyri_tex (aims time texture S16): new gyri_tex texture, without isolated vertex. winner_label: the correct number. """ indexes = numpy.where(cc_tex_label == cc_label)[0] neighbor_labels = [] print('Nb of wrong indexes: ', indexes.size) for i in indexes: for n in mesh_neighbors_vector[i]: n_label = gyri_tex[0][n] if n_label != label: neighbor_labels.append(n_label) v_labels = numpy.unique(neighbor_labels) max_count = 0 winnner_label = -1 for l in v_labels: nb_v_labels = neighbor_labels.count(l) if nb_v_labels > max_count: print('Number of neighbor labels: ', nb_v_labels, 'for', l) winnner_label = l max_count = nb_v_labels for i in indexes: gyri_tex[0][i] = winnner_label return gyri_tex, winnner_label
[docs]def find_wrong_labels(mesh, gyriTex): """ Parameters ---------- mesh: gyriTex: gyri texture Returns ------- wrong_labels: list of wrong labels [cctex: connectedComponentTex: aimsTimeTexture_S16, time step = LabelsNb, for each time step (label in the tex), texture of the connected components corresponding to this label (background = -1, and connected components = values between 1 and ccNb) areas_measures = python dictionary, areas_measures[label] = [16.5, 6.0] (numpy array) if label (in tex) has two connected Components 1 and 2 with area = 16.5 and 6.0 respectively, areas are in square mm] """ meshNeighborsVector = aims.SurfaceManip.surfaceNeighbours(mesh) cctex, areas_measures = connectedComponents( mesh, gyriTex, areas_mode=1) wrong_labels = [] for label in areas_measures.keys(): if areas_measures[label].size != 1: wrong_labels.append(label) return wrong_labels
[docs]def clean_gyri_texture(mesh, gyri_tex): """Cleaning a gyri texture by using connected components. Parameters ---------- mesh (aims time surface): white mesh associated to gyri_tex gyri_tex (aims time texture S16): gyri texture as full FreeSurfer parcellation. Return ------ gyri_tex (aims time texture S16): new gyri texture, without isolated vertex. """ # get a list of neighbouring nodes from a surface mesh mesh_neighbors_vector = aims.SurfaceManip.surfaceNeighbours(mesh) cc_tex, areas_measures = connectedComponents( mesh, gyri_tex, areas_mode=1) wrong_labels = [] for label in areas_measures.keys(): if areas_measures[label].size != 1: wrong_labels.append(label) for label in wrong_labels: cc_tex_label = cc_tex[label - 1].arraydata() areas_measures_cc = areas_measures[label] cc_nb = areas_measures_cc.size for l in range(1, cc_nb): gyri_tex, win = change_wrong_labels( l + 1, label, gyri_tex, mesh_neighbors_vector, cc_tex_label) return gyri_tex