Source code for soma.aimsalgo.polyfit

"""Fit a volume with a polynomial.

Inspired by Fitpoly.m, courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import itertools
from six.moves import range

[docs]def meshgrid_volume(volume): """Return three arrays containing each voxel's coordinates.""" dim_x = volume.getSizeX() dim_y = volume.getSizeY() dim_z = volume.getSizeZ() step_x, step_y, step_z = volume.header()["voxel_size"][:3] #step_x, step_y, step_z = ( 4, 4, 4 ) #print(step_x, step_y, step_z) grid = np.mgrid[0:step_x*dim_x:step_x, 0:step_y*dim_y:step_y, 0:step_z*dim_z:step_z] return (grid[0], grid[1], grid[2])
#return np.meshgrid(step_x * np.arange(dim_x), #step_y * np.arange(dim_y), #step_z * np.arange(dim_z), indexing="ij") def _build_fitpoly_matrix(volume, order, mask=None, transformation=None): X, Y, Z = meshgrid_volume(volume) if transformation is not None: # TODO raise NotImplementedError("coordinate transformation not implemented") if mask is None: maskedX = X maskedX = X maskedX = X else: maskedX = X[mask] maskedY = Y[mask] maskedZ = Z[mask] P = np.empty((maskedX.size, order ** 3)) for k, m, n in itertools.product(list(range(order)), repeat=3): P[:, k * (order ** 2) + m * order + n] = ((maskedX ** k) * (maskedY ** m) * (maskedZ ** n)) return P
[docs]def fit_poly_coefs(volume, order, mask=None): """Get the coefficients of the polynomial that fits the input data""" P = _build_fitpoly_matrix(volume, order, mask) #data = np.asarray(volume)[:, :, :, 0] data = np.array(volume, copy=True)[:, :, :, 0] Q = np.linalg.pinv(P) #c =, data[mask].ravel()) if mask is None: c =, data.ravel()) else: c =, data[mask]) return c
[docs]def apply_poly(volume_like, coefs, mask=None, transformation=None): """Calculate a polynomial over the domain of the supplied mask. Return a numpy array the same size as the input mask. transformation (optional) is the projective transformation from the volume to the referential in which the polynomial coefficients were calculated. """ order = int(round(len(coefs) ** (1 / 3))) assert order ** 3 == len(coefs) volume_like_array = np.asarray(volume_like) if mask is not None: assert mask.shape == volume_like_array.shape[:3] P = _build_fitpoly_matrix(volume_like, order, mask, transformation) if mask is None: ret =, coefs) else: ret = np.zeros_like( volume_like_array.reshape(volume_like_array.shape[:3]), dtype=float) ret[mask] =, coefs) return ret