Source code for soma.wip.aimsalgo.transform.taperingtransform

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# Project : Pyaimsalgo
# Module : aimsalgo.transform
# Create date : 2007-07-19
# Description :
# 	This file contains TaperingTransform class
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys, math

from soma import aims

[docs]class TaperingTransform( object ) : def __init__( self, coefficients) : self._coefficients = coefficients def transform( self, point ) : x = point[0] y = point[1] z = point[2] zlimit = self._coefficients[0] k1 = self._coefficients[1] k2 = self._coefficients[2] k3 = self._coefficients[3] if ( zlimit != 0 ) : # Apply the tapering transformation X = ( ( k1 * z + k3 ) / zlimit + 1) * x Y = ( ( k2 * z + k3 ) / zlimit + 1) * y Z = z else : X = x Y = y Z = z return aims.Point3df(X, Y, Z) def inverseTransform( self, point ) : X = point[0] Y = point[1] Z = point[2] zlimit = self._coefficients[0] k1 = self._coefficients[1] k2 = self._coefficients[2] k3 = self._coefficients[3] coef1 = ( ( k1 * Z + k3 ) / zlimit + 1) coef2 = ( ( k2 * Z + k3 ) / zlimit + 1) if ( ( coef1 != 0 ) and ( coef2 != 0 ) ) : # Apply inverse of the tapering transformation x = X / coef1 y = Y / coef2 z = Z else : x = X y = Y z = Z return aims.Point3df(x, y, z)