Source code for soma.aims.volumetools

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'''Volume functions'''

from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from soma import aims
import numpy as np
import sys

[docs]def crop_volume(vol, threshold=0, border=0): ''' Crop the input volume, removing slices filled with values under a given threshold, and keeping a given border. If no crop actually takes place, the input volume is returned without duplication. If crop is actually performed, then a view into the original volume is returned, sharing the same data block which is not copied. Transformations in the header are adapted accordingly. Parameters ---------- vol: aims Volume volume to be cropped threshold: volume value, optional Minimum value over which a slice cannot be cropped (is supposed to contain real data). The default is 0: only value <= 0 is croppable border: int, optional border around the cropped volume: the cropped volume is enlarged by twice this value in each direction, within the limits of the original volume (the bounding box always fits in the original volume). Values in the border are taken from the original volume, the border is not artificially filled with a constant value. The default is 0: no border ''' arr = np.asarray(vol) # look for empty slices zeroslice = -1 for z in range(vol.getSizeZ()): slicevol = arr[:,:, z,:] if np.all(slicevol <= threshold): zeroslice = z else: break else: z = -1 zmin = np.max((zeroslice + 1 - border, 0)) zeroslice = vol.getSizeZ() if z != -1: for z in range(vol.getSizeZ()-1, 0, -1): slicevol = arr[:,:, z,:] if np.all(slicevol <= threshold): zeroslice = z else: break zup = np.min((zeroslice + border, vol.getSizeZ())) zeroslice = -1 for y in range(vol.getSizeY()): slicevol = arr[:, y,:,:] if np.all(slicevol <= threshold): zeroslice = y else: break else: y = -1 ymin = np.max((zeroslice + 1 - border, 0)) zeroslice = vol.getSizeY() if y != -1: for y in range(vol.getSizeY()-1, 0, -1): slicevol = arr[:, y,:,:] if np.all(slicevol <= threshold): zeroslice = y else: break yup = np.min((zeroslice + border, vol.getSizeY())) zeroslice = -1 for x in range(vol.getSizeX()): slicevol = arr[x,:,:,:] if np.all(slicevol <= threshold): zeroslice = x else: break else: x = -1 xmin = np.max((zeroslice + 1 - border, 0)) zeroslice = vol.getSizeX() if x != -1: for x in range(vol.getSizeX()-1, 0, -1): slicevol = arr[x,:,:,:] if np.all(slicevol <= threshold): zeroslice = x else: break xup = np.min((zeroslice + border, vol.getSizeX())) if xmin == 0 and xup == vol.getSizeX() \ and ymin == 0 and yup == vol.getSizeY() \ and zmin == 0 and zup == vol.getSizeZ(): return vol cropped_vol = aims.VolumeView( vol, vol.Position4Di(xmin, ymin, zmin, 0), vol.Position4Di(xup - xmin, yup - ymin, zup - zmin, vol.getSizeT())) cropped_vol.copyHeaderFrom(vol.header()) transl = aims.AffineTransformation3d() if 'referential' in cropped_vol.header(): del cropped_vol.header()['referential'] if 'uuid' in cropped_vol.header(): del cropped_vol.header()['uuid'] vs = vol.getVoxelSize() transl.setTranslation((xmin * vs[0], ymin * vs[1], zmin * vs[2])) if 'transformations' in vol.header() \ and 'referentials' in vol.header(): trans_list = vol.header()['transformations'] ctrans_list = [] for trans_v in trans_list: trans = aims.AffineTransformation3d(trans_v) trans *= transl ctrans_list.append(trans.toVector()) cropped_vol.header()['transformations'] = ctrans_list return cropped_vol
def compare_images(vol, vol2, vol1_name='input', vol2_name='output', thresh=1e-6, rel_thresh = False): # print('comp vol, sizes:', vol.getSize(), vol2.getSize()) # print(' vsizes:', str(vol.getVoxelSize()), str(vol2.getVoxelSize())) msg = 'comparing %s and %s' % (vol1_name, vol2_name) if vol.getSize().list() != vol2.getSize().list(): raise RuntimeError(msg + ': %s != %s' % (str(vol.getSize()), str(vol2.getSize()))) if np.max(np.abs(np.asarray(vol.getVoxelSize()) \ - vol2.getVoxelSize())) >= 1e-6 : raise RuntimeError(msg + ': voxels size differ: %s != %s' % (str(vol.getVoxelSize()), str(vol2.getVoxelSize()))) if len(np.asarray(vol).shape) == 0: # not bound to numpy, elements are supposed to be arrays # use suboptimal python loop dim = list(vol.getSize()) pos = [0] * len(dim) end = False nd = len(dim) while not end: diff = max([np.abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(,]) if diff >= thresh: print('values at', pos, ':',, raise RuntimeError( msg + ', diff %f exceeds max allowed: %f at %s' % (diff, thresh, repr(pos))) pos[0] += 1 d = 0 while pos[d] == dim[d]: pos[d] = 0 d += 1 if d == nd: end = True break pos[d] += 1 return True if rel_thresh: val_range = float(np.max(np.asarray(vol))) \ - np.min(np.asarray(vol)) thresh = thresh * val_range nvol = np.asarray(vol) nvol2 = np.asarray(vol2) if nvol.dtype.fields is not None and 'v' in nvol.dtype.fields: # bound as struct containing an array named "v" (RGB, AimsVector...) # use it as array with additional dimensions nvol = nvol['v'] nvol2 = nvol2['v'] if np.max(np.abs(nvol - nvol2)) >= thresh: raise RuntimeError(msg + ', max diff: %f, max allowed: %f' % (np.max(np.abs(nvol - nvol2)), thresh)) return True
[docs]def fill_border_constant(data, value = 0, whole=False): '''Fill the border of data using a constant value. In aims, a Volume with border is managed as an unallocated view (the visible data) in a larger allocated Volume (the Volume that contains borders). In order to be filled, the borders must exists, otherwise the function has no effect on the Volume. Parameters ---------- data: Volume_* or rc_ptr_Volume_* value: value to fill border with (optional) Default is 0. whole: bool (optional) For partially read Volume, it forces to fill the borders also when they has been already filled with data from parent full unallocated Volume. Default is False ''' if type(data).__name__.startswith('Volume_') \ or type(data).__name__.startswith('rc_ptr_Volume_') : vt = aims.voxelTypeCode(data) bf = getattr(aims, 'BorderFiller_{}'.format(vt)) if vt in ('RGB', 'RGBA'): if type(value) in (aims.AimsRGB, aims.AimsRGBA): val = value else: t = getattr(aims, 'Aims' + vt) val = t(*value) else: t = val = t(value) bf.fillConstant(data, val, not whole) else: raise TypeError('data parameter must be of Volume_* type')
[docs]def fill_border_median(data, size = (-1,-1,-1,-1), whole=False): '''Fill the border of data using the median value processed in the inside border. In aims, a Volume with border is managed as an unallocated view (the visible data) in a larger allocated Volume (the Volume that contains borders). In order to be filled, the borders must exists, otherwise the function has no effect on the Volume. Parameters ---------- data: Volume_* or rc_ptr_Volume_* size: list or Point4dl size of the inside border to process median value. (-1,-1,-1,-1) means that the median value is processed in the inside border of equal outside border size. if the outside border is of size (2, 2, 0) in dimensions x, y, z, the inside border is also of size (2, 2, 0) (optional) Default is (-1,-1,-1,-1). whole: bool (optional) For partially read Volume, it forces to fill the borders also when they has been already filled with data from parent full unallocated Volume. Default is False ''' if type(data).__name__.startswith('Volume_') \ or type(data).__name__.startswith('rc_ptr_Volume_') : vt = aims.voxelTypeCode(data) bf = getattr(aims, 'BorderFiller_{}'.format(vt)) bf.fillMedian(data, aims.Point4dl(size), not whole) else: raise TypeError('data parameter must be of Volume_* type')
[docs]def fill_border_nearest(data, whole=False): '''Fill the border of data using the inside border voxel value. In aims, a Volume with border is managed as an unallocated view (the visible data) in a larger allocated Volume (the Volume that contains borders). In order to be filled, the borders must exists, otherwise the function has no effect on the Volume. Parameters ---------- data: Volume_* or rc_ptr_Volume_* whole: bool (optional) For partially read Volume, it forces to fill the borders also when they has been already filled with data from parent full unallocated Volume. Default is False ''' if type(data).__name__.startswith('Volume_') \ or type(data).__name__.startswith('rc_ptr_Volume_') : vt = aims.voxelTypeCode(data) bf = getattr(aims, 'BorderFiller_{}'.format(vt)) bf.fillNearest(data, not whole) else: raise TypeError('data parameter must be of Volume_* type')
[docs]def fill_border_mirror(data, whole=False): '''Fills the border mirroring the inside border. In aims, a Volume with border is managed as an unallocated view (the visible data) in a larger allocated Volume (the Volume that contains borders). In order to be filled, the borders must exists, otherwise the function has no effect on the Volume. Parameters ---------- data: Volume_* or rc_ptr_Volume_* whole: bool (optional) For partially read Volume, it forces to fill the borders also when they has been already filled with data from parent full unallocated Volume. Default is False ''' if type(data).__name__.startswith('Volume_') \ or type(data).__name__.startswith('rc_ptr_Volume_') : vt = aims.voxelTypeCode(data) bf = getattr(aims, 'BorderFiller_{}'.format(vt)) bf.fillMirror(data, not whole) else: raise TypeError('data parameter must be of Volume_* type')