Source code for soma.aimsalgo.mesh_coordinates_sphere_resampling

#! /usr/bin/env python
# This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
# CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
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from __future__ import print_function

# system import
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy

# Soma import
from soma import aims

[docs]def draw_sphere(mesh, longitude, latitude): """Draw a sphere Parameters ---------- mesh: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a spherical triangulation of cortical hemisphere of the subject longitude: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) a longitude texture from HipHop mapping that go with the white_mesh of the subject. This texture indicates the spherical coordinates at each point. latitude: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) a latitude texture from HipHop mapping that go with the white_mesh of the subject. This texture indicates the spherical coordinates at each point. Return ------ sphere_mesh: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a spherical triangulation of the subject of its cortical hemisphere, projected on a sphere """ lon = longitude[0].arraydata() lat = latitude[0].arraydata() nmesh = numpy.asarray(mesh.vertex()) # generate all x, y, z for each vertex (list) list_coord = [] for index, coord in enumerate(nmesh): x, y, z = sphere((lon[index]*numpy.pi / 180) + numpy.pi, (lat[index]*numpy.pi / 180) - numpy.pi / 2) list_coord.append([x, y, z]) # replace the polar coordinates with the news coordinates mesh.vertex().assign([aims.Point3df(x) for x in list_coord]) return mesh
[docs]def sphere(v, u): """Generate a sphere from polar coordinates to spheric coordinates. Parameters ---------- radius: (float) around of 100 u: (float) angle phi (latitude) WARNING: radian v: (float) angle theta (longitude) WARNING: radian """ x = 100 * numpy.cos(u) * numpy.cos(v) y = 100 * numpy.cos(u) * numpy.sin(v) z = 100 * -numpy.sin(u) return x, y, z
[docs]def sphere_coordinates(sphere, inversion=False): """ Compute spherical coordinates (longitude, latitude) on a sphere. Parameters ---------- sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a sphere mesh: vertices must be on a sphere with center 0. inversion: bool if True, the longitude coord is inverted (useful for right hemisphere) Return ------ (longitude, latitude): tuple, each element being a TimeTexture_FLOAT """ # a vector of vertices where each vertex is a 3D point # with coordinates in millimeters if isinstance(sphere, (aims.AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID, aims.AimsTimeSurface_2_VOID, aims.AimsTimeSurface_4_VOID)): vert = sphere.vertex() nvert = numpy.asarray(vert) else: nvert = numpy.asarray(sphere) ######################################################################### # A latitude texture # ######################################################################### radius = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(nvert[:, 0]) + numpy.square(nvert[:, 1])) sphere_lat = numpy.arctan2(radius, nvert[:, 2]) sphere_lat = -sphere_lat * 180. / numpy.pi + 180. slat_tex = aims.TimeTexture(sphere_lat.astype(numpy.float32)) ######################################################################### # A longitude texture # ######################################################################### sphere_lon = numpy.arctan2(nvert[:, 1], nvert[:, 0]) sphere_lon *= 180. / numpy.pi sphere_lon += 180 print('inversion: ', inversion) if inversion == "True": print("there is an inversion", inversion) sphere_lon = 360 - sphere_lon slon_tex = aims.TimeTexture(sphere_lon.astype(numpy.float32)) return slon_tex, slat_tex
[docs]def resample_mesh_to_sphere( mesh, sphere, longitude, latitude, inversion=False): """Resample a mesh to the sphere. Parameters ---------- mesh: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a spherical triangulation of cortical hemisphere of the subject sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a sphere mesh with center 0. For example, a spherical mesh of size 100 located in standard BrainVISA directory can be used. longitude: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) a longitude texture from HipHop mapping that go with the white_mesh of the subject. This texture indicates the spherical coordinates at each point. latitude: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) a latitude texture from HipHop mapping that go with the white_mesh of the subject. This texture indicates the spherical coordinates at each point. inversion: bool if True, the longitude coord is inverted (useful for right hemisphere) Return ------ resampled: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) """ # get spherical coordinates textures on the sphere slon_tex, slat_tex = sphere_coordinates(sphere, inversion) ######################################################################### # Mesh interpoler # ######################################################################### # ... # multiply latitudes by 2 to get same amplitude on both coords latitude = aims.TimeTexture(latitude[0].arraydata() * 2) slat_tex = aims.TimeTexture(slat_tex[0].arraydata() * 2) interpoler = aims.CoordinatesFieldMeshInterpoler( mesh, sphere, latitude, longitude, slat_tex, slon_tex) # set interpoler discontinuity thresholds to handle 0/360 and 0/180 deg # gaps interpoler.setDiscontinuityThresholds(200, 200, 0) # the main operation is project(), which calculates the correspondances # between the source and destination mesh interpoler.project() # Resample the sourceshape mesh onto the topology of the interpoler # destination mesh, but staying in the native space of sourceshape. # sourceshape and the source mesh of the interpoler must have the same # structure and topology (same vertices number and order, same polygons). resampled = interpoler.resampleMesh(mesh) return resampled
[docs]def resample_texture_to_sphere( mesh, sphere, longitude, latitude, texture, interpolation='linear', inversion=False): """Resample a mesh to the sphere. Parameters ---------- mesh: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a spherical triangulation of cortical hemisphere of the subject sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a sphere mesh with center 0. For example, a spherical mesh of size 100 located in standard BrainVISA directory can be used. longitude: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) a longitude texture from HipHop mapping that go with the white_mesh of the subject. This texture indicates the spherical coordinates at each point. latitude: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) a latitude texture from HipHop mapping that go with the white_mesh of the subject. This texture indicates the spherical coordinates at each point. interpolation: string or MeshInterpoler.InterpolationType enum resampling interpolation type: "linear" or "nearest_neighbour" inversion: bool if True, the longitude coord is inverted (useful for right hemisphere) Return ------ resampled: (same type as input texture) """ # get spherical coordinates textures on the sphere slon_tex, slat_tex = sphere_coordinates(sphere, inversion) ######################################################################### # Mesh interpoler # ######################################################################### # ... # multiply latitudes by 2 to get same amplitude on both coords latitude = aims.TimeTexture(latitude[0].arraydata() * 2) slat_tex = aims.TimeTexture(slat_tex[0].arraydata() * 2) interpoler = aims.CoordinatesFieldMeshInterpoler( mesh, sphere, latitude, longitude, slat_tex, slon_tex) # set interpoler discontinuity thresholds to handle 0/360 and 0/180 deg # gaps interpoler.setDiscontinuityThresholds(200, 200, 0) # the main operation is project(), which calculates the correspondances # between the source and destination mesh interpoler.project() # Resample the sourceshape texture onto the topology of the interpoler # destination mesh, but staying in the native space of sourceshape. # sourceshape and the source mesh of the interpoler must have the same # structure and topology (same vertices number and order, same polygons). if isinstance(interpolation, interpoler.InterpolationType): interp_type = interpolation elif interpolation == 'linear': interp_type = interpoler.Linear elif interpolation == 'nearest_neighbour': interp_type = interpoler.NearestNeighbour else: raise ValueError('unknown interpolation type: %s' % repr(interpolation)) resampled = interpoler.resampleTexture(texture, interp_type) return resampled
[docs]def texture_by_polygon(mesh, texture): """Averages a texture (classically, by vertex) on polygons. Used by refine_sphere_mesh() and sphere_mesh_from_distance_map() Parameters ---------- mesh: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a mesh providing trianglar struture texture: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) texture data Return ------ poly_tex: (nupy array) texture averaged on polygons """ poly = numpy.asarray(mesh.polygon()) tex = numpy.asarray(texture[0]) poly_tex = numpy.max( (tex[poly[:, 0]], tex[poly[:, 1]], tex[poly[:, 2]]), axis=0) return poly_tex
[docs]def polygon_average_sizes(mesh): """Return the average edge length for each triangle of a mesh Used by refine_sphere_mesh() and sphere_mesh_from_distance_map() Parameters ---------- mesh: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a mesh providing trianglar struture Return: lengths: (numpy array) average size for each polygon """ poly = numpy.asarray(mesh.polygon()) vert = numpy.asarray(mesh.vertex()) p1 = vert[poly[:, 0]] p2 = vert[poly[:, 1]] p3 = vert[poly[:, 2]] d1 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(p2 - p1), axis=1)) d2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(p3 - p2), axis=1)) d3 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(p1 - p3), axis=1)) return (d1 + d2 + d3) / 3
[docs]def polygon_max_sizes(mesh): """Return the max edge length for each triangle of a mesh Used by refine_sphere_mesh() and sphere_mesh_from_distance_map() Parameters ---------- mesh: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a mesh providing trianglar struture Return: lengths: (numpy array) average size for each polygon """ poly = numpy.asarray(mesh.polygon()) vert = numpy.asarray(mesh.vertex()) p1 = vert[poly[:, 0]] p2 = vert[poly[:, 1]] p3 = vert[poly[:, 2]] d1 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(p2 - p1), axis=1)) d2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(p3 - p2), axis=1)) d3 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(p1 - p3), axis=1)) return numpy.max((d1, d2, d3), axis=0)
[docs]def refine_sphere_mesh(init_sphere, avg_dist_texture, current_sphere, target_avg_dist, inversion=False, init_sphere_coords=None, current_sphere_coords=None, dist_texture_is_scaled=True): """Adaptively refine polygons of a sphere mesh according to an average distance map (genrally calculated in a different space), and a target length. This is one single step if the iterative sphere_mesh_from_distance_map(). Polygons where the average distance map value is "too high" are oversampled (divided in 4). Parameters ---------- init_sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) avg_dist_texture: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) current_sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) target_avg_dist: (float) init_sphere_coords: (tuple of 2 textures) (optional) current_sphere_coords: (tuple of 2 textures) (optional) Returns ------- refined_sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) """ if init_sphere_coords is not None: init_lon, init_lat = init_sphere_coords else: init_lon, init_lat = sphere_coordinates(init_sphere, inversion) if current_sphere_coords is not None: current_lon, current_lat = current_sphere_coords else: current_lon, current_lat = sphere_coordinates(current_sphere, inversion) if dist_texture_is_scaled: init_sphere_dist = 1 else: init_sphere_dist = (init_sphere.vertex()[init_sphere.polygon()[0][1]] - init_sphere.vertex()[ init_sphere.polygon()[0][0]]).norm() init_lat = aims.TimeTexture(init_lat[0].arraydata() * 2) current_lat = aims.TimeTexture(current_lat[0].arraydata() * 2) interpoler = aims.CoordinatesFieldMeshInterpoler(init_sphere, current_sphere, init_lat, init_lon, current_lat, current_lon) interpoler.setDiscontinuityThresholds(200, 200, 0) interpoler.project() resampled_dist_tex = interpoler.resampleTexture(avg_dist_texture) polygon_dist = texture_by_polygon(current_sphere, resampled_dist_tex) polygon_sizes = polygon_max_sizes(current_sphere) polygon_dist *= polygon_sizes / init_sphere_dist refined_poly = numpy.where(numpy.asarray(polygon_dist) >= target_avg_dist)[0] if refined_poly.shape[0] != 0: refined_sphere = aims.SurfaceManip.refineMeshTri4( current_sphere, refined_poly) else: return current_sphere # snap vertices to sphere vert2 = numpy.square(numpy.asarray(current_sphere.vertex())) dist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(vert2, axis=1)) radius = numpy.average(dist) next_vert = numpy.asarray(refined_sphere.vertex()) next_vert2 = numpy.square(next_vert) next_dist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(next_vert2, axis=1)) next_vert = next_vert * radius / next_dist.reshape((next_vert.shape[0], 1)) refined_sphere.vertex().assign([aims.Point3df(x) for x in next_vert]) return refined_sphere
[docs]def sphere_mesh_from_distance_map(init_sphere, avg_dist_texture, target_avg_dist, inversion=False, dist_texture_is_scaled=True): """Builds a sphere mesh with vertices density driven by an average distance map, coming with another initial sphere mesh, (genrally calculated in a different space), and a target length. Starting from an icosahedron, this procedure iterates calls to refine_sphere_mesh() until the target_avg_dist criterion is reached everywhere on the mesh. The initial avg_dist_texture can be (and, has better be) scaled according to the edges length of the init_sphere mesh polygons. In this case it is the ratio of post / pre deformation edges lengths. Use case: - get an initial sphere mesh (typically an icosphere) - get subjects mesh (typically grey/white brain interfaces), which have also coordinates maps (output of the Hip Hop toolbox for BrainVISA) - resample subjects mesh to the initial sphere. Obtained meshes will be very inhomogen - build a edges legth map from these subjects resampled meshes - use sphere_mesh_from_distance_map to build an adapted template sphere Parameters ---------- init_sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) avg_dist_texture: (TimeTexture_FLOAT) target_avg_dist: (float) dist_texture_is_scaled: (bool) (optional) If True, the avg_dist_texture is considered to be scaled according to the inital sphere triangles edges (see aims.SurfaceManip.meshEdgeLengthRatioTexture). Default: True Return ------ refined_sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) """ vert2 = numpy.square(numpy.asarray(init_sphere.vertex())) dist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(vert2, axis=1)) radius = numpy.average(dist) init_sphere_coords = sphere_coordinates(init_sphere, inversion) current_sphere = aims.SurfaceGenerator.icosahedron((0, 0, 0), radius) next_sphere = None step = 0 while next_sphere is not current_sphere: if next_sphere is not None: current_sphere = next_sphere print('step:', step) next_sphere = refine_sphere_mesh( init_sphere, avg_dist_texture, current_sphere, target_avg_dist, inversion, init_sphere_coords, dist_texture_is_scaled=dist_texture_is_scaled) step += 1 return next_sphere