Source code for soma.aimsalgo.t1mapping

"""Reconstruct magnetic resonance parametres.

This is mainly a re-implementation of scripts provided by Alexandre Vignaud,
plus a few improvements functions (such as mask and B1 map holes filling).

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
import itertools
import math
import numpy as np

from soma import aims, aimsalgo

twopi = 2 * np.pi

[docs]class BAFIData(object): ''' B1 map reconstruction class using the VFA (Variable Flip Angle) method. Pass the BAFI data as two amplitude-phase 4D AIMS volumes. The last dimension of both arrays represents the different echos. ''' def __init__(self, amplitude_volume, phase_volume): self.amplitude_volume = amplitude_volume self.phase_volume = phase_volume self.reference_amplitude = None # TODO where do I find these values? self.threshold = 40 self.prescribed_flip_angle = 60.0 # degrees self.echo_times = [3.061, 3.061, 4.5, 7.0] # milliseconds self.TR_factor = 5.0 # RF pulse duration in seconds TODO check real value!! self.tau = 1.2e-3 if 'flip_angle' in amplitude_volume.header(): self.prescribed_flip_angle \ = amplitude_volume.header()['flip_angle'] else: print('warning, cannot determine flip angle in BAFI image. ' 'Taking 60.') if 'TEs' in amplitude_volume.header(): self.echo_times = amplitude_volume.header()['TEs'] else: print('warning, cannot determine echo times angle in BAFI image.' ' Taking builtin values.')
[docs] def make_B1_map(self, B0_correction=False): """Build a map of B1 (in radians) from BAFI data. Return a numpy array of complex type. This is a re-implementation of BAFI2B1map.m, courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud. * The method is Yarnykh's (MRM 57:192-200 (2007)) + * Amadon ISMRM2008 (MAFI sequence: simultaneaous cartography of B0 and B1) """ BAFI_amplitude = np.asarray(self.amplitude_volume) BAFI_phase = np.asarray(self.phase_volume) signal_echo1 = (BAFI_amplitude[:, :, :, 0] * np.exp(1j * BAFI_phase[:, :, :, 0])) signal_echo2 = (BAFI_amplitude[:, :, :, 1] * np.exp(1j * BAFI_phase[:, :, :, 1])) #mask = signal_echo1 < self.threshold #signal_echo1[mask] = 0 #signal_echo2[mask] = 0 r = signal_echo2 / signal_echo1 invalid_mask = np.abs(r) >= 1 r[invalid_mask] = 0 # The next line is equivalent to #G = np.abs(np.angle(r)) > np.pi / 2;signed_r = (1 - 2 * G) * np.abs(r) signed_r = np.copysign(np.abs(r), r.real) # r[np.isnan(r)] = 1 # necessary? alphaAFI = np.arccos((signed_r * self.TR_factor - 1) / (self.TR_factor - signed_r)) if B0_correction: B0_map = self.make_B0_map() B1Mat = self._correctB0(alphaAFI, np.angle(r), B0_map) else: B1Mat = alphaAFI * (r / np.abs(r)) B1Mat[invalid_mask] = 0 # necessary? return B1Mat / math.radians(self.prescribed_flip_angle)
def _make_flip_angle_map_original(self): """Build a map of actual flip angle (in radians) from BAFI data. Return a numpy array of complex type. This is a re-implementation of BAFI2FAmap.m, courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud. * The method is Yarnykh's (MRM 57:192-200 (2007)) + * Amadon ISMRM2008 (MAFI sequence: simultaneaous cartography of B0 and B1) """ BAFI_amplitude = np.asarray(self.amplitude_volume) BAFI_phase = np.asarray(self.phase_volume) signal_echo1 = (BAFI_amplitude[:, :, :, 0] * np.exp(1j * BAFI_phase[:, :, :, 0])) signal_echo2 = (BAFI_amplitude[:, :, :, 1] * np.exp(1j * BAFI_phase[:, :, :, 1])) #mask = signal_echo1 < self.threshold #signal_echo1[mask] = 0 #signal_echo2[mask] = 0 r = signal_echo2 / signal_echo1 invalid_mask = np.abs(r) >= 1 #r[invalid_mask] = 0 # r[np.isnan(r)] = 1 # necessary? alphaAFI = np.arccos((np.abs(r) * self.TR_factor - 1) / (self.TR_factor - np.abs(r))) B1Mat = alphaAFI * (r / np.abs(r)) #B1Mat[invalid_mask] = 0 # necessary? return B1Mat
[docs] def make_flip_angle_map(self): """Build a map of actual flip angle (in radians) from BAFI data. This is a re-implementation of BAFI2FAmap.m (courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud) modified to return only the real flip angle (omitting the phase). * The method is Yarnykh's (MRM 57:192-200 (2007)) + * Amadon ISMRM2008 (MAFI sequence: simultaneaous cartography of B0 and B1) """ BAFI_amplitude = np.asarray(self.amplitude_volume) signal_echo1 = BAFI_amplitude[:, :, :, 0] signal_echo2 = BAFI_amplitude[:, :, :, 1] invalid = np.where(signal_echo1 == 0) abs_r = signal_echo2.astype(float) abs_r[signal_echo1 != 0] /= signal_echo1[signal_echo1 != 0] fa = np.arccos((abs_r * self.TR_factor - 1) / (self.TR_factor - abs_r)) fa[invalid] = 0 fa[abs_r >= 1] = 0 return fa
[docs] def make_B0_map(self): """Build a map of B0 in Hz from BAFI data. Return the map as a numpy array. This is a re-implementation of Phase2B0Map.m, courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud. """ BAFI_amplitude = np.asarray(self.amplitude_volume) BAFI_phase = np.asarray(self.phase_volume) nechos = BAFI_amplitude.shape[3] DTE1 = self.echo_times[2] - self.echo_times[1] DTE2 = self.echo_times[3] - self.echo_times[2] tau = np.array([0.0, DTE1, DTE1 + DTE2]) sumtau = tau.sum() sumtau2 = (tau ** 2).sum() assert nechos == 4 D = [BAFI_phase[:, :, :, 0] / twopi, BAFI_phase[:, :, :, 2] / twopi, BAFI_phase[:, :, :, 3] / twopi] # specific to 4 echos D1 = D[1] - D[0] D1neg = (D1 < -0.5) D1pos = (D1 >= 0.5) D1 += D1neg - D1pos D[1] += D1neg - D1pos # estimation of 3rd echo phase excursion from first 2 echoes D2th = D1 * (DTE1 + DTE2) / DTE1 D[2] += np.rint(D2th) D2 = D[2] - D[0] eps = D2 - D2th D2neg = (eps < -0.5) D2pos = (eps >= 0.5) D2 += D2neg - D2pos D[2] += D2neg - D2pos Sxy = tau[1] * D[1] + tau[2] * D[2] Sy = D[0] + D[1] + D[2] return (3 * Sxy - sumtau * Sy) / (3 * sumtau2 - sumtau ** 2)
def _correctB0(self, FA_map, FA_phase, B0_map): """Apply B0 correction to a B1 map. This is a re-implementation of correctB0.m, courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud. """ return self.correctB0(FA_map, FA_phase, B0_map, self.tau, self.echo_times[0])
[docs] @staticmethod def correctB0(FA_map, FA_phase, B0_map, tau, echo_time): """Apply B0 correction to a B1 map. This is a re-implementation of correctB0.m, courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud. """ d = twopi * tau * B0_map a = d ** 2 / 240 b = np.sqrt(((2 - 2 * np.cos(d)) / (d ** 2))) # b[np.isnan(b)] = 0 # necessary? FAcor = FA_map / b + a * (FA_map ** 3) \ / (b ** 4 - 3 * a * b * (FA_map ** 2)) # make FAcor finite by replacing with FA values where not finite, # seems necessary notfinite = ~np.isfinite(FAcor) FAcor[notfinite] = FA_map[notfinite] if FA_phase is not None: D = np.sqrt(FAcor ** 2 + d ** 2) / 2 FA_phase -= (twopi * echo_time * B0_map - np.arctan2(-2 * D * np.cos(D), d * np.sin(D))) return FAcor * np.exp(1j * FA_phase) else: return FAcor
def afi1_noT2(T1, M0, FA_factor, BAFI_Data): n = BAFI_Data.TR_factor TR1 = BAFI_Data.repetition_time / (n + 1) TR2 = n * TR1 E1 = math.exp(-TR1 / T1) E2 = math.exp(-TR2 / T1) flip_angle = BAFI_Data.prescribed_flip_angle * FA_factor return (M0 * math.sin(flip_angle) * (1 - E2 + (1 - E1) * E2 * math.cos(flip_angle)) / (1 - E1 * E2 * np.cos(flip_angle) ** 2)) def afi2_noT2(T1, M0, FA_factor, BAFI_Data): n = BAFI_Data.TR_factor TR1 = BAFI_Data.repetition_time / (n + 1) TR2 = n * TR1 E1 = math.exp(-TR1 / T1) E2 = math.exp(-TR2 / T1) flip_angle = BAFI_Data.prescribed_flip_angle * FA_factor return (M0 * math.sin(flip_angle) * (1 - E1 + (1 - E2) * E1 * math.cos(flip_angle)) / (1 - E1 * E2 * np.cos(flip_angle) ** 2))
[docs] def fix_b1_map(self, b1map, smooth_type='median', gaussian=False, output_median=False): '''Fix/improve the B1 map by filling holes, smoothing, and extending it a little bit spacially so as to use it on the complete whole brain. Parameters ---------- b1map: volume the B1 map to be corrected, may be the output of self.make_flip_angle_map() smooth_type: str (optional) smoothing correction type. default: 'median' median: dilated: gaussian: float (optional) default: 0 (not applied) perform an additional gaussian filtering of given stdev output_median: bool (optional) if set, the output will be a tuple including a 2nd volume: the median-filtered B1 map. Only valid if smooth_type is 'median'. Returns ------- The corrected B1 map. If output_median is set, the return value is a tuple (corrected B1 map, median-filtered B1 map) ''' B1map_volume = b1map voxel_size = B1map_volume.getVoxelSize()[:3] data_type = aims.voxelTypeCode(B1map_volume) if smooth_type == 'dilated': morpho = getattr(aimsalgo, 'MorphoGreyLevel_' + data_type)() B1map_volume = morpho.doDilation( B1map_volume, max(voxel_size)*2) elif smooth_type == 'median': # median filtering is meant to fill small holes in the B1 map # use a larger volume (border) to get it done in the border layer volume_type = B1map_volume.__class__ vol_border = volume_type(B1map_volume.getSizeX(), B1map_volume.getSizeY(), B1map_volume.getSizeZ(), B1map_volume.getSizeT(), 1) np.asarray(vol_border)[:, :, :, 0] \ = np.asarray(B1map_volume)[:, :, :, 0] vol_border.copyHeaderFrom(B1map_volume.header()) vol_border.refVolume().copyHeaderFrom(B1map_volume.header()) median = getattr(aimsalgo, 'MedianSmoothing_' + data_type) # apply the filter on the larger image since the filter # actually only applies to the interior limited by the mask size B1map_volume_med_border = median().doit(vol_border.refVolume()) # get a smaller view in the result B1map_volume_med = volume_type(B1map_volume_med_border, volume_type.Position4Di(1, 1, 1, 0), volume_type.Position4Di(*B1map_volume.getSize())) B1map_volume_med_arr = np.asarray(B1map_volume_med) B1map_volume_med_arr[np.isnan(B1map_volume_med_arr)] = 0 # dilate the map to extrapolate outside the brain morpho = getattr(aimsalgo, 'MorphoGreyLevel_' + data_type)() B1map_volume_old = B1map_volume B1map_volume = morpho.doDilation( B1map_volume_med, max(voxel_size)*4) # "un-filter" the part which already had valid data B1map_ar = np.asarray(B1map_volume_old) np.asarray(B1map_volume)[B1map_ar > 1e-2] \ = B1map_ar[B1map_ar > 1e-2] if gaussian != 0: gsmooth = getattr(aimsalgo, 'Gaussian3DSmoothing_' + data_type) B1map_volume = gsmooth(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian).doit(B1map_volume) B1map_volume.copyHeaderFrom(b1map.header()) if output_median and smooth_type == 'median': return B1map_volume, B1map_volume_med else: return B1map_volume
[docs]class GREData2FlipAngles(object): ''' GREData2FlipAngles ''' def __init__(self, min_FA_volume, max_FA_volume): self.volumes = [min_FA_volume, max_FA_volume] self.reference_amplitude = None self.flip_angles = [5, 20] # must be in ascending order self.repetition_time = 14
[docs]def correct_sensitivity_map(sensitivity_map, flip_angle_map): """Factor out the effect of the transmit field from a sensitivity map.""" # TODO threshold [0,2] on flip angle map (necessary?) return sensitivity_map / np.abs(flip_angle_map)
[docs]def t1mapping_VFA(flip_angle_factor, GRE_data): """Reconstruct a T1 relaxometry map from DESPOT1 data (2 flip angles). This is a re-implementation of GetT1_VAFI3Dp_Brebis.m, courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud. """ flip_angle_factor = np.asarray(flip_angle_factor) S1 = np.asarray(GRE_data.volumes[0]) S2 = np.asarray(GRE_data.volumes[1]) A1 = flip_angle_factor * math.radians(GRE_data.flip_angles[0]) A2 = flip_angle_factor * math.radians(GRE_data.flip_angles[1]) sA1 = np.sin(A1) sA2 = np.sin(A2) cA1 = np.cos(A1) cA2 = np.cos(A2) p = (S2 * sA1 - S1 * sA2) / (S2 * sA1 * cA2 - S1 * sA2 * cA1) # print('negative p:', p[p <= 0]) epsilon = 1e-3 p[p <= 0] = epsilon T1 = np.real(-GRE_data.repetition_time / np.log(p)) # zero out non-finite T1 values (necessary?) # zero out non-real T1 values (necessary?) # mask out result (necessary?) #T1[T1<0] = 0 # threshold out values outside [0, 10000ms] #sup_bound = 10000 #T1[T1>sup_bound] = sup_bound #T1[np.isnan(T1)] = 0 return T1
[docs]def correct_bias(biased_vol, b1map, dp_gre_low_contrast=None, field_threshold=None): ''' Apply bias correction on biased_vol according to the B1 map, and possibly a GRE low contrast image. Without dp_gre_low_contrast image: .. math:: unbiased\_vol = biased\_vol / b1map (plus improvements) With dp_gre_low_contrast image: .. math:: unbiased\_vol = biased\_vol / (lowpass(dp\_gre\_low\_contrast) * b1map) (roughly) :math:`lowpass` is currently a gaussian filter with ``sigma=8mm``. method: courtesy of Alexandre Vignaud. ref: ISMRM abstract Mauconduit et al. All input images are expected to contain transformation information to a common space in their header (1st transformation, normally to the scanner-based referential). They are thus not expected to have the same field of view or voxel size, all are resampled to the biased_vol space. The returned value is a tuple containing 2 images: the corrected image, and the multiplicative correction field. Parameters ---------- biased_vol: volume volume to be corrected b1map: volume B1 map as flip angles in degrees, generally returned by BAFIData.make_flip_angle_map. May be improved (holes filled, dilated) using BAFIData.fix_b1_map() which is generally better. dp_gre_low_contrast: volume (optional) GRE low contrast image field_threshold: float (optional) Threshold for the corrective field before inversion: the biased image will be divided by this field. To avoid too high values, field values under this threshold are clamped. Null values are masked out, so the threshold applies only to non-null values. If not specified, the threshold is 100 if the dp_gre_low_contrast is not provided, and 3000 when dp_gre_low_contrast is used. If field_threshold is 0, then no thresholding is applied. Returns ------- unbiased_vol: volume according to the calculations explained above. The returned image has the same voxel type as the input one (althrough calculations are performed in float in the function), and the grey levels are roughly adjusted to the level of input data (unless it produces overflow, in which case the max value is adjusted to fit in the voxel type). field: volume The correction field applied to the image (multiplicatively) ''' def _check_max(corr_factor, vol_max, dtype): ''' avoid overflows for the given data type, and fix the scaling factor if needed. ''' if dtype == np.dtype(np.float32): tmax = 1e38 elif dtype == np.dtype(np.float): return corr_factor elif dtype == np.dtype(np.int16): tmax = 32767 elif dtype == np.dtype(np.uint16): tmax = 65535 elif dtype == np.dtype(np.int32): tmax = 0x7fffffff elif dtype == np.dtype(np.uint32): tmax = 0xffffffff elif dtype == np.dtype(np.int8): tmax = 127 elif dtype == np.dtype(np.uint8): tmax = 255 else: return corr_factor if vol_max * corr_factor > tmax: return float(tmax) / vol_max return corr_factor tr_bias = aims.AffineTransformation3d(biased_vol.header()[ 'transformations'][0]) tr_b1map = aims.AffineTransformation3d(b1map.header()[ 'transformations'][0]) b1_to_bias = tr_bias.inverse() * tr_b1map rsp1 = getattr(aims, 'ResamplerFactory_' + aims.voxelTypeCode(b1map))().getResampler(1) rsp1.setRef(b1map) b1map_resamp = rsp1.doit(b1_to_bias, biased_vol.getSizeX(), biased_vol.getSizeY(), biased_vol.getSizeZ(), biased_vol.getVoxelSize()[:3]) conv = aims.Converter(intype=b1map_resamp.get(), outtype=aims.Volume_FLOAT) field = conv(b1map_resamp) b1map_max = np.max(np.asarray(field)) if b1map_max >= 600.: # probably degrees * 10 # (the maps output by the Siemens 7T machine are this kind) # defaul threshold is 100 (10 degrees) threshold = 100 elif b1map_max >= 60.: # degrees ? threshold = 10 else: # radians threshold = np.pi / 180. * 10 field_arr = np.asarray(field) if dp_gre_low_contrast: tr_dp_gre = aims.AffineTransformation3d(dp_gre_low_contrast.header()[ 'transformations'][0]) dp_to_bias = tr_bias.inverse() * tr_dp_gre dp_gre_type = aims.voxelTypeCode(dp_gre_low_contrast) smoother = getattr(aimsalgo, 'Gaussian3DSmoothing_' + dp_gre_type)( 8., 8., 8.) dp_gre_smooth = smoother.doit(dp_gre_low_contrast) rsp2 = getattr(aims, 'ResamplerFactory_' + dp_gre_type)().getResampler(1) rsp2.setRef(dp_gre_smooth) dp_gre_resamp = rsp2.doit(dp_to_bias, biased_vol.getSizeX(), biased_vol.getSizeY(), biased_vol.getSizeZ(), biased_vol.getVoxelSize()[:3]) dp_conv = aims.Converter(intype=dp_gre_resamp.get(), outtype=aims.Volume_FLOAT) #field_arr[:, :, :, :] = 1. / field_arr field_arr *= np.asarray(dp_conv(dp_gre_resamp)) if field_threshold is None: # default threshold is 3000 field_threshold = threshold * 30 else: if field_threshold is None: # defaul threshold is 100 (10 degrees) field_threshold = threshold if field_threshold != 0: # clamp values under field_threshold and non-null to avoid # dividing too much and generating spurious very high values small_values = np.where(field_arr < field_threshold) nonnull_small = np.where(field_arr[small_values] != 0) small_locs = [x[nonnull_small] for x in small_values] field_arr[small_locs] = field_threshold # don't divide too much # now invert the field field_arr[:, :, :, :] = 1. / field_arr field_arr[1./field_arr == 0] = 0. bias_conv = aims.Converter(intype=biased_vol, outtype=aims.Volume_FLOAT) unbiased_vol = bias_conv(biased_vol) * field # set back volume values to more or less equivalent as whet they were # before correction biased_arr = np.asarray(biased_vol) biased_max = np.max(biased_arr) #print('biased_max:', biased_max) biased_avg = np.average(biased_arr[biased_arr >= biased_max/20.]) #print('biased avg:', biased_avg) unbiased_arr = np.asarray(unbiased_vol) large_vals = np.where(biased_arr >= biased_max/20.) real_vals = np.where(unbiased_arr[large_vals] != 0) real_locs = [x[real_vals] for x in large_vals] unbiased_avg = np.average(unbiased_arr[real_locs]) #print('unbiased avg:', unbiased_avg) corr_factor = biased_avg / unbiased_avg #print('corr_factor:', corr_factor) corr_factor = _check_max(corr_factor, np.max(unbiased_arr), biased_arr.dtype) unbiased_vol *= corr_factor # re-convert to initial data type conv2 = aims.Converter(intype=aims.Volume_FLOAT, outtype=biased_vol) unbiased_vol = conv2(unbiased_vol) return unbiased_vol, field