soma-io  5.1.2
IO system


In Soma-IO, many objects loading and saving may be done not only on files, but in memory, or across a network, or across special transforming streams (compressed streams for instance).

DataSource is a file/stream abstraction layer, which may be compared to the C++ std::iostream classes, but more general and extensible. Actually DataSource closely resembles Qt's QIODevice classes.

Specialized DataSource subclasses can be built to wrap different types of input/output styles: files (given by a file name), memory buffers, low-level file descriptors (including network sockets), C++ streams...

The idea here is that cartograph IO classes may provide a specialized DataSource which will decode a particular format and that will be attached to the object being read. This will allow lazy (partial) reading/writing.


Files and other data sources have to be analyzed to determine what kind of object/format is stored in them. This is the job of DataSourceInfo.

The main method of DataSourceInfo is check(): it tries to identify the data source and read a header from it.

DataSourceInfo is a modular and open system: different formats can be registered into it via FormatChecker subclasses. This system is designed to be used by external plugins.

Reader and Writer

Reader and Writer are the main IO classes. They are template classes, this means that the object type to read (or write) should already be known before using a Reader / Writer.

Reader transparenlty handles (and hides) the file format selection. It uses a modular registration system for individual file formats, which may be used by external plugins: see FormatDictionary and IOObjectTypesDictionary.

Options can be passed to Reader and Writer when performing IO. Some are general (understood by the central Reader/Writer classes), but some may be specific to specialized formats. Such options may deal with ascii/binary saving modes, or with partial (sub-volume) reading/writing.

Additionally the IO system may make use of the allocators system (Allocators system) to request some specific allocation modes, such as memory mapping. To do so, a Reader or a Writer instance may be provided with an AllocatorContext instance. Typically, to tell a Reader to use read-only memory mapping (if possible), it can use:

Reader<Volume<int16_t> > reader( filename );
AllocatorContext( AllocatorStrategy::ReadOnly, 0. ) );
@ ReadOnly
Mode for read-only access.
Definition: allocator.h:164

Note that using a hard-coded low-level allocator to request memory mapping for IO allocator contexts will not work, and be ignored, since the IO system has to check for disk format compatibility before choosing the exact allocator type. This is why we are only using hints: in the above example we just say that we will use the data read-only (we will not modify it in memory, thus not forbidding read-only memory mapping), and will use a light portion of the data (0% actually), meaning that it is "worth" using memory-mapping to avoid allocating a huge block of memory and actually reading the whole data, when we don't need it all. This specific setting will thus strongly encourage the IO system to use memory mapping, if possible.

Note also that memory mapping is not always possible: it is only available if data is stored on disk in a binary, non-compressed format, which also matches the memory layout (block/array layout, endianness etc.). This compatibility is checked by individual IO formats readers, which may not be implemented for every possible data type and every format. When unavailable, the allocator will be redirected to a different mode (memory allocation, or mapping with copy mode).


Querying which options may apply to a given DataSource (ie: is partial reading implemented or not?)

List of standard options, options checking...

Upper-level: ReaderAlgo

A commandline has generally to deal with multiple possible data types, depending on what is contained in input files. ReaderAlgorithm provides a mechanism for switching to different algorithm variants depending on the type of what is read in a file (or any DataSource). It uses a type / callback registration mechanism.

Partial reading and writing

Partial IO is used via special Reader/Writer options: the "partial_reading" property of the Reader options should be set to true. In this case the object to read in is already allocated (no reallocation will be done in the reader), and only the allocated part is read.